
qiū jǐng
  • autumnal scenery;autumn scenery;autumn harvest
秋景 [qiū jǐng]
  • (1) [autumn scenery]∶秋季的景致

  • (2) [autumn harvest]∶秋熟农作物的收成情况

秋景[qiū jǐng]
  1. 法国//朗格多克(Languedoc)利穆(Limoux)葡萄园区最著名的或许是他们的起泡酒,但他们还提供南欧观赏秋景的绝佳机会之一。

    FRANCE / / The vineyards of Limoux in the Languedoc may be best known for their sparkling wines , but they also offer one of Southern Europe 's most indulgent opportunities to enjoy autumnal colors .

  2. 在瑞典拍了些秋景片子,上传一些与大家共享。

    Here enjoy the Autumn season pictures captured in Sweden .

  3. 在狼的领地漫步,置身山中美丽的秋景,我试图从挫折中走出来。

    Hiking through the wolves'territory , I sought solace from these setbacks in the autumn beauty of the mountains .

  4. 这里列举了上海周边的三处风景点,在那里我们仍然有最大的机会享受最后的秋景。

    Here are three places around Shanghai with the " most " opportunities to enjoy the last of autumn .

  5. 中国网民曾调查评选中国四大最美的秋景,而塔川村名列其中。

    Chinese netizens were once asked to pick four of the most beautiful autumn views in China , and Tachuan Village is one of them .

  6. 如果你想欣赏北京的秋景,闲暇时去香山看红叶是一个非常不错的选择。

    If you are looking to enjoy autumn scenery in Beijing , it is highly recommended that you see the red leaves of Fragrant Hill .

  7. 人们陶醉于美丽的秋景,并享受清新的空气和温暖的阳光。作为欢愉时光,登山是很好的选择。

    People revel in the beautiful autumn scenes , and enjoy the fresh air and warm sunshine . As a fxistime , mountain climbing is good for keying fit .

  8. 他的诗,特别是颂歌,简直就是美的殿堂。夜莺的歌声、秋景、古瓮神话无一不美,就连忧郁、孤独也在诗人的点化下呈现出一种独特的美。

    The urn , the song of a nightingale , autumn , Greek myths , and what 's more , melancholy and indolence have magic beauty in his poems .

  9. 桂子幽香,夹着秋风与秋月,还有那秋叶随风而舞,生生地就是一番秋景让你陶醉于其中。

    Seeds fragrance , tucked autumn with the moon , there was the wind and dance Akiba , Chow Sang Sang is something Qiujing to let you revel in it .

  10. 看啊,金黄的树,金黄的稻谷,金黄的路,连房屋也离奇的被染成金黄色的,这时倒颇有一番秋季秋景图的趣味。

    See ah , the golden trees , golden rice , golden road , and even houses are also bizarre dyed golden yellow , then fall down quite some interesting Qiujing map .

  11. 弗吉尼亚州谢南多厄流域色彩斑斓的秋景&火红的糖枫和红枫点缀着金黄和橙色的杨树、桦树、条纹枫树和山胡桃树。

    Virginia 's Shenandoah Valley is ablaze with fall colors & the yellow and orange of poplars , birches , striped maples , and hickories , punctuated with the red of sugar and red maples .

  12. 这间屋子就是十八年前他作为客人被引进来的那间:同样的月亮从窗外照进来;外面是同样的一片秋景。

    It was the same room into which he had been ushered , as a guest , eighteen years before : the same moon shone through the window ; and the same autumn landscape lay outside .