
qiū shuǐ
  • autumn waters;autumn water -- limpid eyes;autumn waters-limpid eyes (of a woman)
秋水 [qiū shuǐ]
  • [autumn waters;autumn waters-limpid eyes (of a woman)] 秋天的水,比喻人(多指女人)清澈明亮的眼睛

  • 望穿秋水

秋水[qiū shuǐ]
  1. 秋水潺暖。

    Gently flow the autumn streams .

  2. 眉似青山,眼如秋水

    Her eyebrows had the aspect of hills in spring , and her eyes -- reflections of an autumn stream .

  3. 合上秋水你会看到不仅云云。

    Close your eyes and you 'll see more than that .

  4. 秋水之湄,是一片黄绿相间的树林。

    Autumn Water 's Brink , is a green and yellow trees .

  5. 我含满了秋水的心湖;

    On the lake of my heart full of affections ;

  6. 有时归入秋水仙科;一个种;加兰属的任何一种植物。

    Sometimes placed in family Colchicaceae ; one species : glory lily .

  7. 石头击中了那人的秋水。

    The stone struck the man in the eye .

  8. 什么也瞒不外恋人的秋水。

    There is no hiding from lover 's eyes .

  9. 一湖秋水,满地卵石,五十五只天鹅在悠游。

    Upon the brimming water among the stones Are nine and fifty swans .

  10. 若非巾柴车,应是钓秋水。

    Diesel cars without headgear should catch colchicine .

  11. 沙在天然界的标准样式。灭亡谷的风峡谷沙堆舒展很远秋水也能瞥见。

    Death Valley 's wind-combed dunes stretch as far as the eye can see .

  12. 啥子也瞒不过恋人的秋水。

    There is no hiding from lovers eyes .

  13. 秋水酰胺诱发大蒜根尖细胞变异的研究

    A Study on the Aberration of the Root Cells of Allium Sativum Induced by Colcemid

  14. 现在我望着你,也还是只能看到你娇嫩温柔的红唇和秋水流盼的眼眸,

    When I look at you now , I only see your sweet tender lips and youthful sparkling eyes

  15. 落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色。

    A lonely wild duck flies with the sunset clouds ; the autumn river mirrors the color of the sky .

  16. 在那美丽的夜晚,眼望秋水,恍惚中听见你说:我们的故事已到尽头。

    On that precious night , watching the lake , vaguely conscious , you said : out story is ending .

  17. 1981年,莫言开始创作生涯,发表了《枯河》、《秋水》、《民间音乐》等早期作品。

    In 1981 , he started his writing career and published several early works such as Dry River , Autumn Stream and Folk Music .

  18. 他是在说,不要被犹太领袖给我的地位隐瞒真相了你们的秋水,使你们看不到未来的福气。

    He is saying : Don 't let the current opposition to me by the Jewish leaders blind your vision of the future blessings .

  19. 第六章杭州市住宅小区产品质量保障体系的实证研究本章主要针对本人参与的秋水苑住宅小区的产品质量案例进行实证研究,通过总结分析,为同类开发企业提供一些思路和借鉴。

    Chapter Six Empirical Study Of Hangzhou Real Estate Product Quality Protection System Take Qiu Shui Yuan as an example , this parts provides some advise and suggestion for developers .

  20. 秋水长天,无论是品味,还是细读,如水的情怀总是感动不了自己。我是欠这个季节太多太多

    Relaxed and long days , whether it is taste , or to peruse , such as water can not be their own feelings are always moving . I owe too much this season

  21. 其实,时光就是一幅画,让我在这个秋天里安静下来,独坐于秋水一处,望远山,不见鸿雁,凝眸深处,天高云淡。

    In fact , time is a picture , let me calm down in the autumn , sitting alone in the relaxed and one , long-term perspective , nothing Hongyan , Ningmou deep , The sky was clear .

  22. 作为南昌的第一家国际五星级酒店南昌索菲特耐克大酒店,矗立在南昌新兴商业区中心,北邻市政府,正对秋水广场,是您商务休闲的最佳选择!

    Right in the heart of the new business and government district , Sofitel Trilec nanchangm , as the first international five star hotel in the city , sets itself as the hotel of choice for business and leisure travelers .

  23. 美人娟娟隔秋水,濯足洞庭望八荒。那秋人身穿皮夹克,把过耳的头发梳得油光水亮。

    " * Beauty would be facing me across the autumn waters . Oh , to wash my feet in Lake Dongting and see at its eight corners " The gang wore leather jackets and had long hair plastered down over their ears .

  24. 现在我望着你,也还是只能看到你娇嫩温柔的红唇和秋水流盼的眼眸,仿佛我们第一次在那条小溪边野餐,在那棵巨大的老橡树旁追逐嬉戏。

    When I look at you now , I only see your sweet tender lips and youthful sparkling eyes as we sat and had out first picnic next to that small stream , and chased each other around that big old oak tree .

  25. 苍山如海,荡漾起温柔的曲线;一湖秋水,随风轻轻掀起波澜。出乎我意料,只见海面又平又静,没有波澜,没有动静,也没有急流。

    The chain of mountains ripples the gentle curve like sea ; One lake autumn water gently raises the waves in the wind . I was surprised to see the sea all smooth and quiet , no rippling , no motion , no current .