首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 先秦时期的秽人与貊人

    The Hui People and the Mo People in Pre-the-Qin-Dynasty Period

  2. 对于中国古代文献记载的秽人和貊人,历来都有不同的见解。

    There have always been various opinions about the records of the Hui people and the Mo people in China 's ancient documents .

  3. 口出秽言的人表示他缺乏教养。

    People who use foul language show their poor upbringing .

  4. 他的命运不是神只、也不是半神、更不是人所能知悉的;但他已消除垢秽,变得受人敬重;我会叫他做婆罗门。

    He whose destiny neither the gods nor demigods nor men do know , he who has destroyed defilements and become worthy , him I call a Brahman .
