
  • 网络knowledge area;knowledge domain;discipline
  1. 知识领域之外的各过程及其供该知识领域当做依据使用的各项成果。

    Processes external to the Knowledge Area , whose outputs are used as inputs to the Knowledge Area processes under discussion .

  2. 随后,就该行业特点及问题,从项目管理的知识领域全面地、有所侧重地对勘测设计项目管理进行了深入研究。

    Then , according to the features and problems lying in trade , the thesis studies roundly and comprehensively survey and design from project management knowledge area .

  3. 最后,根据WorldWideWebConsortium(W3C)的说明,本体定义用于描述和表示知识领域的术语。

    Finally , according to the World Wide Web Consortium ( W3C ), ontology defines the terms used to describe and represent an area of knowledge .

  4. 在每次pisa调查中,经合组织都会侧重考察不同的知识领域。

    For each Pisa survey , the OECD concentrates on a different area of knowledge .

  5. OA的知识领域覆盖了行为科学、管理科学、社会学、系统工程学等学科,并且体现了多学科之间的相互交叉、相互渗透性。

    The knowledge field of OA covers the actionable science , management science , sociology , systems engineering and so on , and reflects the cross-cutting and mutual penetration between subjects .

  6. CCES是一个适用于中华学习机CEC&I的小型分类专家系统外壳,若配备不同的分类规则就可构成特定知识领域的分类专家系统。

    CCES is a rule-based small scall classification expert system shell suitable for Chinese education computer CEC & ⅰ . CCES can create a classification expert system of particular knowledge domain when providing it with different rules .

  7. 数据库技术是一个不断发展的知识领域。

    Database technology is a constantly growing field of knowledge .

  8. 项目集管理的九大知识领域和五个管理过程组。

    Nine knowledge areas and five phases for Program Management .

  9. 知识领域被一分再分到数不清的狭窄领域。

    Knowledge has been divided and sub-divided into countless , narrow-defined parts .

  10. 科学家不断地把知识领域的边缘向外扩展.向外扩张的岩石圈板块

    Scientists continue to push back the boundaries of knowledge . outward-spreading lithospheric plate

  11. 图书馆与大学生知识领域拓宽能力的培养

    Library and the Cultivation of the Ability of Widening Knowledge Domain of University Students

  12. 在知识领域,专业性的知识增长迅猛,《剑桥百科全书》便是一例证。

    The Cambridge Encyclopedia is testimony to the huge increase in knowledge about expertise .

  13. 由于学习中文,而加强或扩展其它学科的知识领域。

    Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines thru the study of Chinese .

  14. 尊重新观点对所有知识领域的持续发展有重要的作用。

    Respect for new ideas is important for continued progress in all fields of knowledge .

  15. 因为这些专家要向外行人讲授“外行人知识领域之外”的知识。

    Because these experts are imparting information " beyond the ken " of the layperson .

  16. 职前教师教育与教学知识领域&全球背景下的教师质量

    Preservice Teacher Education and the Knowledge Domains of Teaching : Quality teachers for a global context

  17. 管理委员会的成员来自世界的不同地区,具有不同的专业背景和专业知识领域,这种多样性是其主要优势之一。

    Management Committee comprises members from different parts of the world , with different professional backgrounds .

  18. 翻译研究是跨学科研究、与人类众多知识领域有千丝万缕的联系。

    Translation Studies is multidisciplinary in nature and is related with various disciplines of human knowledge .

  19. 在我的通常知识领域中,有什么会帮助我们正在要实现的?

    What in my usual sphere of knowledge would work with what we 're trying to accomplish ?

  20. 项目管理知识领域

    Project management knowledge areas

  21. 工程项目进度管理是项目管理知识领域中的主要内容之一,项目进度管理的好坏直接关系到项目的成败。

    Schedule management in engineering projects is one of main content in the area of project management knowledge .

  22. 要扩大知识领域,丰富表象储蓄,才能培养其丰富的审美想象力。

    Must expand the area of knowledge , the rich representation deposit , can raise its rich esthetic imagination .

  23. 日本人已经证明,他们有选择地在新知识领域创造发明的能力不亚于任何人。

    The Janpanese have shown themselves selectively capable of innovating at the frontier of knowledge as well as anyone .

  24. 能够解释关键知识领域在执行岗位职责中的必要性。

    Be able to explain how key knowledge areas are necessary to live up to your roles and responsibilities .

  25. 此句话可译为:安慰剂的研究揭示了一个有关人体怎样自愈的新知识领域。

    The study of the placebo opens up new knowledge about the way the human body can heal itself .

  26. 基础研究的进步在很大程度上是由“波动性”变化所致,即由知识领域的突破而产生的突然变化。

    Progress in fundamental research is mostly due to " fluctuations " namely , sudden changes due to intellectual breakthroughs .

  27. 王力宏:因为这是座需要用无限潜能和丰富知识领域去攀越的高山(比喻华语流行乐坛)。

    Wang Lee Hom : Because it is a mountain that needs to be climbed with so much potential and territory .

  28. 让新西兰有能力开拓新的知识领域,并把新知识应用到新的和已有的产业中去。

    and in which New Zealand has the capacity to create new knowledge and apply it to new and existing industries .

  29. 因此企业会对其拥有的知识领域进行区分,有区别的对待不同的知识,这就是本文的核心假设。

    So enterprises will treat different knowledge that they have differently , and this is the core assumption of this article .

  30. 每个知识领域都是一个很大的范畴,论文只是涉及到各个领域的一个分支,并将其整合,形成了论文的研究方向。

    In this paper , we discuss only a branch of each knowledge field which included a large number of contents .