
  1. 他是礼貌待人的典范。

    He is the pink of politeness .

  2. 礼貌待人是好的态度。

    It 's always good manners to be polite .

  3. 相互尊重,礼貌待人是中华民族的传统美德。

    It is the traditional virtue of Chinese nation to treat people courteously .

  4. 礼貌待人是知识分子的特点之一。

    Politeness is an attribute of an intellectual .

  5. 话题:助人为乐、礼貌待人是否各有优缺点?

    Topic : Pleasure in helping others , courtesy whether its advantages and disadvantages ?

  6. 学校强调礼貌待人。

    Good manners are emphasized in schools .

  7. 我们应该礼貌待人。

    We should be polite to everyone .

  8. 我懂得尊重,我会礼貌待人,学习长辈们的智慧。

    I respect everybody . I am polite to the elders and always learn from them .

  9. 成年人就更应该礼貌待人了因为他们责任也更大。

    It 's even more important for adults to be polite because they have more responsibilities .

  10. 礼貌待人,服务热情,接礼迅速,有求必应。

    Two , courtesy trest person , service enthusiasm , receive Li quick , have to beg surely should .

  11. 学生根据佛教学术机构的要求必须做到行为端正,礼貌待人。

    Students are required to conduct themselves in a manner that upholds the dignity and decorum expected in a Buddhist academic institution .

  12. 中国素有“礼仪之邦”之称,礼貌待人是中华民族的传统美德。

    China is known as " the nation of rites ", and being friendly to someone is one of Chinese traditional virtues .

  13. 每一次商业交易都是一次机会—一次礼貌待人的机会,一次果敢行事的机会,一次诚实守信的机会,一次广交朋友的机会。

    Every business transaction is an opportunity-an opportunity to be polite , an opportunity to be manly , an opportunity to be honest , an opportunity to make friends .

  14. 每一次商务往来都是一次机会&一次礼貌待人的机会,一次果敢行事的机会,一次诚实守信的机会,一次广交朋友的机会。

    Every business transaction is an opportunity , an opportunity to be polite , an opportunity to be manly , an opportunity to be honest , an opportunity to make friends .

  15. 语言系统在礼貌待人方面占据了重要的地位,而敬语作为语言系统中的重要部分,在对影响韩国的文化中,敬语的使用成为了其中最受影响的部分。

    Language system in polite aspects occupy the important position , and the honorific language as an important part of the language system , In the culture of influence South Korea in the use of honorific became one of the most affected part .

  16. 帕金斯教授一向以礼貌待人和总说实话出名,罗杰斯则经常以问一些使他难以回答的问题为乐。眼下帕金斯正在努力寻找着一个既礼貌又符合事实的回答。

    Professor Parkins was well known for always being polite and always telling the truth , and Rogers often amused himself by asking questions which Parkins found difficult to answer . Parkins tried to find an answer now that was both polite and truthful .

  17. 可是,她翻阅特迪的档案时,不禁大吃一惊。特迪一年级老师的评语是:“特迪是一个聪明的孩子,笑口常开,作业工整,礼貌待人……与他在一起很开心。”

    However , when she relieved his file , she was in a surprise , Teddy 's first grade teacher wrote , " Teddy is a bright child with a ready laugh . He does his work neatly and has good manners ... he is a joy to be around . "

  18. 在有礼貌地待人处世的社交艺术方面,他明显地缺乏教养。

    He was apparently untutored in the arts of polite social behaviour .

  19. 友善而有礼貌地待人,即使你不喜欢他们。

    Be pleasant and polite to people , even if you don 't like them .

  20. 如果一个人行为有礼貌,待人和善而且乐于帮助别人,我们便说他或她有礼貌。

    We say that a person has good manners if he or she behaves politely and is kind and helpful to others .

  21. 早在春秋时期,孔子就已经教育我们要懂礼貌。相互尊重,礼貌待人是中华民族的传统美德。

    As far back as spring and autumn , Confucius has already educated us to be courteous .

  22. 礼貌:行为得体、礼貌待人这两件事能助你成为一个完美男人。

    Politeness Always try to act politely and have the best behavior , because these two things can make you a perfect guy .

  23. 如果她期望孩子们认真对待礼貌这个问题,那么,她在和孩子们独处时,对孩子们必须很有礼貌,就像她在公共场所里向礼貌待人一样。

    She herself , if she expects them to take good manners seriously , must show the same manners to them when alone with them ( 2 ) that she shows to other people in public .