
  • 网络sociobiology;Social biology;socio-biology
  1. 他们的报告发表在《行为生态学和社会生物学》杂志上。

    Their report is in the journal Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology .

  2. 企业网络研究:社会生物学视角

    Research on Networks of Enterprises : Viewpoint from Sociobiology

  3. 目的:评估广东省计划生育系统各级置宫内节育器(IUD)从业人员的置器质量,分析研究置器妇女的社会生物学特征等因素对置器质量的影响。

    Objective : To evaluate the quality of IUD insertion in family planning system in Guangdong , and study influence of workers ' social and biological characteristics on their performance .

  4. 人类行为的社会生物学假定及生态经济学的重建

    Sociological and Biological Hypothesis of Human Behavior and Re-establishment of Eco-economics

  5. 社会生物学伦理观,是一座联接伦理学与自然科学的桥梁。

    The ethic of sociobiology is bridge linking the natural sciences and ethics .

  6. 杀人犯罪及其死刑的社会生物学分析

    On the Socio-biological Analysis of Homicide and Death Penalty

  7. 社会生物学视野中的人

    Human Beings in the View of Sociobiology

  8. 社会生物学是一门新兴综合学科。

    Sociobiology is a new synthetical subject .

  9. 可能,社会生物学与东方哲学会在精神分析的未来发展中发挥重要作用。

    Maybe sociobiology and east philosophy will play an important role in future of development of psychoanalysis .

  10. 社会生物学-新的综合

    Sociobiology : The New Synthesis

  11. 利他的社会生物学理论

    Sociobiology theory of altruism

  12. 威尔逊通过社会生物学的研究,指出动物的社会行为有其生物学的基础。

    Edward Osborne Wilson pointed out that the social behavior of animals has the foundation of biology by Sociobiological studying .

  13. 在生物学决定论问题上,社会生物学提出的问题没有考虑到在实际中很难分清到底是遗传还是环境塑造了人的品性。

    In biological determinism , the questions which are raised by sociobiology fail to consider whether heredity or surrounding has nurtured human 's nature ;

  14. 《社会生物学,简易版》。剑桥,麻州:哈佛大学的贝拉纳普出版社,1980。

    Wilson , E. O. Sociobiology , the Abridged Edition . Cambridge , Mass . : Belknap Press of Harvard Univ. Press , 1980 .

  15. 采用进化的视角并吸收了分子生物学的最新成果,社会生物学为人性研究开辟了新的研究方法和理论视野。

    Adopt the evolution theory and absorb the new achievements of molecule biology , sociobiology gives a new perspective and method for human nature research .

  16. 社会生物学推理的固有观念是,某些影响特殊行为性状的基因或基因组合可以代代相传。

    Inherent in sociobiological reasoning is the idea that certain genes or gene combinations that influence particular behavioral traits can be inherited from generation to generation .

  17. 柯林斯相信,这支持了社会生物学观点,即女性失去贞操时是在进行投资,因此需要谨慎选择自己的性伙伴。

    Collins believes this supports the socio-biological view that women are making an investment when they lose their virginity , and so need to choose their partners with care .

  18. 第四章从社会生物学的角度对企业网络产生、发展和进化进行了阐述,最后一章对全文进行了总结。

    Chapter 4 expatriates the origin , development and evolution of networks of enterprises from the viewpoint of sociobiology . The last one gives a summary of the full paper .

  19. 全文分为五章:第一章对企业网络进行了概述,第二章对有关企业网络研究的文献进行了综述:第三章简单介绍了社会生物学的基本原理;

    This thesis is divided into five chapters : Chapter 1 summarizes the enterprise networks , Chapter 2 sums up the literatures of research on networks of enterprises ; Chapter 3 introduces the basic principles of the sociobiology in brief ;

  20. 精神卫生是由经济社会、生物学和环境因素来决定的。

    Mental health is determined by socio-economic , biological and environmental factors .

  21. 这项新的研究发表在美国联邦社会实验生物学杂志中。

    The new research appears in The Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology .

  22. 复杂网络的研究已经成为互联网、社会学、生物学等多个领域的一个基础课题。

    Complex networks has become the Internet , sociology , biology and other fields of a basic task .

  23. 博弈论在社会科学和生物学中有着广泛的应用,是现代经济学的基础之一。

    Game theory is widely used in social science and biology . It is one of the foundations of modern economy .

  24. 医院是一个社会学、生物学和心理学的复杂体系,它带来的许多强刺激既影响病人又影响医护人员。

    As a complex system of sociology , biology and psychology , the hospital could bring much powerful stimulation that affects both patients and paramedics .

  25. 从博弈理论的诞生到现在不过半个多世纪,可是博弈论已经在经济学、政治科学、社会学、生物学等各个领域都得到了广泛的应用。

    It is just about 50 years from the start , but game theory has been used in economics , political science , sociology , biology and other fields .

  26. 自纳什以来,非合作博弈理论已经广泛应用于经济学、政治学、社会学、生物学等领域。

    Since John Nash , the non - cooperative game theory has been applied broadly to different fields , such as economics , politics , sociology , biology and so on .

  27. 这掀起了研究复杂网络理论的热潮,吸引了物理、数学、工程、社会学、生物学等各领域的学者去探究复杂世界背后隐藏的本质规律,因此成为众多领域研究的热点问题。

    This set out a wave of research in complex network theory and has attracted scholars of physics , mathematics , engineering , sociology , biology and other fields to explore the nature law of the complex world .

  28. SES可能通过行为、社会、经济和生物学机制介导。

    SES may affect through complex biological , behavior , economic and social mechanism .

  29. 两天来,他们聆听他讲解了创伤后应激障碍(post-TraumaticStressDisorder,PTSD)及其鲜为人知的同类&复杂创伤(complextrauma)的社会历史、神经生物学和临床现状。

    For two days , they had listened to his lectures on the social history , neurobiology and clinical realities of post-traumatic stress disorder and its lesser-known sibling , complex trauma .

  30. 对社会合作行为的生物学解释;

    A biological interpretation of social behavior ;