
  • 网络Social fact
  1. 从社会事实到法律规范&作为社会实践的法律

    From Social Facts to Legal Norms : The Law Asa Social Practice

  2. 在何种意义上说社会事实支配人的行动呢?

    In what sense do social facts control human actions ?

  3. 只有客观地研究和把握社会事实,才有可能实现理论上的突破与创新。

    Only objective research of social facts will make a breakthrough in theory .

  4. 村落研究:解说模式与社会事实

    Village Research : Explanatory model and social fact

  5. 论社会事实与三种价值的内在关系

    On Social Fact and three kind of Values

  6. 转型期农村社区中存在礼物不对称交换这一“社会事实”。

    There are the dissymmetrical exchanges of presents in the countryside during the transitional period .

  7. 社会事实是人类的经验可以把握的一类基本事实。

    Social fact is the one kind of facts which human can recognize and experience .

  8. 面向社会事实的文化探究

    A Study on Culture Facing Social Facts

  9. 民间组织的兴起已经成为不容置疑的社会事实。

    No doubt that the rise of social organizations and non-governmental organizations has become an unquestionable social-fact .

  10. 声音2:该教授还表示,他的组织认为巫术是社会事实。

    Voice 2 : The professor continued to say that his organisation sees witchcraft is a social fact .

  11. 中国民事行为的路径依赖背景主要是传统的政治体制和文化哲学,但是,诸多客观社会事实也需要行政权力对传统民事关系介入。

    In China , the path dependence on civil act , mainly are traditional political system and cultural philosophy .

  12. 这些数据一般都是对社会事实的客观写照和有价值的评论,具有很高的历史价值。

    These data are generally of an objective portrayal of the fact of the society , having a high historical value .

  13. 当前,我国贫富差距较大已是一客观不争的社会事实。

    At present , the big gap between the rich and the poor of our country has already been an objective fact .

  14. 基于这样的思路,作者提出立案条件应当为:1.有严重的危害社会事实;

    Therefore the authors think that the condition of placing a case on file should include : 1.serious facts of endangering society ;

  15. 立法者只有真正反映法律与社会事实的内在关系才能形成真理性法律成果;

    The legislator can only accomplish truthful legal products by truthfully reflecting the internal relationships between the law and the social evidence ;

  16. 官办非营利机构与民间非营利机构的共生是我国目前的社会事实。

    The intergrowth of the non-profit organization operated by official and civil non-profit organization is present a social fact in our country .

  17. 朱利叶斯·斯通是当代世界著名法学家,他主张建立一种综合法理学,认为法理学应包括逻辑、正义与社会事实。

    Julius Stone , a well-known contemporary jurist , advocated for an integrative jurisprudence , covering logic , justice and social facts .

  18. 社会事实之所以存在是由于它们以某种方式维持着社会的存在,或者说它们之所以存在是因为它们具有功能。

    The social fact can exist because they maintain the existing of society , it can also be side that because they have function .

  19. 法律本身是以不变的规则应对万变的社会事实,并企图用这样的规则之治逐步接近法治的理想。

    The law is an invariable rule which is used to response to the ten thousand changes and approach to the Rule of Law .

  20. 单位犯罪作为一种客观存在的社会事实,是人类社会经济发展到一定阶段的产物。

    Crimes committed by units of society as an objective fact of human social and economic development to a certain stage of the product .

  21. 礼物及其相应的随礼行为作为一种普遍存在的社会事实,是社会学与人类学关注的重要问题之一。

    Gifts and its corresponding ritual acts , as a universal social fact , is one of the important issues of sociology and anthropology .

  22. 因此民族志的方法就从社会事实的罗列转变为象征意义的解释和交流。

    Since then , the method of ethnography has been transferred from the cramming of social facts to the interpretation and communication of symbolic meanings .

  23. 人类学首要的目标是反映社会事实,多做田野调查能使我们的对社会的认识和理解更贴近社会事实。

    Anthropology faces its first task to reflect social facts with more field investigation in order that our understanding and recognition can reflect social facts more realistically .

  24. 习惯性规范来自于作为社会事实的社会习惯的属性,使法官可以根据习惯性规范逆向推定案件事实,当然必须在逻辑上进行严格的排除。

    The attribute that customary norms comes from social facts which had been accustomed by the society makes judges can deduce legal facts according to customary norms .

  25. 经由承认规则的系谱类判准,包容性实证主义法学理论论证了法律效力乃是由一些明确的社会事实决定的;

    By the pedigree - based criteria of the rule of recognition , the inclusive legal positivism demonstrates that legal validity is a function of certain social facts .

  26. 他以言语活动为出发点,抽象出与言语相对的语言,并论证了作为社会事实的语言与其他社会制度之异同。

    An elaborate analysis of language leads Saussure to extract langue in contrast to parole and then to address the similarities and dissimilarities between langue and other institutions .

  27. 法律做为具体的社会事实,是社会规范的一种,与其所属的社会文化环境具有不可分割的关系。

    The law is done for the concrete social fact , is one kind of the social norm , have inalienable relations to the affiliated social cultural environment .

  28. 论被忽略的社会事实&行为能力、心智、年龄及其他无人车智能行为验证平台的虚拟交通场景研究

    On Neglected Social Facts & On Capacity of Disposition , Intelligence , Age and the Like ; Virtual Traffic Scene of Intelligent Behavior Validation Platform for Driverless Vehicle

  29. 社会事实表明,纳税主体的纳税行为、对税收政策的支持度等方面越来越多受到其对社会公平的感受的影响。

    The social fact remains that taxpayers are affected by their sense of social fair more and more in their tax activities , supporting power to tax policies and so on .

  30. 事实命题(就是大家所熟识的谱系命题)言法律效力最终是某种社会事实的功能。

    The Social Fact Thesis ( which is also known as the Pedigree Thesis ) asserts that it is a necessary truth that legal validity is ultimately a function of certain kinds of social facts .