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Liability of Dominant Enterprise for Its Act in Abusing Dominant Economic Position ── Taking Japanese Act on Prohibiting Private Monopoly and Fair Deal as Core
Promoted by its inherent contradictions , it has experienced the stages of free capitalism , private monopoly capitalism , national monopoly capitalism , and has reached the stage of international monopoly capitalism .
Contemporary capitalism is developing towards financial monopolistic capitalism after going through free competitive capitalism , private monopolistic capitalism and state monopoly one .
At the same time , these actions also caused some negative effects such as the emergence of new private monopolization , lost of public responsibility and social inequity .
But it is not enough to only reform system , there is no market structure of abundant competition , danger that individual monopolize produce , so this text emphasize cooperation and unity of competition mechanism public and private ;
The formation and its development of the world market are the preliminary expression of capital expansion in the capitalist times , and the alliance of international monopoly dividing world market and influence sphere is the further development of capital expansion of private monopoly capitalism .
Necessity of Building the System of Private Enforcement in Our Anti-Monopoly Law
It only stipulates the establishment of personal lawsuit system on anti-monopoly in Article 50 , without the specific rules of the judicial remedy procedure .
Therefore , the private implementation of the Antitrust Law should be motivated and encouraged .
Therefore , some correspondingly constraint measures should be taken to the private implementation of the Antitrust Law .
The implementation of anti-monopoly law is a course of achievement of anti-monopoly civil liability , which is also a private use of anti-monopoly law to claim to rights from monopoly .
Although China has eased market access in many industries and started SOE reforms in a bid to mobilize private investment and break monopolies , there is still a lot to do to achieve fair competition .
Private antitrust civil litigation as a monopoly tort new ways of relief , and various other specific supporting system effectively , which makes the implementation of anti-monopoly law system and give full play to utility .
There is a comparative advantage compared to public implementation that the private implementation of the Antitrust Law has highly motivation , is free from the constraints of the the public budget to legal enforcement activities , a strong deterrent to the parties who implement monopolistic behavior .
The course that the private lawsuit of antimonopoly law realizes , it is an individual that implements the course of the antimonopoly law too .