
  1. 此外,波音及其生产合作伙伴还通过一个中央化的门户网站每日发布最新库存水平,这也将有助于稳定供应链。

    In addition , Boeing and its production partners would make daily updates on inventory levels in a central web portal , which would help stabilise the supply chain .

  2. 该业务可以助力解决我国的中小企业融资难问题,帮助商业银行拓展业务领域并起到稳定供应链,促进经济发展的作用,值得大力发展。

    Supply Chain Finance is quite meaningful for our country , it could help to resolve the medium-small enterprises financing problem , Help commercial bank to expand business area and help the whole supply chain to gain a stable development .

  3. 目前有关供应商管理的研究,大多是以企业与供应商合作关系较稳定的供应链管理环境为主要的研究范畴,而利用历史资料预估供应商可能达到的行为也是一种常用的方法。

    In the recent years , previous studies of supplier management focused mostly on such situations when enterprises and their suppliers had stable relationship .

  4. 构建高效稳定的供应链,建立和谐的供应链企业合作关系,以对供应链上下游企业资源进行整合已经成为企业经营战略中的重中之重。

    Forming stable and effective supply chain partnership to integrate the resources of suppliers and buyers is an important issue in carrying out supply chain management strategy .

  5. 接着分析了在钢铁行业严峻的形式下,钢铁企业如何利用战略伙伴关系和通过延伸产业链的方式来形成稳定的供应链,以及如何加强供应链的合作和协同。

    Then has analyzed that under the austere circumstance , how the iron and steel enterprises form the stable supply chain by using the strategy partnership and extending the industrial chain , as well as how strengthen the cooperation and confederative of the supply chain .

  6. 不稳定态涉农供应链:形成根源与基本对策

    Instability in the agricultural chain of supply : causes and policy

  7. 会议强调要优化外贸环境,稳定产业链供应链,培育外贸新动能。

    The meeting called for efforts to improve the environment of foreign trade , stabilize industrial and supply chains , and foster new growth drivers .

  8. 他表示,除非价格稳定在三文鱼供应链上其他运营商能够赚到钱的水平,否则三文鱼市场最终将收缩。

    And unless prices stabilise at levels where operators in the salmon supply chain can see returns , the salmon market will end up shrinking , he says .

  9. 以往的研究多数是假定市场环境是稳定的,供应链系统能按原计划顺利地协调运行。

    Most of the previous studies on the supply chain coordination are under the assumption that the market environment is stable , that is , the supply chain system can operate as smoothly as planned .

  10. 供应链能否稳定合作取决于供应链价格风险管理和风险管理成本的配比。

    Whether the supply chain can cooperate steadily or not lies in the ratio of the pricing risk management and risk management cost in supply chain .

  11. 在供应链环境及结构稳定情况下,供应链上的各节点企业,根据需求来调整相应的运作策略。

    When the environment and structure of supply chains are stable , the knot enterprises of the chains adjust their operating strategies in order to meet demand .

  12. 而对于消费电子行业供应链,由于其行业特点,供应链错综复杂、过于追求精益化、全球性采购、市场需求极不稳定等因素导致供应链正面临着更加严峻的风险。

    In the consumer electronics industry , the conditions are even worse , for the characteristics of the much more complicated supply chain : excessive lean management , global sourcing and the rather more unstable market demand .

  13. 作为供应链核心企业,仅仅维持最终顾客满意度是不够的,供应链内部成员的不满意会造成供应链的不稳定,最终造成供应链效益不好甚至是解散。

    As the core enterprise of a supply chain , it is not enough to maintain ultimate customer satisfaction , and dissatisfaction of the members in the supply chain will result in low performance even dissolution of the supply chain .