
dǐ zhù
  • Pillar;Dizhu Mount;DiZhu,Mountain
砥柱 [dǐ zhù]
  • [DiZhu,Mountain] 山名,位于河南三门峡以东黄河急流中,形象像柱

砥柱[dǐ zhù]
  1. 中部砥柱锁固平面旋转切向层状岩质滑坡启动力学机理与稳定性判据

    Dynamics and stability criterion of oblique layered landslide with plane rotation under lockup of centric segment

  2. 大学所培植出的每个人应该是国家的栋梁及时代的砥柱。

    Every man sent out from a university should be a man of his nation as well as a man of his time .

  3. 中部砥柱锁固平面旋转滑坡,是切向层状岩质斜坡在特殊的边界条件控制下,发生渐进性变形而形成的。

    Landslide with plane rotation under lockup of centric segment is formed in the course of progressive failure of layered rocks on the oblique bank slope .

  4. 再回海岸的路上,我们的破冰撬,他们是我们,在这个蓝色冰川上行进的砥柱坏掉了。就在本德穆尔冰川制高点。

    On the way back down to the coast , our crampons a " they 're the spikes on our boots that we have for traveling over this blue ice on the glacier broke on the top of the Beardmore .
