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  • copper sulfate
  1. 用EDTA作显色剂,通过光度法测定酸性镀铜液中硫酸铜的含量。

    Copper sulfate in acid copper plating bath was determined by spectrophotometry with EDTA as chromogenic agent .

  2. 从电路板蚀刻液回收硫酸铜及制作再生蚀刻液进行了工艺探索,得出中和法可从蚀刻液中脱除约90%的铜,沉淀氢氧化铜的最佳pH值为56~60。

    The recovery of copper sulfate and making a regenerated etching solution from spent etching solution were studied . About 90 % copper can be removed from the spent etching solution by neutralization .

  3. 我们想跟孩子们一起制作硫酸铜晶体。

    We tried to grow some copper sulphate crystals with our children .

  4. 硫酸铜具有防腐性,这是不曾有过问题的。

    The antiseptic properties of copper sulphate have never been questioned .

  5. 硫酸铜对小鼠脾细胞DNA损伤研究

    Study of the Effects of Copper Sulphate on Splenocyte DNA Strand Breaks in Mice

  6. 紫外-可见光谱法研究细胞色素C活性中心金属离子与硫酸铜的相互作用

    Interaction between the Metal Ion in the Active Site of Cytochrome C and Copper Sulfate by Ultraviolet Spectroscopy

  7. 共沉淀分离富集-ICP-AES测定饲料级硫酸铜中微量As和Pb

    Determination of Arsenic and Lead in Cupric Sulfate by ICP-AES with Co-precipitation

  8. 硫酸铜中12种微量元素的ICP-AES同时测定

    Simultaneous Determination of 12 Microelements in Copper Sulfate by ICP-AES

  9. 最终选择UPS、碘化钾和硫酸铜作为优选稳定剂组合。

    UPS , kalium iodide and bluestone were chosen as the selected stabilizer combination at last .

  10. ICP-AES法测定电镀硫酸铜中杂质元素

    Determination of Trace Element Impurities in Copper Sulphate for Electroplating by ICP - AES

  11. 可能是TP试剂因含高浓度硫酸铜,对镁测定有正干扰。

    TP reagent had significant influence on detecting magnesium , because it contented the high concentration of cupric sulfate .

  12. 硫酸铜生产过程中,反应温度为60~80℃,时间2h。

    Reaction temperature 60 ~ 80 ℃ and reaction time 2 h for cupric sulfate production .

  13. 以PAN为指示剂用硫酸铜标准溶液滴定过量的EDTA标准溶液,从而求得镍的含量。

    The excessive EDTA standard solution was titrated using copper sulfate with PAN as indicator so as to obtain nickel content .

  14. 硫酸铜中杂质铁、铅、锌、镍的火焰原子吸收法(FAAS)测定

    FAAS Determination of the Fe , Pb , Zn , Ni Impurities in Copper Sulphate

  15. 此外,最终排放物为硫酸铜(肥料)以及PH值8晶莹剔透清洁水,你可以将通过与少量的硫酸混变化为硫酸铜(肥料)。

    Also , the final discharges are water of PH8 and residues sludge which you can convert to copper sulphate ( fertilizers ) by mixing with a little amount of sulphuric acid .

  16. 硫酸铜催化碘标记邻碘马尿酸的CNDO研究

    A study of CNDO on copper sulfate catalyzed labelling of o-iodohippuric acid

  17. 本文采用电化学沉积法,首次以硫酸铜和硫氰酸钾的水溶液为前驱体原料,在ITO导电玻璃上沉积出了性能良好的p-CuSCN半导体薄膜。

    CuSCN thin films were prepared by electrochemical deposition method in aqueous solutions using cupric sulphate and potassium thiocyanate as precursor materials .

  18. 由废Cu-Zn-Al催化剂制备硫酸铜

    Preparation of CuSO 4 · 5h 2O by using waste Cu Zn Al catalyst

  19. 结合日常检验工作的实际情况,对饲料级硫酸铜中原子吸收分光光度法(AAS)测定铅的方法的适用性进行了探讨,并提出改进建议。

    The determination of lead in forage copper sulfate by AAS has been discussed , and the amelioration has also been promoted .

  20. 在一定温度下的水溶液中,以硫酸铜为前驱体,抗坏血酸(Vc)为还原剂,加入适量修饰剂,进行了粒径、形貌可控的纯铜纳米粒子的合成。

    Size-and shape-controlled phase pure Cu nanoparticles were hydrothermally synthesized from copper sulfate pentahydrate with ascorbic acid as reductant and surfactants as modifiers at a low temperature in aqueous solution .

  21. 吉林农业大学硕士学位论文铜对猪下丘脑生长抑素分泌的影响综合所有试验结果,可以得出:(l)硫酸铜对体外培养的猪下丘脑神经细胞分泌SS没有直接影响。

    The results showed that sulfate copper did not directly restrain the secretion of SS from the swine hypothalamus in vivo .

  22. 并且都添加125mg/kg时,蛋氨酸铜对MAO活性的抑制作用要强于硫酸铜。

    Supplemented with 125mg / kg copper , activity of MAO ( monoamine oxidase ) in copper sulfate was higher than that of copper methionine .

  23. 采用二段中和法研究了硫酸铜结晶母液制备砷酸铜的工艺过程,用XRD图探讨了砷酸铜的分子结构式。

    This paper relates the process for producing of copper arsenate from solution after crystallization of copper sulfate by applying two times precipitation method , and discusses structural formula of copper arsenate through XRD .

  24. 以硫酸铜和硫酸镍为原料、酒石酸铵为络合剂、NaOH调节pH值、水合肼还原的化学共沉积法,制备了平均粒径为50nm的纳米级镍包铜(Ni/Cu)复合粉末。

    The aqueous mixture of copper sulfate and nickel sulfate was reduced by hydrazine directly , with ammonium tartrate being complexing agent , NaOH being pH adjuster .

  25. 结果:该药可明显减少左旋多巴所致狗和硫酸铜所致家鸽呕吐次数(P0.01,P0.05),延长呕吐潜伏期(P0.01);

    Results : The capsule can obviously decrease the vomiting times ( P 0.01 , P 0.05 ) and delay the vomiting delitescence of the dog and the pigeon ( P 0.01 ) .

  26. 结果表明:其所制成的CIM催化剂的性能与用工业硫酸铜和硫酸镍为原料制的CIM催化剂的性能相同。

    The results showed that the properties of this grease hydrogenation catalyst were similar to those of the one produced by industrial copper sulfate and nickel sulfate .

  27. 在对甲苯磺酸和硫酸铜复合催化剂存在下,以正辛醛(A)和乙醇(B)为原料经脱水缩合合成了新型香料2-庚基-1,3二口恶戊烷。

    The perfume 2-heptyl-1,3-dioxolane was synthesized by the condensation reaction of n - octyl aldehyde ( A ) with ethylene glycol ( B ) in the presence of a composite catalyst which is composed of p - methyl benzene sulfonic acid and cupric sulfate .

  28. 本文建立了一种简便快速、准确测定进口硫酸铜中铁、铅、锌、镍的火焰原子吸收方法(FAAS)。

    A rapid and easy method of FAAS determination of Fe , Pb , Zn , Ni impurities in import copper sulphate is set up .

  29. 本文重点研究了影响黄铁矿可浮性的各种因素,如氧化作用、pH值、抑制剂和调整剂种类、酸洗黄铁矿矿物表面和硫酸铜活化等。

    In this paper the authors discuss various factors affecting the flotability of pyrite , such as oxidation effect , pH value , sorts of depressors and regulators and the relation between acid cleaning of pyrite surface and activation by copper sulphate .

  30. 结果表明:1)以硫酸铜为铜源,PVP为表面活性剂,水合肼为还原剂,在高浓度(0.1-1.0M)条件下合成了氧化亚铜微球。

    The results are as follow : 1 ) Cu2O hollow micro-spheres were synthesized by reducing copper sulfate with hydrazine with polyvinylpyrrolidone ( PVP ) as surfactant at 30 ℃ .