
  • 网络Ballot;Secret ballot
  1. 然后全体会员通过秘密投票从中选出获奖者。

    From among these nominees all academy members select the winners by secret ballot .

  2. 新法规定工会职位的选举将由会员秘密投票方式进行。

    The new act stipulates that election to union office shall be by secret ballot of members .

  3. 我们打算就这个问题以秘密投票的方式征求会员们的意见。

    We intend to ballot our members on this issue .

  4. 他正竭力争取在党内选举中采用秘密投票。

    He is pushing for secret balloting in Party elections .

  5. 本文提出了一个适合大规模电子选举的秘密投票方案。

    This paper presents a practical secret voting scheme for large scale electronic elections .

  6. 我担心秘密投票会对政府不利。

    I 'm afraid the silent vote is going to go against the administration .

  7. 根据新加坡法律,工会只有在通过秘密投票获得大部分成员同意之后才能举行罢工。

    Under Singapore law , a union can only strike after obtaining consent from a majority of members through a secret ballot .

  8. 她说自己的党派成员一直反对秘密投票,投票之前就表示不会对投票保密。

    She said her party members had objected to the secret ballot all along and said before the vote that they would not keep their votes private .

  9. 科希丘什科-莫里泽说,采用秘密投票的方式太不诚实了,因为这种投票方式仅用于人事提名。

    Ms. Kosciusko-Morizet said she found the use of a secret vote to be particularly dishonest since such votes were never used except over issues of personnel nominations .

  10. 选举的公信力也取决于秘密投票制度,非歧视性的投票和其他法律的保证在于保护必须排除偏见,欺诈或操纵。

    The credibility of an election also lies in a secret ballot system , non-discriminatory voting and other legal assurances to protect the process from bias , fraud or manipulation .

  11. 获奖者经历了包括提名、专业评估,国际专家的评论以及评审团的秘密投票等几轮步骤才最终赢得奖项。

    The winners went through rounds of procedures to win the awards , including nomination , professional appraisals , reviews from international experts , and a secret ballot from the judging panel .

  12. 为保证选区全体选民的过半数参加投票而规定的召开选举大会、委托投票、代写选票等程序安排也与选举自由、秘密投票、一人一票原则相背。

    In order to ensure that more than half of the voters cast their votes , they usually hold an election meeting , or vote by proxy , or ask other people to vote for them .

  13. 不举手为任何一个你不真心支持的提议背书,不公开或秘密投票给任何一个你觉得不值得或怀疑其能力的人。

    Will not raise his hand to vote for a proposal with which he does not sincerely sympathize , will vote neither openly nor secretly for a person whom he considers unworthy or of doubtful abilities .

  14. 文中着重将电子选举和安全多方计算结合起来进行研究,并取得了以下成果:(1)提出了一种基于同态承诺可验证秘密共享的电子投票方案。

    This paper concentrates on the application of secure multiparty computation in the electronic voting , and has achieved the following results : ( 1 ) We gives an electronic voting scheme based on homomorphic commitment verifiable secret sharing .