
cí tú
  • magnetogram;magnetic chart
磁图[cí tú]
  1. 方法:对2例经头颅CT或MRI确诊为脑梗塞的患者进行脑磁图检查。

    Methods : Two patients with brain infarction diagnosed by CT or MRI were examined by MEG .

  2. 其主光学望远镜8个CCD以20MB/s的速率采集太阳偏振磁图;

    Its 8 CCDs of Main Optical Telescope ( MOT ) collect solar magnetic images with a velocity of 20 MB / s ;

  3. 目的探讨脑磁图(MEG)在癫痫外科中的定位价值。

    Objective To explore the significance of magnetoencephalography ( MEG ) in the location of neurosurgical diseases .

  4. 采用脑磁图记录刺激后产生的诱发磁场,将采集的数据与MRI叠加获得语言功能区定位。

    The evoked magnetic field produced after the stimulation was recorded with MEG , the collected data were overlapped with MRI to obtain the localization of language functional areas .

  5. 利用模拟退火(SimulatedAnnealing)算法,由脑磁图(MEG)数据反演脑内作为磁源的单电流偶极子参数,可以得到理想的结果。

    The ideal results of estimating the parameters of single current dipole as magnetic field source can be obtained from MEG data by using simulated annealing algorithm .

  6. 脑磁图MEG是在脑电图EEG之后发展起来的又一个脑功能研究和临床应用设备。

    Magnetoencephalography ( MEG ) like electroencephalography ( EEG ) is a functional imaging tool for medicine and fundamental investigations of brain function .

  7. 磁场断层摄影法(MFT)被用以从脑磁图(MEG)信号中归纳出大脑活动在毫秒之间活动情况的3D预测。

    Magnetic field tomography ( MFT ) was used to extract3D estimates of brain activity millisecond by millisecond from the recorded magnetoencephalographic ( MEG ) signals .

  8. 空间太阳望远镜(SST)系统采用图像积分方法提高太阳矢量磁图的信噪比(SNR)。

    In the space solar telescope ( SST ), the image integration method is used to increase signal-to-noise ratio ( SNR ) of the solar magnetic field images .

  9. 脑磁图检查后进行MRI超薄扫描。AEFs波峰由等价电流偶极子(ECD)评估。

    The peaks of AEFs were estimated by equivalent current dipole ( ECD ) , which were superimposed on MRI .

  10. 到目前为止,探测大脑活动的方法有EEG(脑电图),MEG(脑磁图),fMRI(功能磁共振成像),PET(正电子发射断层扫描)等。

    So far , existing brain function evaluation techniques includes electroencephalogram ( EEC ), magnetoencephalogram ( MEG ), positron emission tomography ( PET ), functional magnetic resonance imaging ( fMRI ) etc.

  11. 临床表现强直-阵挛性发作20例,失神发作4例,复杂部分性发作2例。所有患者术前均行CT及MRI检查和EEG检查,还有4例患者行了脑磁图检查。

    There were tonicoclonic seizure in 20 cases , absence seizure in 4 and complex partial seizure in 2 . Before the operation all the patients received CT , MRI and EEG examinations and 4 cases received MEG examination .

  12. 结论将脑磁图获得的脑电生理学资料与MRI获得的解剖学资料叠加到一起所得到的磁源性影像可准确地确定脑的手区初级体感皮质的位置。

    Conclusion Combining the electrophysiological data of the brain gained by magnetoencephalography with the anatomic structural data gained by MRI , we can get the magnetic source imaging ( MSI ), and precisely localize the location of the somatosensory cortex .

  13. 我们建立了一套基于高温超导量子干涉仪(SQUID)的可靠的、经济型的单通道心磁图(MCG)系统,该系统在一个简易的磁屏蔽室(MSR)中运行。

    We have constructed a reliable and economical single-channel magnetocardiogram ( MCG ) system based on high-T_c SQUIDs operated in a simply magnetically shielded room ( MSR ) .

  14. 脑磁图(Magnetoencephalography,MEG)用于人脑的诱发神经活动的成像,具有很好的时间分辨率,能无损地监测脑神经活动。

    Magnetoencephalography ( MEG ) is a noninvasive technique for investigating the neuronal activity in the living human brain , and it is of good time resolution .

  15. 目的探讨心磁图(MCG)法对静息心电图正常的冠心病患者的诊断价值。

    Objective To appraise the diagnostic value of magnetocardiography ( MCG ) in coronary heart disease ( CHD ) patients with normal resting electrocardiogram ( ECG ) .

  16. 目的用脑磁图来研究人脑视皮质对不同空间频率黑白棋盘格翻转刺激所产生视觉诱发磁场成分之一的M100的影响,包括峰值潜伏期、振幅和源位置三方面。

    Objective To evaluate the effects of spatial frequency on pattern reversal visual evoked magnetic field by using magnetoencephalography .

  17. 目的:研究急性脑梗死时脑磁图听觉诱发磁场(AEFs)的等价电流偶极子(ECD)强度变化的意义。

    Objective : To investigate the significance of alterations in intensity of ECD of auditory evoked magnetic fields by magnetoencephalgraphy ( MEG ) in patients with acute cerebral infarction .

  18. 方法本组26例癫痫患者,男18例,女8例,术前均行脑电图(EEG)检查和影像学检查,同时做了脑磁图(MEG)检查。

    Methods There were 26 patients in this group , 18 males and 8 females . All the patients underwent electroencephalography ( EEC ) , imaging examination and MEG examination before the operation . All the patients were operated on under the guidance of MEG .

  19. 目的:介绍我们合作研制的高温超导心磁图仪(HT-MCG)的原理、性能及其临床的初步应用。

    Objective : To introduce the principle and preliminary application of the high temperatrue-superconduction magnetocardiography ( HT-MCG ) .

  20. 脑肿瘤如何改变脑功能的连接性?一项脑磁图描记术研究

    How do brain tumors alter functional connectivity ? A magnetoencephalography study

  21. 针刺合谷穴对脑磁图的动态观察

    Dynamic Observation of the Influence of Point Hegu Acupuncture on Magnetoencephalogram

  22. 心磁图对左心室肥厚诊断价值的初步探讨

    Preliminary Approach of Diagnostic Value of MCG for Left Ventricular Hypertrophy

  23. 脑梗塞的脑磁图表现(附2例报告)

    Magnetoencephalography appearances of brain infarction ( report of two cases )

  24. 高温超导心磁图仪临床应用的初步研究

    Preliminary study of clinical application of high temperature superconduction magnetocardiography

  25. 应用脑磁图对人脑初级体感皮质功能定位的研究

    Functional Localization of the Human Primary Somatosensory Cortice : A Neuromagnetic Study

  26. 心磁图在心血管疾病应用中的护理体会

    The Nursing Understand of Application of MCG in Cardiovascular Disease

  27. 精神分裂症患者情绪图片刺激脑磁图比较

    Comparison study of magnetoencephalography stimulated by emotional picture in schizophrenia

  28. 基于脑磁图对癫痫病灶与镜像源的仿真计算

    Parameter estimation of epileptic focus and its mirror with magnetoencephalogram by computer simulation

  29. 基于模拟退火法由脑磁图推断电流偶极子参数

    Simulated annealing estimation of current dipole parameters from magnetoencephalogram

  30. 心磁图对静态心电图正常的冠心病患者的诊断价值

    Diagnostic value of magnetocardiography in coronary heart disease patients with normal resting electrocardiogram