
shén jīnɡ bìnɡ xué
  • neurology
  1. 他在国立神经内科医院接受神经病学的训练。

    He trained in neurology at the National Hospital for Nervous Diseases .

  2. 在上述国际会议上演示后,这项研究将在医学杂志《柳叶刀•神经病学》(LancetNeurology)的网站上发表。

    It will be published Tuesday on the journal Lancet Neurology 's website after the conference presentation .

  3. 研究者们指出,有两名病人在ICU治疗中死亡,另有两名病人失访,但其他所有病人1年内具有良好的神经病学转归。

    Two patients died in the ICU and two were lost to follow-up , but all others had very good neurological outcomes at1 year , the investigators report .

  4. 结果SAI治疗后,大鼠神经病学评分明显低于治疗前及生理盐水组;大鼠脑组织含水量,Na+含量及脑指数均显著低于生理盐水对照组。

    Results After the SAI treatment , the neurologic grades and the concentrate of water and Na + in cerebral tissue were lower significantly compared with control group .

  5. Shinnar是美国神经病学学会的发言人。

    Shinnar is a spokesman for the American Academy of Neurology .

  6. 瞬目反射(BR)是众多脑干反射的一种,在临床神经病学领域里常用来评价脑干内的病理过程以及三叉和面神经功能的完整性。

    Blink reflex ( BR ) is one of brainstem reflexes , usually used in clinical neurophysiology to assess the function integrity of trigeminal nerve and facial nerve as well as to evaluate pathological process within the brainstem .

  7. 伦敦大学学院认知神经病学研究所的RoiCohenKadosh博士说:这是第一次证实,顶叶是理解力发展相关性计算障碍的关键部位。

    Dr Roi Cohen Kadosh , of the UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience said : this is the first causal demonstration that the parietal lobe is the key to understanding developmental dyscalculia .

  8. “慢性偏头痛是头痛中最丧失能力的形式之一,”FDA药品评估和研究中心神经病学产品部门主任RussellKatz医学博士说。

    " Chronic migraine is one of the most disabling forms of headache ," said Russell Katz , M.D. , director of the Division of Neurology Products in the FDA 's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research .

  9. 此外,MR-PET与新兴的神经病学生物标志物结合对增强评估条件有很大的潜力。

    Furthermore , combining MR-PET and the new emerging neurological biomarkers , has the great potential to strengthen the assessment of the condition .

  10. 根据UCL神经病学研究中心的一项最新研究得出:增加大脑中化学物质多巴胺的效果就会通过影响快乐的期望程度相应的影响人们作出生活中的选择。

    Enhancing the effects of the brain chemical dopamine influences how people make life choices by affecting expectations of pleasure , according to the new research from the UCL Institute of Neurology .

  11. 溶栓后患者神经病学缺损评分明显下降.15例ADL评分>61分。5例溶栓后ADL≤60分患者经过8周康复训练后,4例恢复良好。

    After thrombolysis , the scores of psychological defects for the patients were obviously decreased with ADL scores of 15 cases being > 61 . Of the 5 cases of the ADL scores being < 60 , 4 recovered better after 8-week rehabilitation training .

  12. Feldman作为密歇根大学ALS临床试验和神经病学研究的主要负责人,正在与Neuralstem公司通力合作来发展制订应用这一注射用药的准则。

    Feldman , who directs the ALS clinic at U-M , and the U-M Program for Neurology Research & Discovery , worked with Neuralstem to develop the protocol for carrying out the injections .

  13. 费城托马斯•杰斐逊大学头痛病研究中心(ThomasJeffersonUniversity'sHeadacheCenter)的神经病学教授兼主任史蒂芬•西尔伯斯坦(StephenSilberstein)说,CGRP拮抗药物的疗效似乎不如曲坦类药物,但是阻滞类药物的优点是它们似乎不会引起心血管并发症。

    CGRP antagonists don 't appear to work as well as triptans , but the blockers have an advantage in they don 't appear to cause cardiovascular complications , says Stephen Silberstein , a neurology professor and director of Thomas Jefferson University 's Headache Center in Philadelphia .

  14. 结论神经皮肤综合征对癫?神经病学研究有较大的临床意义。

    Conclusions neurocutaneous syndrome has obviously clinical effects on epilepsy reasearch .

  15. 培养高质量神经病学临床专业硕士研究生的探索

    Exploration in Training High Quality Academic Degree Postgraduates in Clinical Neurology

  16. 案例教学法在硕士研究生临床神经病学教学中的应用

    Application of Case-based Teaching Method in Clinical Neurology for Medical Postgraduates

  17. 干细胞治疗在神经病学的前景是什么?

    What are the prospects of stem cell therapy for neurology ?

  18. 继发性红细胞增多症和动静脉畸形患者急性神经病学事件

    Acute neurological events in a patient with secondary polycythaemia and arteriovenous malformations

  19. 研究结果在美国神经病学学会会议上公布。

    The findings were presented at the American Academy of Neurology meeting .

  20. 重视教学方法,提高神经病学临床实习。果。

    Emphasize teaching methods and improve clinical practice in neurology ;

  21. 该项研究结果发表在《临床和转化神经病学年鉴》上。

    The results appear in the journal Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology .

  22. 神经病学临床见习的教学方法

    The Application of Teaching Methods in Neurology Clinical Probation

  23. 该研究本周一(8月30日)发表在《美国医学会神经病学杂志》上。

    The study was published Monday in JAMA Neurology .

  24. 在“通才”基因方面的研究能够导致神经病学研究的极大进步。

    Studies on generalist genes could lead to important advances in neurological research .

  25. 这篇文章发表在神经病学杂志的网站上。

    The work appears online in the journal Neurology .

  26. 原发性损伤很大程度决定了患者神经病学的等级。

    The severity of the primary injury largely determines a patient ' sneurological grade .

  27. 从事神经病学医疗的思考

    Consideration of being engaged in neurological medical work

  28. 目的了解我国老年神经病学与精神病学研究的概况。

    Objective To understand the general situation of geriatric neurology and psychiatry research in China .

  29. 但是,神经病学本月一期杂志的一项研究可能会改变这种现状。

    But a study published in this month 's issue of Neurology may change that .

  30. 神经病学上的表现是小脑异常,没有出现周围神经系统病变的症状。

    The neurological indication is of a cerebellar abnormality with no sign of peripheral neuropathy .