
  • 网络sulfide catalyst;metallic sulfide catalyst
  1. 助剂对Mo/Al2O3硫化物催化剂还原性能的影响

    Effect of promoters on reduction property of mo / al_2o_3 sulfide catalyst

  2. 过渡金属硫化物催化剂上NH3还原SO2的反应

    The reduction of so_2 by nh_3 on transition metal sulfide catalyst

  3. 甲醇气相羰化非铑非卤素新催化体系研究I.新的硫化物催化剂制备方法及其羰化性能

    Study of a halide and rhodium free catalytic system for vapor phase carbonylation of methanol ⅱ . A novel method for preparation of sulfided catalysts and their carbonylation behavior

  4. 根据以上研究提出了硫化物催化剂上NH3还原SO2的反应机理,催化剂活性来源于硫化物物相和TiO2的双组分协同作用。

    The reduction mechanism of SO_2 by NH_3 over sulfide catalysts was postulated . The source of catalyst activity is originated from the synergism of the two composites sulfide phase and TiO_2 .

  5. 结果表明,在H一MCM一41担载的双金属硫化物催化剂中,Ni一W催化剂因其较高的HDS活性、最高的加氢活性以及最低的裂化活性而表现出最佳的综合性能。

    It is indicated that among the supported sulfides , Ni-W sulfide supported over H-MCM-41 exhibits the best overall properties due to its higher HDS activity , the highest hydrogenation activity and the least cracking activity .

  6. 以质量分数0.8%的二苯并噻吩(DBT)的十氢萘溶液为模型化合物,考察了不同MCM-41担载的Co-Mo硫化物催化剂对DBT的加氢脱硫反应性能。

    The hydrodesulfrization ( HDS ) of dibenzothiophene ( DBT ) catalyzed by Co-Mo sulfides supported over different MCM-41 samples was studied by using a model fuel containing 0.8 % DBT in decalin .

  7. 过渡金属硫化物催化剂催化加氢作用机理

    Transition Metal Sulfides Hydrogenation Catalysts : Active Phase Structure and Mechanism of the Catalytic Reaction

  8. 硫化物催化剂体系载体酸强度分布及其与反应性能的关联

    Correlation of the Support Acid Strength Distribution of Sulfide Catalysts with Their Reactivity for Methanol Synthesis

  9. 硫化物催化剂结构性质与合成甲醇反应性能的关联(Ⅰ)&还原活化能分布函数

    Correlation of the structural properties of sulfide catalysts with their reactivity for methanol synthesis (ⅰ)── distribution function of reduction activation energy

  10. 继过渡金属氮化物和碳化物之后,最近的研究表明过渡金属磷化物具有比传统硫化物催化剂更加优异的催化性能。

    More recently , transitional metal phosphides were reported to have superior activities to traditional Mo sulfide catalysts in hydrotreating processes .

  11. 研究了硫化物催化剂的体相性质与合成甲醇反应性能的关系,考察了载体和助催化剂对催化剂还原性能的影响;

    The relationship between the structural properties of sulfide catalysts and their reactivity of methanol synthesis from syngas has been studied .

  12. 着重概述了传统金属硫化物催化剂的改性方法,新型的金属碳化物、金属氮化物和金属磷化物催化剂的研究现状。

    Improvement and modification of traditional metal sulphide catalysts , and the current situation of new catalysts such as metal carbides , metal nitrides and metal phosphides are emphasized .

  13. 为了开发高性能的加氢催化剂,过渡金属硫化物催化剂催化活性相的结构与加氢脱硫性能的关系一直以来是催化研究的热点之一。

    In this paper , the progress of research is reviewed from two aspects : the structure of the active phase and the mechanism of adsorption-to-reaction of reactants on the active .

  14. 酞菁钴界面修饰的CuxS·CdS复合硫化物光催化剂

    Composite Sulfide Photocatalyst of Cu_xS · CdS Interface-Modified with Cobalt Phthalocyanine

  15. 以自行制备的多壁碳纳米管(CNT)作为添加剂,制备共沉淀型CNT促进的Co-Mo-K硫化物基催化剂。

    Using home-made multi-walled carbon nanotubes ( CNT ) as the promoter , sulfurized Co-Mo-K catalysts ( denoted as Co_iMo_jK_k-x % CNT ) were prepared by the co-precipitation method .

  16. 用自行制备的多壁碳纳米管(CNTs)作为载体,制备一类负载型CNTs促进Co-Mo-K硫化物基催化剂,x%CoiMojKk/CNTs(x%为质量百分数)。

    With home-made multi-walled carbon nanotubes ( MWCNTs , simplified as CNTs ) as support , CNT-supported Co-Mo-K sulfide catalysts , denoted as x % ( mass percentage ) Co_iMo_jK_k / CNTs , were prepared .

  17. 多元金属硫化物光催化剂的制备及应用

    Preparation and Application of Multi-metal Sulfide Photocatalysts

  18. 硫化物在FCC催化剂上的裂化脱硫研究

    Cracking desulfurization of sulfides over FCC catalyst

  19. 考察了不同硫化物、不同催化剂粒度对硫中毒的影响。

    The effects of different sulfur substances and catalyst ' pellet siZes on the sulfur - poisoning were investigated .

  20. 硫氧化物因其避免了传统硫化物可见光催化剂的光腐蚀与不稳定性,以及很强的可见光吸收特性,成为人们设计和合成新型可见光催化剂的一个重要方向。

    Oxysulfide which avoids traditional sulfide visible light photocatalysts ' corrosion , instability , and has a strong visible-light absorption property , has been an important direction for designing and synthesizing new visible-light responsive photocatalysts .

  21. 脱除噻吩类硫化物的Ni基催化剂的研究进展

    Advances in Research of Nickel-Based Catalysts for Desulfurization of Thiophene-Type Sulfides

  22. 使用后的催化剂晶相结构发生了明显的变化,有金属硫化物生成,并且催化剂的表面有少量的单质硫。

    There were crystal compounds of metallic sulfides and element sulfur in the used catalysts .