
yán jiū shēnɡ yuàn
  • graduate school
  1. 她在研究生院攻读社会福利工作学硕士学位。

    She was in graduate school , studying for a master 's degree in social work .

  2. 贝纳杰在印度出生成长,曾进入美国西北大学(northwesternuniversity)研究生院就读博弈论和计量经济学。

    Born and raised in India , Mr Banerji attended graduate school at Northwestern University where he studied game theory and econometrics .

  3. 芝加哥有6所颇负盛名的研究生院和专业院校。

    Chicago has 6 graduate and professional schools of high repute .

  4. 美国研究生院委员会(TheCouncilofGraduateSchools)称,这是头年出现女博士人数超过男博士的情况。

    The Council of Graduate Schools says this was the first year ever that women earned more doctorates than men .

  5. 对美国研究生院委员会(CouncilofGraduateSchools)的285个成员进行的年度调查显示,这是2006年以来的最大年度增幅。

    That was the strongest annual growth since 2006 , according to the annual survey of 285 members of the Council of Graduate Schools .

  6. 美国研究生院委员会(CouncilofGraduateSchools)发布的一份报告显示,去年美国研究生入学人数连续第二年下降。

    New enrollment in graduate schools fell last year for the second consecutive year , according to a report from the Council of Graduate Schools .

  7. 在加州的波莫纳学院(PomonaCollege)学习生物化学后,她去了哈佛的研究生院。

    After studying biochemistry at Pomona College in California , she went to Harvard for graduate school .

  8. 论文对几种主要的MIS系统开发方法进行了分析比较,并在研究生院的实际开发环境中加以应用。

    Some important development methods of MIS are compared and used to fit the actual development circumstance of the Graduate School .

  9. 该项排名只有3所新上榜商校,其中排名最高的是排在第69位的爱尔兰斯默菲特商业研究生院(SmurfitGraduateSchoolofBusiness)。

    Only three schools feature for the first time , with Ireland 's Smurfit Graduate Business School highest in 69th place .

  10. 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学商学院(UNSWBusinessSchoolofAustralia)澳大利亚管理研究生院(AGSM)首次上榜,排在第八位。

    AGSM at UNSW Business School of Australia entered the ranking for the first time in eighth position .

  11. 这个问题本身不那么新鲜,研究生院理事会(CouncilofGraduateSchools)会长黛布拉·斯图尔特(DebraStewart)说。

    The issue itself is not a new issue , said Debra Stewart , president of the Council of Graduate Schools .

  12. 谷歌人力资源团队名为人力运营(PeopleOperations)。它的运作类似于研究生院的实验室,由团队中的科学家对公司的内部运作进行持续分析。

    Google 's human resources group , which goes by the name People Operations , functions like a graduate school research lab , with staff scientists who are constantly analyzing the company 's internal operations .

  13. 都柏林大学学院(UCD)迈克尔?斯墨菲特商业研究生院(MichaelSmurfitGraduateSchoolofBusiness)的总体进步最大,排名攀升21位至第48名。

    Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School at University College Dublin showed the best overall progress , moving up 21 places to 48 .

  14. 你说到了正在备考GRE,所以我想你应该是对美国大学的研究生院有兴趣。

    As you mention taking the GRE , I assume you are interested in grad schools .

  15. 根据美国研究生院委员会(USCouncilofGraduateSchools)周三公布的一份报告,在美国研究生院注册的中国留学生数量出现至少10年来首次下滑。

    The number of Chinese students enrolling in US graduate schools fell for the first time in at least a decade , according to a report from the US Council of Graduate Schools published on Wednesday .

  16. 外国的研究生院要求申请者提供整个四年学习以来的GPA。

    Overseas grad schools ask for applicants'cumulative grade point average ( GPA ) based on their entire four years of study .

  17. L自防科学技术人学研究生院学位论文设计了一个数字水印原型系统,实现了可见水印的嵌入以及不可见水印的嵌入和八检测。

    Besides theoretical research , we design a digital watermarking software .

  18. 美国研究生院委员会主席黛博拉斯图尔特(DebraStewart)指出:各州均面临财政压力。

    The states are in financial stress , said Debra Stewart , president of the Council of Graduate Schools .

  19. 巴塞罗那经济学研究生院(BarcelonaGraduateSchoolofEconomics,简称巴塞罗那GSE)于上月成立,该学校计划在明年9月份前推出5门硕士课程,并打算在5年内再推出15门课程。

    Last month Barcelona Graduate School of Economics was launched . By September it plans to have rolled out five masters programmes , with a further 15 promised over five years .

  20. 但研究生院理事会(CouncilofGraduateSchools)的这项调查称,尽管连续3年出现增长,但仍有78%的美国研究生院称,今年留学生的申请人数少于2003年。

    But even after three years of growth , 78 per cent of US graduate schools reported fewer international applicants this year than in 2003 , according to the survey by the Council of Graduate Schools .

  21. 史密斯商学院与加州蒙特里的海军研究生院(navalpostgraduateschool)有一个合作项目,2002年开办,使得华盛顿地区的军事人员有机会攻读一个联合mba学位。

    The Smith School has a partnership with the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey , California , that since 2002 has enabled military personnel in the Washington area to take a combined MBA degree .

  22. 2月13日,在斯坦福大学商学研究生院(Stanford'sGraduateSchoolofBusiness)举办的关于未来媒体的大会上,《财富》杂志(Fortune)的亚当·拉辛斯基对Facebook商务及营销合作副总裁大卫·费舍尔进行了采访。

    On Feb. 13 , Fortune 's Adam Lashinsky interviewed David Fischer , Facebook 's vice president of business and marketing partnerships , at a conference on the future of media hosted by Stanford 's Graduate School of Business .

  23. 本论文以数据集市为基础,通过引入粗糙集理论和贪心算法,在研究生院局域网环境下完成了一个C/S模式的教务排课系统的分析、设计与实现。

    Based on the data market and through the theory of rough set and greed algorithm , this paper describes the analysis , designation and realization of a c / s mode scheduling system in the environment of a graduate school local loop .

  24. 我记得我那时二十二、三岁的样子,刚刚从研究生院提前毕业,正在完成我的首个专业音乐剧,叫做《赤裸》(Bare)。

    I remember being 22 or 23 and I had just graduated from graduate school a little early and I was doing my first professional production , a musical called bare .

  25. 卡茨研究生院高级副院长劳里•基尔希(LaurieKirsch)说,做项目不是为了赚钱盈利。

    Laurie Kirsch , the senior associate dean at Katz , says it isn 't about turning a profit .

  26. DCU是继都柏林大学学院(UCD)迈克尔?斯墨菲特商业研究生院(MichaelSmurfitGraduateSchoolofBusiness)之后上榜的第二个爱尔兰商学院,此前它在2016年进入管理学硕士榜单。

    DCU Business School was the second Irish school , after UCD Smurfit , to feature in this ranking after it entered the Masters in Management ranking in 2016 .

  27. 有21个专业学院(系),设有研究生院、中国APEC研究院、成人教育学院、职业技术学院、现代远程教育学院。

    The University has 21 faculties , including a Graduate School , China APEC Institute , School for Continuing Education , Advanced Vocational School and Modern Distance Education School .

  28. 方法利用中国科技大学研究生院认知实验室设计的整体与局部认知功能检查软件对30例PD患者和31例对照进行检查。

    Methods The visual cognitive software , which was devised by the Cognition Laboratory of National Science and Technology University , was used and 30 PD patients and 31 normal controls ( NC ) were enrolled in the study .

  29. 研究生院理事会主席黛布拉斯图尔特(debrastewart)表示,在许多美国大学扩招留学生的同时,其它国家的大学也在这么做。

    Debra Stewart , CGS president , said that while many US universities had expanded their recruitment of foreign students , universities in other countries had also done so .

  30. AtharOsama在美国加州圣莫尼卡的帕蒂兰德研究生院获得了科学和创新政策博士学位。

    Athar Osama holds a PhD in science and innovation policy from Pardee – RAND Graduate School in Santa Monica , California , USA.