
shí shǒu yú
  • croakers;drumfish
  1. 长有细长直立背鳍身体花白的石首鱼。

    Black-and-white drumfish with an erect elongated dorsal fin .

  2. 加利福尼亚沿岸浅水中银白带蓝色的石首鱼。蓝蓝的天上白云飘。

    Silvery and bluish drumfish of shallow California coastal waters . White clouds drift through the blue sky .

  3. 石首鱼科(Sciaenidae)三种鱼耳石CaCO3晶相结构分析

    The studies on otolith caco_3 crystal structure of three species of fishes in Sciaenidae

  4. 产于大西洋南部和美国海湾水域的石首鱼。

    Weakfish of southern Atlantic and Gulf coasts of United States .

  5. 北美洲沿海的几种石首鱼。

    Any of several sciaenid fishes of North American coastal waters .

  6. 眼斑拟石首鱼人工繁殖与苗种生产技术的研究

    Studies on artificial propagation and seed production of red drum , Sciaenops ocellatus

  7. 珠江口红拟石首鱼的池养生长与饲养

    Growth characteristics and culture technique of pond-reared Sciaenops ocellatus in Zhujiang River mouth

  8. 北美洲东南部海域的石首鱼。

    Whiting of the southeastern coast of North America .

  9. 暖水海洋鱼,包含石首鱼、石鲈和海鳟。

    Warm-water marine fishes including the drums and grunts and croakers and sea trout .

  10. 加利福尼亚海岸蓝灰色的石首鱼。

    Bluish-gray whiting of California coast .

  11. 小的银白色石首鱼经常与银河鲈搞混;产于美国从纽约到墨西哥的海岸。

    Small silvery drumfish often mistaken for white perch ; found along coasts of United States from New York to Mexico .

  12. 北美洲沿岸大西洋温暖水域中土产的几种石首鱼,可以食用或猎用。

    Any of several food and game fishes of the drum family indigenous to warm Atlantic waters of the North American coast .

  13. 采用单因素饲养试验设计,以确定眼斑拟石首鱼全程饲养过程各阶段的适宜蛋白含量。

    A single factor feeding trial was made to determine the optimal dietary protein levels of red drum Sciaenops ocelletus at different stages .

  14. 我们可以得到最上乘的蛤蜊、鳝鱼、田鸡腿、无鳔石首鱼、大比目鱼和活油甘鱼(黄色尾巴的金枪鱼)。

    We can get the most wonderful red clams , eels and frogs'legs , kingfish , turbot and live hamachi ( yellowtail tuna ) .

  15. 其他汞含量较低的品种有:黑线鳕、青鳕、比目鱼和鳎、细须石首鱼、小龙虾、鲶鱼、鳟鱼、大西洋鲭鱼、蟹和鲻鱼。

    Also low are haddock , pollock , flounder and sole , Atlantic croaker , crawfish , catfish , trout , Atlantic mackerel , crab and mullet .

  16. 蜗牛的壳是背在背上的,它的眼睛长在长触须上。长有细长直立背鳍身体花白的石首鱼。

    The shell of a snail is carried on its back , and its eyes are on long stems . black-and-white drumfish with an erect elongated dorsal fin .

  17. 本文研究了眼斑拟石首鱼生长的特性以及外界因素对其生长的影响。

    This paper studies the general law for the growth of red drum ( Sciaenops ocellatus ), its peculiar growth characteristics and effect of outside factors on its growth .

  18. 我国鲻科鱼类人工繁殖技术及进展石首鱼科鱼类已成为人工繁殖和育苗的主要对象。

    Recent Progress in the Technique of Artificial Propagation and Development for Mugilidae in China The species of the family Sciaenidae are the major fish in the artificial propagation and breeding .

  19. 无鳔石首鱼,月鱼太平洋产的几种相似或有亲缘关系的鱼之一詈骂是人们言语行为的一种特殊形式,它与文学创作有不解之缘。

    Any of several similar or related fishes , indigenous to the Pacific Ocean . Verbal abusiveness is a kind of speech-cat , it has a close connection with literary writing .

  20. 人工鱼礁的建设使石首鱼科种类和岩礁性鱼类增加明显,鱼礁生境既具有维持固有种类的优势,还可为更多生物提供栖息地。

    The deployment of AR leads to an obvious increase in sciaenidae fish and rocky fish , and AR environment can not only maintain the inherent species , but also offer more bio-available habitat .