
jī fēn
  • integral;integrate;integration;accumulate points;cumulative scoring
积分 [jī fēn]
  • (1) [integration;integral]∶找出被积函数中一函数或解一微分方程的演算

  • 分部积分

  • (2) [cumulative scoring]∶比赛分数的总和

积分[jī fēn]
  1. 我正专攻微分学和积分学

    I 'm specializing in differential and integral calculus .

  2. Fuzzy混合等价关系模糊与积分混合控制器

    Fuzzy Mixed Equivalence Relations Fuzzy and Integral Mixed Controller

  3. 他们打完这个赛季之后积分高居联赛的榜首。

    They finished the season at the top of the league .

  4. 学生获得的学分将计入其学位积分。

    Students gain college credits which count towards their degree .

  5. 他毕业时各科成绩的平均积分点为3.8。

    He graduated with a GPA of 3.8 .

  6. 阿森纳队如果赢得这场比赛,就会登上积分榜首。

    If Arsenal win this game they 'll go to the top of the table .

  7. 英格兰队在积分榜上的位置大大超过了其实力。

    The scoreline flattered England .

  8. 在明星云集的锦标赛上位列积分榜第一,我非常高兴。

    I 'm delighted to be on top of the leaderboard in a tournament that has so many star names playing .

  9. 目前英格兰队的积分是9分,苏格兰队是7分。

    England 's tally at the moment is 9 points , against Scotland 's 7 .

  10. 比赛结束时积分最高的运动员将获得该奖。

    The players with the most accumulated points at the end of the contest win the prizes .

  11. 再一次申明一下,不要关掉你付款的信用卡,这样会降低你的信誉积分!

    Again , do not close paid off credit cards because it will lower your credit score !

  12. 与微分相反的运算叫做积分。

    The operation that is the inverse of differentiation is called integration .

  13. 用微分算子级数法得到分部积分公式,使一类积分计算变得十分简单。

    By using differentiator series method , the formula of partial integration is obtained .

  14. 北京将允许国内外专业技术人才通过积分方式获得永久居留身份,该积分系统包括专业技能、就业履历以及教育文凭等指标。

    Beijing will allow some skilled workers from home and abroad to obtain permanent residence by accumulating points based on skills , employment history and education credentials1 .

  15. 面积,行列式,积分因子和Green公式

    Area , Determinant , Integral Factor and Green Formulation

  16. Fuzzy测度与积分理论

    The fuzzy measure and integral theory

  17. 双积分环节的H∞鲁棒控制

    The Hinf Robust Controller For A Double - integrator Plant

  18. Fuzzy积分与Fuzzy卷积

    Fuzzy integrals and fuzzy convolutions

  19. 关于积分C半群

    On the Integrated C-semigroups

  20. 积分分离PID控制在某防空导弹中的应用

    Application of Integral Separated PID Control in Antiaircraft Missile

  21. Laplace变换与B样条在社会生活的各个领域都有着广泛的应用,考虑将二者联系起来,运用B样条方法求解Laplace积分。

    Laplace transform and B-spline are both widely used in various fields .

  22. 这些控制策略有开环控制、模糊控制和变参数PID(比例、积分、微分)控制。

    The control strategies include open-loop control , fuzzy control and variable parameter PID control .

  23. 路径积分MonteCarlo方法与非线性随机振动

    Path-integral Monte Carlo method and nonlinear random vibration

  24. 于是,通过u和v的表示,积分限就更容易设立了。

    And then , the bounds would be much easier to set up with u and v.

  25. 压力容器表面裂纹弹塑性J积分特性研究

    Study of Elastic - plastic J-integral Characters of Surface Cracks in Pressure Vessel

  26. 直裂纹短圆棒拉伸试样的J积分估算公式

    J integral Estimation Formula for a Straight Through Cracked Short Rod Tension Specimen

  27. POISSON方程新的边界积分方程

    The New Type of Boundary Integral Equation for Poisson Equation

  28. Raman散射的最大积分强度

    Maximum integral intensity for Raman scattering

  29. 带Hilbert核的奇异积分方程的数值解法

    On the numerical solution for Singular Integral Equations with Hilbert kernel

  30. 隐式Euler法关于Volterra延迟积分方程的数值稳定性

    The Numerical Stability of Implicit Euler Methods for Volterra Integral-delay Equations