
gǎo jiàn
  • manuscript;contribution;copy;manuscripts submitted for publication
稿件 [gǎo jiàn]
  • [manuscripts submitted for puplication]书刊编辑称作者的来稿

稿件[gǎo jiàn]
  1. 请把稿件抄一下。

    Please make a fair copy of the manuscript .

  2. 基于Petri网的报社稿件管理系统建模与实现

    Modeling and Implemention of the Newspaper Office Manuscript Management System Based on Petri Net

  3. 她给这家杂志撰写了一些稿件。

    She contributed a number of articles to the magazine .

  4. 所有要在五月这一期发表的稿件必须在星期五以前寄到。

    All contributions for the May issue must be received by Friday .

  5. 助理编辑处理记者为报纸写的稿件并加标题。

    The subeditors prepare the reporters ' copy for the paper and write the headlines .

  6. 他将稿件寄给不同的人,让他们看后提出意见。

    He sent off copies to various people for them to read and make comments .

  7. 基于ACCESS数据库的农业学术期刊稿件管理系统的构建

    The Establishment of Article Management System of Agricultural Academic Journals based on Access

  8. “office活页夹”找不到创建这篇稿件的程序。

    Office binder cannot locate the program that was used to create this section .

  9. 科技期刊对于用E-mail退修稿件的编辑加工方法

    An editorial method on manuscripts of sci-tech periodicals returned with E-mail to authors for revisions

  10. 关于如何向国外SCI杂志投海洋地质稿件的建议

    On submission of manuscripts in marine geology to foreign SCI Journals

  11. 下面是他今天在ABC做访问用的部分稿件。

    The following is a partial transcript of the interview he gave today on ABC .

  12. FTP服务器在稿件传输中的应用

    Application of FTP server in delivering papers

  13. 以腾讯QQ为例介绍应用通信软件在线进行稿件退修的方法。

    The present paper introduces a better editorial method for manuscript revising based on the Tencent QQ .

  14. 并在数据处理过程中采用SqlServer数据库,由一台迁移客户机将数据库中的稿件经过审核后直接提交到社内采编系统数据库中。

    SQL Server database is also used in the data processing . Approved articles in the database are submitted directly to the headquarter system by a ' remote client ' .

  15. 但她的稿件被多次退回,直到她找到了一个伦敦的经纪人。罗琳之所以会找到他,仅仅是因为喜欢他可爱的名字&克里斯多夫·里特(ChristopherLittle)。

    It was rejected several times before she found an London agent , chosen because she liked his name & Christopher Little , who sold the manuscript to Bloomsbury Children 's Books .

  16. 但她的稿件被多次退回,直到她找到了一个伦敦的经纪人。罗琳之所以会找到他,仅仅是因为喜欢他可爱的名字—克里斯多夫·里特(ChristopherLittle)。

    It was rejected several times before she found an London agent , chosen because she liked his name -- Christopher Little , who sold the manuscript to Bloomsbury Children 's Books .

  17. 采用VISUALFOXPRO5.0关系数据库语言编程和调试,系统具有稿件管理、稿件统计、报表输出、查询检索和系统维护五大功能。

    Edited and debugged with relation data language of Visual FoxPro 5 . 0 . Such a sort of system has five functions of manuscript management , statistics , report forms outputting , inquiring and retrieving , system defense .

  18. 通过对稿件处理工作流实际应用环境的分析,提出了一个相对完整的基于Petri网的工作流模型,并给出了该模型的完整性验证。

    Though the analysis on the application circumstances of the pro - cess for handling manuscript , this paper presents a relatively integrated workflow model based on Petri net , and verifies the soundness of the model .

  19. 阿CMJ最初的编辑评论稿件。

    A CMJ editor reviews submitted manuscripts initially .

  20. 吸引雅虎的是Summly可自动将新闻稿件浓缩成概要的核心技术。

    Yahoo was attracted to Summly 's core technology for automatically summarizing news articles .

  21. 作者非常感谢KeysBotzum,在提出本文包含的许多原创想法的过程中,他给予了大量的帮助,而在我们完善本文时他也多次对稿件进行了审阅。

    Thanks to Keys Botzum for all his assistance in generating many of the original ideas included here , and for reviewing the paper several times while we polished it .

  22. 根据MuleSource的新闻稿件和发布的案例研究的说法

    According to the press release and published case study

  23. 我非常高兴地看到JAP和其他管理学顶级期刊一样正在收到越来越多的来自中国研究者的稿件。

    It is very exciting that JAP and other top journals in management have received an increasing number of submissions from researchers in China .

  24. 介绍了microsoftexcel在计算稿酬和报道时差方面的应用,Foxmail在管理E-mail稿件中的应用,方正文档转word文档的方法,网络资源的共享措施等。

    The article introduces the application of Microsoft Excel in calculating author 's remuneration and report time delaying , the application of Foxmail in managing E-mail contribution , the method of covering FZ documents into word documentation , and measures of sharing on-line information .

  25. 伦敦Panos研究所的这份指南着眼于记者如何能够更好地利用目前的研究撰写可信而强有力的稿件。

    This guide published by Panos London looks at how journalists can make better use of current research to write credible and powerful stories .

  26. 实际上,如果想要向出版社投稿,出版社都会要求提交稿件的字体为sans-serif。

    In fact , if you submitted a manuscript to most publishing houses , you 'd be required to submit your manuscript in a sans-serif font .

  27. 所有其它投递到CJAS的稿件必须通过在线投稿网站进行投稿,您可以通过CJAS网站获得更多相关信息。

    All other submissions to CJAS must be sent via the online submission site , which can be accessed from the CJAS website .

  28. 论宏观思维方法在确定稿件质量中的作用

    The roles of macro-thinking methods in deciding the quality of contributions

  29. 高校学报稿件组织选择误区及应对策略

    Misunderstandings and countermeasures of paper organization and selection in university journals

  30. 我们收到了来自世界各地新闻记者的稿件。

    We have received contributions from journalists all over the world .