
niǎn mǐ chǎnɡ
  • Rice mill;rice-hulling mill
  1. 碾米厂遭到了敌机的轰炸。

    The rice mill was wrecked by the enemy bombing .

  2. 100t/d碾米厂微机生产控制系统

    A Microcomputer Process Control System for 100 t / d Rice Mills

  3. 浅谈碾米厂毛谷气力输送

    On the Pneumatic Conveying System for Raw Paddy in the Rice Mill

  4. 城市碾米厂以糙米为原料加工大米的思考

    Using Brown Rice as Raw Material for Urban Rice Milling

  5. 碾米厂米糠气力输送风网的参数分析

    Parameter Analysis of the Pneumatic Conveying System for Rice Bran in Rice Mills

  6. 碾米厂工艺和车间设计

    The Design of the Technological Process and the Workshop of a Rice Mill

  7. 正因为你,我们才能够有这个碾米厂。

    Thanks to you , we were able to make this rice mill .

  8. 在这个小洞里,有着很多兔子,他们建了一间碾米厂。

    In this little cave , there were many rabbits making a rice mill !

  9. 对碾米厂工序的设置以及清理、砻谷、碾米等主机设备的选择进行了说明;

    The arrangment of rice milling steps and the selection of the main equipment for cleaning , hulling and whitening were explained .