
fú tè
  • Ford
  1. 这明显是福特对守门员犯规。

    It was a clear foul by Ford on the goalkeeper .

  2. 两分钟后,福特以一记点球将比分扳平。

    Two minutes later Ford equalized with a penalty .

  3. 格兰纳达公司向福特公司出价进行敌意收购。

    Granada mounted a hostile takeover bid for Forte .

  4. 他们正在与福特公司洽谈合作事宜。

    They 're negotiating a tie-up with Ford .

  5. 从旧斯特拉福特的A422号出口出来。

    Take the A422 exit at Old Stratford .

  6. 除了福特以外,只有一个人认识朱莉娅·詹姆森。

    There was only one person besides Ford who knew Julia Jameson .

  7. 他买的唯一一个大件就是一辆二手福特。

    His only big purchase has been a used Ford .

  8. 福特从未停止过劝说他返回美国。

    Ford never desisted from trying to persuade him to return to America

  9. 福特曾在该营的第一运输队服役。

    Ford was attached to the battalion 's first line of transport .

  10. 福特在20世纪80年代废止了该名称和商标。

    Ford allowed the name and trademark to lapse during the Eighties .

  11. 今年福特公司的市场份额一直在扩大,导致通用汽车公司市场份额减少。

    Ford has been gaining market share this year at the expense of GM.

  12. 即使是很少笑的福特,有几次也笑出声来。

    Even Ford , who seldom smiled , laughed out loud a few times

  13. 与福特的密切合作开始令我爱上了电影。

    Working with Ford closely , I fell in love with the cinema .

  14. 福特公司想出了付给工人足够的薪水去购买汽车这一绝妙的主意。

    Ford had the bright idea of paying workers enough to buy cars .

  15. 福特非常重视礼仪,喜欢把事情办得妥帖得体。

    Ford was a respecter of proprieties and liked to see things done properly .

  16. 他指责福特公司不择手段一心要实现削减。

    He accused Ford of being hell-bent on achieving its cuts by whatever means .

  17. 他注意到身后一个开蓝色福特车的男人正打手势要靠边停车。

    He noticed a man behind him in a blue Ford gesticulating to pull over .

  18. 她在格林福特参加了驾照考试。

    She took her driving test in Greenford

  19. 我不能容许无人质疑福特先生和怀厄先生所说的话。

    I cannot allow the remarks made by Messrs Fortt and Wyre to remain unchallenged .

  20. 通用汽车公司和福特公司都认为它们需要用更有气派的品牌名称销售高档车。

    Both GM and Ford believe they need classier brand names to sell upmarket cars .

  21. 格拉纳达和福特两家公司正继续给股东打电话,想要取得他们的支持。

    Granada and Forte are continuing to telephone shareholders in an attempt to bring them onside .

  22. 福特绝对不是那种会被一点点成功冲昏头脑的人。

    Ford is definitely not a man to let a little success go to his head .

  23. 福特的最新戏剧《分房产》是个合演剧目。

    Foote 's most recent play , ' Dividing the Estate , ' is an ensemble piece .

  24. 尼克松-福特过渡时期的国务卿不希望推动那些提案得到通过。

    The secretary of state during the Nixon-Ford transition did not wish to push the proposals through .

  25. 很多作家都是故作谦虚,但福特却似乎表里如一。

    In many writers modesty is a pose , but in Ford it seems to have been genuine .

  26. 最近,安娜·福特对她认为阻碍了女性在电视业发展的男性集团进行了猛烈抨击。

    Anna Ford recently hit out at the male clique which she believes holds back women in television .

  27. 福特听到这一场新官司的消息后再次精神崩溃,尽管他说自己是因为工作才这样的。

    After news of this new court case Ford broke down again , though he blamed the breakdown on his work

  28. 正在进行的管理层变更将最终为福特勋爵辉煌的职业生涯画上句号。

    Management changes are under way that will finally bring down the curtain on Lord Forte 's extraordinary working life .

  29. 福特郑重声明他宁可把自己的工厂付之一炬,也不愿意生产一辆用于战争的车辆。

    Ford vowed that he would sooner burn his factory to the ground than build a single vehicle for war purposes

  30. 福特汽车公司为老年人设计的一款汽车于上周亮相,这进一步体现了老年消费者的购买力。

    There was further evidence of grey consumer power last week , when Ford revealed a car designed with elderly people in mind .