
duǎn bí
  • Short nose;brachyrhinia
短鼻[duǎn bí]
  1. 短鼻鳄必须找到更聪明的方法来猎食。

    The hungry Gator must find new and clever ways to find food .

  2. 目的:探讨自体软骨在审美性短鼻合并鼻尖圆钝低平畸形整复中的应用方法和效果。

    Objective : To explore more satisfactory results in correcting the aesthetically short nose combined with low and blunt nasal tip with autologous cartilage grafts . Methods : External rhinoplasty approach is preferred .

  3. 三角龙一般长有大型额角和小一点的鼻角,而皇家角龙额角很短,鼻角巨大,就像属于一种200多万年前就已经灭绝了的恐龙种族。

    The triceratops usually had large brow horns and a smaller nose horn , whereas the regaliceratops had short brow horns and a huge nose spike , just like a separate line of dinosaurs that died out two million years earlier .

  4. 但这位研究人员提醒道,在韦恩鲁尼为这一赞美沾沾自喜之前,他要知道,长有短平翘鼻的人通常被视为不够成熟。

    Before Rooney lets the compliment go to his head , however , he should know that those with snub noses are often viewed as lacking in maturity , warns the researcher .

  5. 土相脸的人下颌宽,前额短而宽,鼻小,眉平而长,眼睛大。

    The characteristics of Earth Face are wide jaw , short wide forehead , small nose , flat long eyebrows and large eyes .

  6. 这些看似娇弱的动物们拥有适合生存的身体特征,如短耳,短鼻,厚毛等,这些可以帮助它们承受一些地球上最恶劣的生存条件。

    These delicate-looking mammals have adapted a host of physical attributes-short ears ; a short muzzle ; thick fur-to help them bear up under some of Earth 's harshest living conditions .