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jì diàn
  • hold a memorial ceremony for;obit;offer a sacrifice to
祭奠 [jì diàn]
  • [obit;offer a sacrifice to;hold a memorial ceremony for] 为追念死者并安抚其在天之灵而举行仪式

  • 祭奠亡魂

祭奠[jì diàn]
  1. 孔子假装没有看见颜回抓饭吃,说想用这饭祭奠父亲.

    Confucius pretended that he had not seen him eating the rice , and said he wanted to use the rice as a sacrifice to his father .

  2. 据《北京晨报》周二报道,随着iPhone、iPad在中国越来越走俏,人们开始选择纸质的苹果产品祭奠过世的亲人。

    As iPhones and iPads are getting more popular in China , some people are choosing paper-made Apple goods as offerings to their deceased relatives , the Beijing Morning Post reported Tuesday .

  3. ISIS还号召全球的穆斯林国家共同努力,杀掉1000万美国人以祭奠被西方各国杀害的穆斯林教徒。

    ISIS has further called on Muslims around the world to work together to kill 10 million Americans in retribution for the Muslims killed by the west .

  4. 祭奠勇士的容器&悉尼、堪培拉、墨尔本Anzac纪念空间分析研究

    The Sanctum to Worship Combatants & Analysis and Research on the ANZAC Memorial Space in Sydney , Canberra and Melbourne

  5. 一种由美洲印第安人在夏至进行的祭奠舞蹈。

    A ceremonial dance performed by Amerindians at the summer solstice .

  6. 马克:祭奠的仪式一直以来都没有改变过吧,我猜。京晶:没有。

    Mark : The ceremony hasn 't changed , I imagine .

  7. 他们就要举行邪恶的黑暗祭奠了。

    They 're about to perform their evil darkopalypse ritual .

  8. 论祭奠权应作为自然人的一项独立人格权

    On the Right of Sacrificing as an Independent Personal Right

  9. 我们迟早会明白该如何去祭奠。

    Sooner or later , we 'll figure out how to mourn .

  10. 当最后一个吸血鬼灭亡的时候,有谁能为我们祭奠?

    When the last vampire is extinct , who will mourn our passing ?

  11. 原来一开始就已经是在祭奠。

    Originally a the beginning has been at sacrifice .

  12. 那三生七世的相许,只为祭奠一次曾经的相遇。

    The three VII phase Xu , only for the sacrifice once met .

  13. 与宗教仪式和祭奠活动相关的文物通常都是这种情况。

    This is generally the case with objects with a ritual or sacral background .

  14. 在德国,人们在仲冬假日祭奠异教徒的奥丁神。

    In Germany , people honored the pagan god Oden during the mid-winter holiday .

  15. 天堂因其神圣祭奠她!

    Heaven have her in its sacred keep !

  16. 一个个的坟墓上都摆放着祭奠的鲜花。

    The graves are decked with flowers .

  17. 周一是中国传统的清明节,人们在这一天祭奠逝去的亡灵。

    Monday was China 's traditional " Tomb-Sweeping Day ", when people mourn their dead .

  18. 意味着洁白、明亮,是祭奠死者的日子。

    Qingming , meaning pure and bright , is the day for mourning the dead .

  19. 那里的花儿是朋友们为凯特的周年祭奠而留下的。

    Flowers had been left by friends to mark the one-year anniversary of Fleming 's death .

  20. 我去了八宝山革命公墓,祭奠那些革命烈士。

    I went to the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery to pay my respect to those revolutionary martyrs .

  21. 事故发生后,上海市民自发前往事故现场献花祭奠逝者。

    After the accident , Shanghai citizens spontaneous gesture to the scene of the accident wreath-laying festivals .

  22. 宗庙的负责人称,将为死去的人们举办一场长达48小时的仪式来祭奠故去的亡灵,据悉,仪式将于本周五开始。

    Temple leaders say they are planning a 48-hour ceremony that will start Friday to honor those killed .

  23. 因为他们妄自尊大,拒绝膜拜众神,还不给他们祭奠贡品。

    For they were arrogant against one another and refused to worship the gods or offer them sacrifice .

  24. 如果米饭干净的话,我想祭奠一下他老人家。”

    If the rice is clean , I would like to make a sacrificial offer to him . "

  25. 上海花祭是指上海市民自发前往11·15特大火灾现场献花祭奠逝者。

    Shanghai flower offering refers to Shanghai citizens spontaneous to11 · 15 super-large fire scene wreath-laying memorial gesture .

  26. 我美丽的水晶之恋啊,我愿用我所有的伤痛为你祭奠。

    I love the beautiful crystal ah , I wish with all my pain for you and pay homage .

  27. 但九年后,她走进唐宁街十号的第一天,就去祭奠了他。

    But the day she first stepped into Number Ten nine years later , she paid tribute to him .

  28. 在中国古代,清明绝不是祭奠祖先的唯一一个节日。

    In ancient China , Qingming was by no means the only time when sacrifices were made to ancestors .

  29. 他们可以送鲜花、听歌曲、点蜡烛,还能留下祭奠的话语。

    They can send flowers , listen to songs , light virtual candles and leave memorial messages on the website .

  30. 他决定祭祀朱庇特,便打发随从去寻找净水做祭奠。

    Wishing to offer a sacrifice to Jupiter , Cadmus sent his servants to seek pure water for a libation .