
  • 网络program locality
  1. 在理论研究和实际应用中,按地址有序首次匹配线性表结构的DMM由于其有利于增强程序局部性,显著地减少内存碎片,因而得到广泛的关注。

    Compared with other DMMs , first fit DMM using address-ordered linear list data structure is the most researched and applied , since it tends to enhance program locality , and causes significantly less fragmentation .

  2. 经运行证明,系统提供的测试数据符合保证Cache设计的程序局部性原理的规律并且整个系统运行的结果与Linux中相关设计相一致,达到了预期设计目的。

    The application testified that the test data the system rendered accord with the warrant that the regular pattern that the locality principle of Cache design and the result of the whole system operation is consistent with the Linux design .

  3. 这种结构的思想是基于程序局部性原理,结合BlockBuffering[1]技术,并对CAM结构进行改造,提出一种预比较TLB结构,实现低功耗的TLB。

    The idea of the proposed TLB is based on the spatial locality , which is the result of combining with the block buffering technology and adjustment of the CAM structure . All of these make the TLB for low power .

  4. 程序局部性原理在开架库中的应用

    Application of local principles of programs in free access libraries

  5. 模块化技术利用程序局部性加快矩阵运算。

    The subdivisionization technology utilizes the procedural locality to speed up matrix operation .

  6. 本文借鉴程序局部性原理,仅在内存中保存最近访问的文件信息,减少文件系统对内存的占用。

    Learning from the locality principle , only the information of recently accessed files is stay in memory , and reducing the memory usage of the file system .

  7. 针对高校图书馆开架借阅的特点及其产生的问题,作者运用计算机科学中程序局部性原理,提出了一架两排法,并分析了这一排架法的优点。

    Aiming at the characteristics and problems of open shelve lending service adopted in the university libraries , and applying the local principle of programme in computer science , the author suggests " One Shelve With Two Arrangements " and analyses the advantage of this method .

  8. 开发程序的局部性是当今并行编译优化研究的重点之一,而程序变换是开发程序时间局部性和空间局部性的重要手段之一。

    Exploiting programs ' locality is one of this most important problems in parallel compiling optimization and the program transformations are one of the most important approaches in exploiting programs ' temporal locality and spatial locality .

  9. Cache的充分利用很大程度上取决于程序自身的局部性,特别是访问数据的局部性,包括时间局部性和空间局部性。

    The utility of cache mostly depends on program locality , especially program data locality , including the temporal locality and the spatial locality .

  10. 目前在框架中实现了一种动态数组的重组方法,用来重组利用变量关系模型发现的动态数组,以此来提高程序的数据局部性。

    The framework implements a dynamic array regrouping method to reorganize the dynamic arrays .

  11. 依据程序访问的局部性原理,针对不同行为特性和需求的热点数据,匹配以相应级别的存储资源,从而有效的利用存储池中的不同存储资源,以显著提高进化存储系统的整体效率。

    Based on the locality principle of program access , according to different behavioral characteristics and needs of the hot data , matching the appropriate grade of storage resources , different storage pool storage resources are effectively utilized that significantly improves the overall efficiency of evolutionary storage systems .

  12. 重点讨论了点对点消息的数量、大小和目的进程的分布情况,对并行应用程序中的消息局部性进行了量化研究。

    We emphasize the message frequency , message size and distribution of objective processes in the point-to-point communications .

  13. 本文着重研究了如何通过编译优化来改善程序存储访问的局部性问题。

    This paper researches the problem of how to improve the locality of memory accesses from the aspect of compiler optimizing techniques .

  14. 阐述了一种适用于核外计算程序的变换技术,它通过联合使用循环变换和数据变换这两种编译优化技术来增强程序的局部性,提高数据存取效率。

    A transformation technique which is suitable for out-of-core program was described . Joint use of loop and data transformations help enhance the locality .