
  1. 其次,石家庄铁路运输学校的铁道运输专业在全国享有较高声誉,选择它作为调查样本具有一定的代表性。

    Second , the railway transport profession in Shijiazhuang railway school is selected as the sample has some representation with high professional reputation in the country .

  2. 文章以石家庄铁路运输学校物流管理专业实训为个案,对实训目标的确定、实训规划、实训项目和实训室建设进行了论证,提出了利用校园物流开展实训设计的构想。

    The article use Shijiazhuang Railway Logistics Management Training School as a case , the determination of the training objectives , training plans , training programs and training room building was argued , made use of " logistics campus " concept designed to carry out training .