
  • Fantastic Four;Fantastic 4
  1. 神奇四侠:克里斯•埃文斯,迈克尔•切克利斯,杰西卡•阿尔芭和艾恩•格拉法德。

    The FANTASTIC FOUR : Chris Evans , Michael Chiklis , Jessica Alba and Ioan Gruffudd .

  2. 神奇四侠夜魔侠无敌钢铁侠HappyHogan(钢铁侠人物)CurtConnors(蜘蛛侠人物)…

    Fantastic Four , Daredevil , Invincible Iron Man , Happy Hogan , Curt Connors ...

  3. Spider-Man(真人版挺吓人的)蜘蛛�FantasticFour(想起了么,这翻译是漫画)神奇四侠!【参考译文】现在让我们专注于漫画在1950年。

    Now let 's focus on comics in the 1950 's.

  4. 如果你的眼光敏锐,你会发现所有的蜘蛛侠、所有的X战警、所有的神奇四侠以及绿巨人和夜魔侠的电影中,总会有一位消瘦的白发老人。

    If you keep a keen eye , you will find a thin old man with white hair in all the Spider-man movies , all the X-Men movies , all the Fantastic Four movies , and the Hulk and Daredevil movie .

  5. 《神奇四侠》具有经典漫威电影的要素。

    Fantastic Four had the ingredients to a classic Marvel movie .

  6. It指代电影《神奇四侠2》。

    It refers to the movie Fantastic Four 2 .

  7. 从评论来看,《神奇四侠》平均得分为4.5分(10分制)。

    According to critics , the average score for Fantastic Four was 4.5/10 .

  8. 按票房来说,《神奇四侠》是成功的。

    In terms of the box office , Fantastic Four was a success .

  9. 来自“烂番茄”的数据显示,《神奇四侠》只有27%的观众支持率。

    According to Rotten Tomatoes , it only had 27 % positive reviews from its audience .

  10. 福克斯电影频道献映神奇四侠“演员会议”和“场景制作”

    Fox movie channel presents fantastic four " casting session " and " making a scene "

  11. 马克:是啊,他创造了很多超级英雄,比如蜘蛛侠和神奇四侠。

    Mark : Yeah , he came up with lots of superheroes , like Spider Man and the Fantastic Four .

  12. 斯托瑞曾导演过《神奇四侠》,《像男人一样思考》以及它在2014年播出的续集。

    He also directed a pair of Fantastic Four movies , as well as Think Like a Man and its 2014 sequel .

  13. 甚至推出了续集。《神奇四侠》从全世界不同的电影院里收获了大约3300万美元的票房收入。

    There was even a sequel to this bad movie . It received around $ 330 million gross income from different theaters worldwide .

  14. 在1961年,斯坦·李和艺术家杰克·科比创作了《神奇四侠》,给漫画角色赋予了个性特征,和各自面临的不同问题。

    And in 1961 , Lee and artist Jack Kirby created the Fantastic Four - compelling characters with individual personalities and relatable problems .

  15. 幸运的是,克里斯•埃文斯可以从《神奇四侠》中消沉的角色走出来,凭借“美国队长”出名。

    Fortunately , Chris Evans was able to step away from his dismal role in Fantastic Four and be known as Captain America .

  16. 1961年,斯坦·李创作了《神奇四侠》漫画系列作品,之后相继创作了《蜘蛛侠》和《无敌浩克》等经典作品。

    In 1961 , Lee created The Fantastic Four for Marvel Comics , and went on to create titles including Spider-Man and The Incredible Hulk .

  17. 这名神奇四侠的创造者从里德李察士(尤安格瑞福德饰)和苏珊斯托姆(杰西卡阿尔芭饰)的婚礼上转身就走。

    The Fantastic Four creator is turned away from the wedding of Reed Richards ( Ioan Gruffudd ) and Susan Storm ( Jessica Alba ) .

  18. 你最喜欢的英雄中如果有《神奇四侠》里的神奇先生,那接下来要提到的这种神奇症状应该正合你的口味。

    If one of your favorite superheroes is Mr. Fantastic of the Fantastic Four , you 're probably already jittering with anticipation for this next outrageous ability .

  19. 他扮演了邮递员威利兰普金(漫画中真实存在的角色)他在巴克斯特大楼的大厅里和神奇四侠问了声好。

    He plays mailman Willie Lumpkin ( an actual character in the comics ), who waves hello to the Fantastic Four in the lobby of the Baxter Building .

  20. 好吧,如果你想半途而废,那你就赌输了,而我要拿走你的《神奇四侠》。

    Sheldon : Fine , if you don 't want to proceed , then you forfeit the bet , and I 'll take possession of your Fantastic Four .

  21. 我用我的神奇四侠48卷《银影侠首次登场》赌你的《闪电侠》123集两个世界的闪电侠经典期刊。

    Howard : I 'll put up my Fantastic Four no.48 first appearance of Silver Surfer , against your Flash 123 , the classic Flash of two worlds issue .

  22. 《神奇四侠2:银影侠》本月上映,预告片里面几个镜头看起来还不错,可真就值得我们屏息以待么?

    " Fantastic Four : Rise of the Silver Surfer " is being released this month , and some of the trailers look cool , but should we hold our breath ?

  23. 两人所在的团队也有相似之处:詹姆斯效力过迈阿密热火和克利夫兰骑士两队,就像黑豹同时是复仇者联盟和神奇四侠的成员一样。

    The pair also both know something about superteams : James joined two in Miami and Cleveland , much like Black Panther was a member of both the Avengers and the Fantastic Four .