
  • 网络social security program
  1. 在社会保险的三大险种即养老保险、失业保险和医疗保险中,医疗保险是保障范围最广、保险内容最多以及运行机制最为复杂的社会保障项目。

    The Social Insurance System includes three coverages : pension insurance , unemployment insurance and health insurance , in which the health insurance system is the most complicated social security program with the widest coverage , the richest contents and the most complex operating system .

  2. 帕尔默声称,美国医疗和社会保障项目的无资金准备负债的现值达到137万亿美元。

    Mr Palmer reported that the present value of unfunded liabilities of us medicine and social security is $ 137tn .

  3. 逐步建立和完善全国城乡统一的最基本社会保障项目;

    Establishing and perfecting step by step the most fundamental social security items united between the urban and the country throughout china ;

  4. 他对群众说,现在他年纪越来越大了,他更加注意给老年人的社会保障项目。

    He told the crowd that as he gets older , he is paying more attention to social welfare programs for the elderly .

  5. 我认为在社会保障项目方面,我们拥有正确的计划应对,这一项目面临的长期危机。

    And in social security , I thought , we had the right plan for dealing with the long-term crisis that the program is in .

  6. 我们通过医疗保险、联邦医疗补助计划、社会保障项目向每个人做出承诺,这些不会让我们的创造力衰竭,而是会让我们更强大。

    The commitments we make to each other through Medicare , and Medicaid , and Social Security these things do not sap our initiative ; they strengthen us .

  7. 还需要社会保障项目,60%的发展中国家无法依靠社会保障项目来保护公民免受饥饿,并提供危机服务。

    Social programs are also needed . Sixty percent of the developing world cannot depend on social programs to protect citizens from hunger or provide services in crises .

  8. 国际劳工组织和劳工权益工作者呼吁亚太地区政府加强社会保障项目,特别是可以帮助失业女工的项目。

    The ILO and labor rights workers are calling on regional governments to boost social protection programs , especially those that can help women laid off from work .

  9. 联合国国际劳工组织和劳工权益组织说,亚洲各国政府需要加强社会保障项目,向经济衰退中处于弱势的工人群体和妇女提供保障。

    The United Nation 's International Labor Organization and labor rights groups say Asian governments need to boost social protection programs for women and workers vulnerable to the global recession .

  10. 工伤保险是世界上产生最早的社会保障项目,在世界各国,其建立也较为普遍并发展比较完善。

    The industrial injury insurance produces the earliest society guarantee item in the world , at the international community , it build up also more widespread erupt the exhibition more perfect .

  11. 就世界银行而言,其2010财年对社会保障项目(其中包括保障网项目)的新增承诺援助可能会达到40亿美元,而2009财年的援助也出现了类似的大幅增长。

    For its part , World Bank FY2010 financing for social protection programs including safety nets will likely reach $ 4 billion in new commitments , following a comparable surge in financing in FY09 .

  12. 各国的社会保障项目广泛繁杂,各有差异,但概括起来一般包括社会保险、社会救济、社会福利、优抚安置及社会互助等几个体系。

    The social security projects of different countries are complicated and different , but in general , it concludes Social Insurance , Social Relief , Social Welfare , Veteran Placement and Social Aid , etc.

  13. 在我国,对政府与市场功能的选择,应以政府公平与效率的价值取向、我国经济发展状况和不同的社会保障项目为依据。

    In our country , the operations of government functions and market functions , should be in accordance with the value choice of government'equation and efficiency 、 e-conomy development situations and different social security items .

  14. 为了顺利实现高校教师养老保险制度的转轨过渡,改革应该与高校教师人事制度改革、薪酬制度改革等协调进行,还要恰当处理与其他社会保障项目的关系。

    The reform of endowment insurance system of teachers ' colleges and universities school should coordination with personnel system reform , salary system reform , it also need to handling endowment insurance with other social security project .

  15. 而在具体社会保障项目方面,我们认为,最先应该统筹的,难度也相对比较小的是最低生活保障;然后再是社会保险,包括养老保险、医疗保险等。

    But in the specific social security projects , we believe , the first should be co-ordinated , and the difficulty is also relatively small is the minimum living security ; and then is social insurance , including endowment insurance , medical insurance .

  16. 社会保障网项目可为受到食品价格、燃油和金融危机冲击最严重的人们提供保障。

    Social safety net programs help protect those hardest hit by the food , fuel and financial crises .

  17. 虽然承受力问题可能已经使得较贫困国家到目前为止仍无法实施社会保障网项目,但这些项目已经以不同形式存在了数百年之久。

    Although affordability issues may have kept safety net programs away from poorer countries until now , they have been around for centuries in one form or another .

  18. 如今,形势发生了重大转变,越来越多的非洲国家正日益普遍地实施社会保障网项目,虽然其收入水平较低。

    But now , in a significant shift , social safety nets programs are becoming more prevalent in a growing number of African countries , despite lower incomes .

  19. 本文第一部分谈论农村社会保障制度的项目内容,其存在的问题主要在于针对农村居民的社会保障项目狭窄,不能充分保障农村居民的权益。

    Its problem is mainly about narrow of social security for rural residents in the project , it did not adequately protect the interests of rural residents .

  20. 以成本为基准的评估技术自第二次世界大战以后由二十世纪50年代开始被广泛地应用于国防、交通、水利、住宅、公共卫生、社会保障和教育项目中。

    The evaluation technology based on cost has been extensively applied to projects in defense , transportation , irrigation , waterways , housing , public health , society security and education since 1950s .

  21. 医疗和社会保障之类的大型项目是由政府支付。

    Big things , such as hospitals and social security , are paid for by the Government

  22. 此外,作者还就中国社会保障制度的具体项目提出了一些改进意见。

    In addition , the author makes some suggestion for specific projects of Social Security system .

  23. 自1980年代中期开始我国对农村养老、医疗、社会救助等主要社会保障项目进行了一些改革的尝试和探索。

    Since mid-1980s , China has adopted measures to reform the main items of the rural social security system such as old-age provision , medical care and social assistance .

  24. 随着社会保障外延的不断拓展,不同社会保障项目中的政府责任也不尽相同。

    With the expanding extension of social security , government duties vary under different projects .

  25. 中国社会保障论坛和中国-欧盟社会保障合作项目的官方网站。

    Translated Description : China 's Social Security Forum and the China-EU social security co-operation project 's official website .

  26. 在对全国31个省份社会保障水平综合评价的同时,本文还揭示了31个省份在各个不同社会保障项目上的分值水平。

    At the same time , scores in different items on social security of China ' s31provinces are also shown in this article .