
lí àn ɡōnɡ sī
  • offshore company
  1. 关联交易正是沟通离岸公司与避税的桥梁。

    Connected transaction is the bridge between offshore company and tax-avoidance .

  2. 首先,文章介绍了离岸公司的一般情况;

    First , this article gives a brief introduction of offshore company ;

  3. 薛琦表示,大约56家离岸公司计划在台IPO,并已经聘请了承销商。

    Some 56 offshore companies are set for an IPO in Taiwan , having hired underwriters .

  4. 自从2000年中国互联网企业第一次IPO以来,中国希望到境外上市的初创企业,一直通过设立VIE架构的离岸公司,绕开外资所有权限制。

    Since the first Chinese internet IPO in 2000 , Chinese start-ups wanting to list abroad have skirted ownership restrictions by setting up offshore companies known as VIEs .

  5. 在英国准备于1997年将香港归还中国之际,许多企业急于在BVI设立离岸公司,以保护它们的资产。

    As the UK prepared to hand Hong Kong back to China in 1997 , companies rushed to create offshore vehicles in the jurisdiction to protect their assets .

  6. 离岸公司的运用及相关法律问题

    The Utilization of Offshore Company and the Legal Problems Concerned

  7. 在本港以外注册成立的公司一般称为离岸公司。

    A company incorporated outside Hong Kong , commonly known as offshore companies .

  8. 离岸公司是国际资本市场一个重大的法律现象。

    On the Application and Regulation of Offshore Company ;

  9. 第四章是从国际税收角度介绍离岸公司。

    The 4th chapter introduces offshore company in the aspect of international tax evasion .

  10. 离岸公司由离岸法域外投资者利用离岸法域外资本,依照离岸法域专门的离岸公司法设立,从事与离岸法域地无关联经营活动的公司。

    Off-shore Company is initiated by investor according off-shore company law of off-shore field .

  11. 澳门离岸公司之设立费。

    Set-up fee for Macao offshore company .

  12. 来自离岸公司的风险及其防范

    Risks from offshore companies and their prevention

  13. 然而,离岸公司也给有些国家和地区带来了严重的负面影响。

    However , offshore companies have brought serious negative effects to some countries and districts .

  14. 离岸公司及其法律规制

    Offshore Company and Its Legal Regularizations

  15. 防范离岸公司不正当经营之对策

    Be on Guard against Offshore Company

  16. 让中国公司可以更加容易的不通过离岸公司直接海外上市。

    Make it easier for Chinese companies to directly list overseas without using an offshore entity .

  17. 隐藏在委托代名人、离岸公司和其它代理人背后的恶人仍可逃脱监察。

    Miscreants can still escape detection by lurking behind nominees , offshore companies and other proxies .

  18. 接着,作者介绍了离岸公司跨境并购的一些基本路径。

    Then the author comes to the fundamental ways of merger and acquisition by offshore companies .

  19. 外国投资者在这个离岸公司购买股票,并根据合同获取利润。

    Foreign investors buy shares in the offshore entity and are contractually entitled to the profit .

  20. 澳门离岸公司股东及董事之身份证明文件。

    The identification documents of Macao offshore company 's shareholder ( s ) and director ( s ) .

  21. 离岸公司对我国也产生了重要的影响,但是目前我国对于离岸公司的重视程度还远远不够。

    And off-shore Company has important influence to China too , but it was not caused enough attention .

  22. 其中的主要焦点在特拉华、怀俄明与内华达。这三州都十分积极地推销离岸公司在当地享有的税赋优惠。

    Attention has focused on Delaware , Wyoming and Nevada , which aggressively market tax advantages for offshore companies .

  23. 目前,离岸公司被广泛应用于国际投资、国际金融、国际税收领域。

    An offshore company occupies an important position in the areas of international investment , international finance , international taxation .

  24. 澳门离岸公司与澳门注册核数师或核数公司签署的审计合约。

    An audit contract signed between an auditor or auditing company registered in Macao SAR and the Macao offshore company .

  25. 越来越多的离岸公司出现在我们的周围,并以“外商”的身份对我国进行投资和合作。

    More and more offshore companies are aroud us , and doing business in our country as " foreign investors " .

  26. 此次裁决标志着香港首次对一家离岸公司(洪良国际在开曼群岛注册)直接惩罚。

    The ruling marks its first direct hit on an offshore member ( Hontex is incorporated in the Cayman Islands ) .

  27. 离岸公司的法律监管是近年来各国司法实务界比较关注一个现实问题。

    The legal control of the offshore company is a practical problem , judiciary pay more attention on it in recent years .

  28. 然而,我国对离岸公司的相关监管法律法规却相当不完善,甚至在某些领域仍存在空白。

    However , the regulatory system for offshore companies is not so well-established in China , even remains blank in some areas .

  29. 本章介绍了离岸公司在跨国并购和海外上市中规避法律监管的行为方式。

    This chapter described the behavior of the offshore company in the evasion of legal regulation during cross-border mergers and overseas listing .

  30. 百慕大的官员还辩称,百慕大拥有一个享誉全球的离岸公司注册项目。

    Officials in Bermuda also argue that their island country maintains a program for registering off-shore companies that is respected around the world .