
  • 网络contradictory concept;contradicting concept
  1. 对医用高等数学中一些矛盾概念的教学思考

    Thinking of Teaching on Some Contradictory Concepts in Medical Advanced Mathematics

  2. 数学分析中的几个重要概念及其矛盾概念

    Some Important Concepts and Their Contradictory Concepts in Mathematical Analysis

  3. 理性和感性是一对相互依赖而存在的矛盾概念。

    Rational and perceptual concepts are both contradictory and dependent on each other .

  4. 论社会理论中作为自悖谬的矛盾概念

    View on the Concept of " Contradiction " as Self-paradox in Social Theories

  5. 他提出现实矛盾概念,深化了科学的逻辑范畴体系,这是逻辑理论体系的创新,具有重大建树意义;

    Secondly , he put forward the new concept of practical contradiction , hence the deepened system of logic categories , which was a creation of logic system with great constructive significance .

  6. 他们在不同的历史条件下形成了各自对人民以及人民内部矛盾概念和内容的理论认识,并在实践中构建了各具特色的处理人民内部矛盾的方法。

    They formed themselves theory views about people concept and the contents of the contradictions among the people on different history condition , and constructed the methods with themselves character to handle the contradictions among the people in the socialism practice .

  7. 图灵把他在1947年2月提出的想法详细展开,挑明了为什么达尔文这些人会认为“智能机器”是个矛盾概念:

    Expanding upon the ideas he had publicly announced in February 1947 , this time he identified some of the reasons why the concept of ' intelligent machinery ' might be perceived by such as Darwin as a contradiction in terms :

  8. 所谓矛盾概念的对立的虚妄性充分表现在可说是普遍规律的堂皇公式上,这个公式说:每一事物对于一切对立的谓词只可具有其一,而不能具有其他。

    The inanity of the opposition between what are called contradictory notions is fully exhibited in what we may call the grandiose formula of a general law , that everything has the one and not the other of all predicates which are in such opposition .

  9. 新闻精品是上世纪90年代出现的新事物,新闻和精品之间的关联性不强而使其成为一个矛盾概念。解决矛盾则产生第三种话语&此正是本命题之理论目标所在。

    Born in 1990s , the " elite news " seems to make a contradiction between " news " and " elite ", which are not closely associated . The attempt to solve the contradiction gives rise to a third discourse , which is the theoretical goal of this study .

  10. 民间是一个极其复杂、充满内在矛盾的概念,本文所要探讨的是,在陈思和的民间理论中,民间的客体世界和主体世界能否统一?

    Folk is an extremely complicated and rather self contradictory concept .

  11. 权利与责任始终是一对相互依赖又相互矛盾的概念。

    Right and duty is a pair of contradictory concept .

  12. 这些推理服务能够很好的发现知识中隐藏的信息并且能够发现知识定义中相互矛盾的概念。

    These inference services can easily find the connotative information of knowledge and inconsistencies in the knowledge definition .

  13. 本文指出,在光行差问题上长期纠缠住双星矛盾是概念上的混淆。

    It is shown that long-time implication of the " binary star paradox " in the question of aberration is a conceptive confusion .

  14. 黑格尔把其哲学上的矛盾冲突概念引入到悲剧研究上来,从而丰富发展了西方悲剧理论。

    Hegel put the concept of conflict into the tragedy of studying so as to enrich the development of the Western theory of tragedy .

  15. 公司自治和公司强制在静态上是一对矛盾的概念,而在动态上则是一个博弈的过程,我们从公司设立的历史就可以很清楚地看到这个轨迹。

    Corporation autonomy and corporation coercion are a pair of conflicting concepts from a statistic perspective , while dynamically they can analyzed with the tool of game theory .

  16. 表达与作品并不是一对相互矛盾的概念,表达强调过程,作品强调结果,如果表达能够产生可固定、可复制结果,这一结果就成为作品;

    Expressions emphasize the course ; works emphasize the result . If the expressions can lead to a result that can be fixed or copied , the works be formed ;

  17. 《担保法》及其司法解释用大量的条文规定保证期间以明确其适用,但是法条的前后矛盾、概念的模糊不清,都影响了保证期间作用的发挥。

    Warranty law and interpretation of the law on guarantees stipulate guarantee period in many articles to clarify its application , but the contradiction among them and the vagueness of concepts affect the function of guarantee period .

  18. 中国书法艺术发展史是一部书和刻的艺术发展史,书法艺术和汉字艺术是两个并不矛盾的概念,书法艺术包括于汉字艺术之中。

    The history of Chinese calligraphic art development is a history of calligraphy and carving development . The art of calligraphy indeed is not contradictory to the art of characters , and the former is included in the latter .

  19. 资料综合:双重束缚是Bateson结合再学习和Russellian矛盾两个概念提出的。

    DATA SYNTHESIS : Double bind is created by Bateson on base of " deutero-learning " and " Russellian paradox " .

  20. 在研究过程中注意明确主体、规定矛盾,建立概念体系。

    Much attention is given to clarification of the agent , the prescription of contradictions and the establishment of systems .

  21. 黑格尔把矛盾看作是概念的本质要素,是自己运动的根本,是推动整个世界的原则。

    Hegel regards the contradiction as the essential key element of the concept , it is the base of one , s own movement , it is the principle of the whole .

  22. 阴阳是一个抽象的、相对峙的、特殊矛盾范畴的概念,是中医学的主要思维方法,与矛盾概念有着重要的区别;

    Yinyang is an abstract conception , a pair of counterparts , belongs to the realm of contradiction with its specialty , is the major thinking method in TCM , but it differentiates from the conception of contradiction obviously .

  23. 人民内部矛盾这一概念,由于社会、经济、政治和文化生活所发生的剧烈变化,它在改革开放后消失于学术视野,被其他从西方引进的思想、语言体系代替。

    Due to drastic changes in social , economic , political and cultural life , the concept of contradictions among the people has disappeared from academic arena and has been replaced from the ideological and language systems introduced from the West .

  24. 学界对矛盾修饰法的概念性问题也存在不同意见。

    There are even disagreements in the academic world on the basic concepts of oxymoron .

  25. 本文认为现代性本身是个充满张力与矛盾的悖论式概念。

    The paper thinks the word modernity is a concept to be full of tension and contradiction .

  26. 多样化和标准化是本来看似矛盾的一对概念,而模块化为解决这个看似矛盾的问题提供了一条思路。

    Diversification and standardization is a couple of seemingly contradictory concept , but modularity provides a way to solve this problem .

  27. 但把矛盾作为一个概念明确使用,首推先秦思想家韩非。

    But it was the thinker Han Fei in the early period of the Qin Dynasty that first used " contradition " as a concept .

  28. 让我们从这个问题入手,巴巴的思考首先是通过矛盾心理,这个概念。

    Let 's try to start there and see if we can work our way into Bhabha 's complex thinking on these matters , first by way of the notion of ambivalence .

  29. 引入关键矛盾和矛盾流的概念,研究了关键矛盾的性质,提出解决矛盾问题的关键矛盾法。

    The concepts of key contradiction and contradictory flow are introduced . Some properties of key contradiction are studied . The key contradiction method for solving non compatible problems is proposed .

  30. 本文这一部分明确了逻辑矛盾与辩证矛盾的概念,并分别阐述了其发展历史;批判了国内外在矛盾问题上的误视与错解,包括波普尔、邦格和邓晓芒等人的观点。

    In this paper , this part makes the concept of logical contradiction and dialectical contradiction clear , expounds their history . The part also criticizes some misconceptions from domestic and foreign circles , including Popper , Bunge , and Deng Xiao-Mang and others .