
chēnɡ chén
  • submit to;give allegiance to;acknowledge one's allegiance to a ruler;acknowledge one is inferior to sb.
称臣 [chēng chén]
  • [submit to or give in] 自称臣子,接受对方统治,泛指向对方屈服

  • 俯首称臣

  1. 在经历了极富戏剧性的一周后,鲁珀特默多克(rupertmurdoch)已向英国议会的意志俯首称臣。

    After a week of high drama , Rupert Murdoch has bowed to the will of the British Parliament .

  2. 嘿hat:帽子我屈尊下马,来向你俯首称臣。entire:全部的,整个的spend:花费,度过我一整天都在帮Dan挑选礼物。

    Serena : I come to you hat in hand , tail between my legs and off my high horse I spent the entire day searching for the perfect gift for Dan .

  3. 蝙蝠侠就只能对他最大的对手俯首称臣了

    Batman will grovel at the feet of his greatest enemy !

  4. 他们必须屈膝称臣。否则只有毁灭一途。

    They 'll bend the knee or I 'll destroy them .

  5. 我会令各国向我们称臣。

    I shall make her greatness feared among nations .

  6. 面对如此色彩斑斓的人工染料,自然色彩已俯首称臣。

    Natural color has given way to such Bright-colored artificial dyestuff in effectiveness .

  7. 雷蒙爵士虽向国王称臣,

    Ser Raymun lived under the king 's peace ,

  8. 我令他俯首称臣?

    I 'll bring them to my knees .

  9. 我能让国会俯首称臣

    If I can whip congress into submission ,

  10. 你想让我对议长俯首称臣吗?

    You want me to get down on my knees and kiss the speaker 's ring ?

  11. 中国可以迫使越南、菲律宾、甚至日本向其称臣。

    China can force Vietnam , the Philippines – or even Japan – to pay tribute .

  12. 美国梦和欧洲福利国家正向全球化的竞争潮流俯首称臣。

    The American dream and the European welfare state are bending to the competitive winds of globalisation .

  13. 在向这些高科技“俯首称臣”之前,领导人们别忘了,虚拟战争在实际中取得的效果是何等有限。

    Before succumbing to these technologies , leaders should remember how little virtual war has actually accomplished .

  14. 如果他赢了,其它的小部落将会俯首称臣,任其号令。

    If he defeats them , he ` ll see zero resistance from other , smaller clans .

  15. 爱尔兰的首领们在归降称臣和宣誓效忠时,只用一种语言,就是爱尔兰语。

    The Irish chiefs had done their homage and taken their oaths in one language only , Irish .

  16. 拥立国王的人,不会甘愿俯首称臣,因此谋反只是一个时间问题。

    Kingmakers do not take kindly to becoming mere courtiers , so insurrection is only a matter of time .

  17. 大学已简单地向强制性的技术潮流俯首称臣从而避免湮没于20世纪的尘埃中了吗?

    Have colleges simply succumbed to the mandatory technology trend to avoid being buried in the dust of the20th century ?

  18. 毅俊继续说:他要逼我俯首称臣,那就是他给我安排这份职位的原因。

    He continues , he wants me to be on bent knees , is not that why he placed me here ?

  19. 我可以心血来潮地随意掀起仇恨和冲突,在我的国度中一切都将向我俯首称臣!

    I can induce hatred and strife at my whim , and all will bow down before me while in my kingdom .

  20. 他成功说服各国向东汉称臣,确保了丝绸之路的安全畅通。

    He finally made those desert tribes tributaries of the Eastern Han Empire , which ensured the long peace and smoothness along the Silk Road .

  21. 现在这支部队正在成长为世界上最强的部队之一:如果能够实现的话,它将能让美军俯首称臣。

    Today it is vying to become one of the world 's most capable forces : one that could , if necessary , keep even the Americans at bay .

  22. 古希腊人、迦太基人、古埃及人、高卢人、日耳曼人纷纷向罗马俯首称臣,于是,条条大路通罗马这句话也由此产生。

    The Greeks , Carthaginians , Egyptians , Gauls , the Germanic tribes * all bent the knee to Rome , giving way to the saying All roads lead to Rome .

  23. 而在此之前的2002年世界杯揭幕大战之上,塞内加尔竟在太岁头上动土,硬生生让卫冕冠军法国在自己的膝下称臣。时运不挤的法国队,两球撞柱,难破城门,让塞队出尽风头。

    Before that , Senegal popped the top on World Cup 2002 with a stunning upset over title-holding France , which nailed the post twice but could never find a way through .

  24. 统一了各地目不识丁的牧羊部落,用他的血肉建立了一只职业军队,令狡猾的希腊人俯首称臣。

    Uniting tribes of illiterate sheepherders from the high and lowlands * with his blood and guts , he built a professional army * and brought the devious Greeks to their knees .

  25. 她还只是一个装备不全的小骑士,正冒险出发去侦察神秘的大城市,梦想着某个遥远的将来她将征服这新世界,让那大城市俯首称臣,诚惶诚恐,跪倒在她的脚下。

    A half-equipped little Knight she was , venturing to reconnoitre the mysterious city and dreaming wild dreams of some vague , far-off supremacy , which should make it prey and subject & the proper penitent , groveling at a woman 's slipper .

  26. 周公执政7年,成王成年后他就把政权交给成王管理,自己则面北称臣。

    Duke Dan of Zhou occupied the office of regent for seven years . When King Cheng came to age , Duke Dan of Zhou returned to him the reigns of government and faced north at court in the position of a minister .

  27. 古希腊人、迦太基人、古埃及人、高卢人、日耳曼人纷纷向罗马俯首称臣,于是,“条条大路通罗马”这句话也由此产生。但是,一切都会有尽头,罗马亦复如是。

    The Greeks , Carthaginians , Egyptians , Gauls , the Germanic tribes ... all bent the knee to Rome , giving way to the saying " All roads lead to Rome . " But everything has to end eventually , and so did the glory of Rome .