
ɡāo wán jī sù
  • testosterone;testicular hormone
  1. 实验证明,当看到自己支持的球队获胜的时候,球迷们体内的睾丸激素分泌会出现惊人的提高。

    It has been proved that the Testicular hormone would be secreted in an amazing high level when the football fans see the team they supported win .

  2. 蜂蜜中的维他命B有助于睾丸激素的生成,而蜂蜜中的硼元素有助于机体有效利用雌激素&这正是良好血液流动以及活力的关键。

    Honey 's B vitamins aid the production of testosterone , and its boron content helps the body use estrogen , which is a key factor in proper blood flow and arousal .

  3. 用“任意比值法测深尺”改进SUBSITE探测仪的测深功能睾丸激素的功能

    Application of ' Arbitrary Ratio Value Sounding Ruler'into Betterment of Sounding Function of SUBSITE Sounder

  4. 心理学教授杰米·沃德(JamieWard)以及他的合著者舒阿·阿尔拉吉(ShuaaAlrajih)认为其潜在因素是高水平的睾丸激素,这种激素与攻击性以及追求控制权有关。

    Jamie Ward , professor of psychology and his co-author Shuaa Alrajih , suggested the underlying factor was high levels of testosterone , which is linked to aggression and the pursuit of dominance .

  5. Kruger说根据此项以及其他研究,荷尔蒙睾丸激素可能对面部特征产生一定影响,但仍需要更深研究证实。

    Kruger said according to this and other studies , the hormone testosterone ( 6 ) may play a role in explaining facial preferences although further study was needed .

  6. 有意思的是,神经经济学家约翰•科茨(JohnCoates)两周前我介绍过他的有关商人与睾丸激素的著作指出,居安思危型理论根本不是得自于美国萧条时期的数据。

    Here 's the intriguing thing : John Coates , the neuro-economist whose work on traders and testosterone I described two weeks ago , points out that the smoothie theory wasn 't borne out by US depression-era data at all .

  7. 在睾丸局部产生的IGF-1与其特异性的靶受体相结合,参与调节睾丸Leydig细胞的增殖及分化,使Sertoli细胞产生不同的功能及调控睾丸激素的生物合成。

    IGF-1 , produced locally in the testis and combined with its specific receptor , can regulate the proliferation and differentiation of adult Leydig cells , cause Sertoli cells to play different functions and control the biosynthesis of testicular hormones .

  8. 弗吉尼亚大学(UniversityofVirginia)医学教授克里斯托弗&12539;麦卡特尼(ChristopherMcCartney)正在检验高水平的睾丸激素是否有可能增加体内另一种化学物质促黄体生成素在青春期的分泌,从而促进多囊症的形成。

    Christopher McCartney , a professor of medicine at the University of Virginia , is examining whether the high levels of testosterone could increase the body 's secretion of another chemical , called luteinizing hormone , or LH , at puberty , contributing to the development of PCOS .

  9. 工业试验表明,ZRT提供大多数男性使用提取Tongkat历时三周,阿里被明显加强了睾丸激素的水平。

    ZRT Industries provided tests showing that a majority of males who used Tongkat Ali Extract over three weeks , had significantly increased testosterone levels .

  10. 上述是一项名为《Lextalionis:睾丸激素与报复定律》的研究得出的结论。该研究将会发布在下一期的《实验社会心理学杂志》上。

    That 's the conclusion of an intriguing study called " Lex talionis : Testosterone and the law of retaliation , " to be published in a forthcoming issue of the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 。

  11. ChristopherKuzawa:“我们看到这些男性的睾丸激素水平降低幅度最大。”这项研究发现,在小孩出生之后,这些男性的睾丸激素水平立即降低接近一半,然后稍微上升。

    CHRISTOPHER KUZAWA : " And those are the men where we see the largest decline in testosterone . " The study found that testosterone levels dropped by about half immediately after the birth of a child , then rose some .

  12. ChristopherKuzawa:“睾丸激素水平高会增加前列腺癌和睾丸癌等疾病的风险。同时,睾丸激素还会抑制免疫系统,致使抵抗病原体的能力下降。”该研究发表在国家科学院院刊上。

    CHRISTOPHER KUZAWA : " Having high levels of testosterone can increase your risk for diseases like prostate cancer [ and ] testicular cancer . Also , testosterone can the immune system so that you 're less capable of pathogens . " The study is in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences .

  13. 该报告证实,男性在做父亲之后睾丸激素水平降低。

    It confirmed that testosterone levels drop after men become fathers .

  14. 睾丸萎缩表明睾丸激素分泌不足。

    Shrunken testicles indicate his body 's not putting out enough testosterone .

  15. 睾丸激素是人体内自然产生的一种激素。

    Testosterone is a hormone that occurs naturally in the human body .

  16. 睾丸激素的功能旅游网站信息功能与旅游预订行为关系

    The Relation Between the Function of Tourist Website and the Travel Reservation

  17. 女性也分泌睾丸激素,但是很少量。

    Women also produce testosterone but in much lower amounts .

  18. 以探明人们如何显现多巴胺、血清素、雌激素和睾丸激素的性状。

    you express dopamine , serotonin , estrogen and testosterone .

  19. 和多巴胺、血清素、睾丸激素和雌激素系统相关联。

    linked with the dopamine , serotonin , testosterone and estrogen systems .

  20. 睾丸激素的功能柯西中值定理在多元函数中的推广

    The popularization of Cauchy mie-value theorem in multivariate function

  21. 睾丸激素还能影响骨骼和肌肉构造。

    Testosterone can also influence bone and muscle structure .

  22. 睾丸激素含量所预示的是交易员承受风险的大小,而非技能高低。

    Testosterone levels predicted the amount of risk taken , but not skill .

  23. 身体不能对睾丸激素做出反应

    the body doesn 't react to the testosterone .

  24. 所以,睾丸激素的量很大,但是不能引起反应

    So lots of levels of testosterone , but no reaction to it .

  25. 此前的研究表明,做父亲的男性睾丸激素的水平低于无儿女的男性。

    Earlier studies showed that fathers have lower levels of testosterone than childless men .

  26. 睾丸激素的功能目的:探讨提高中重度上睑下垂的疗效。

    Objective : To rectify the function of eyelid in moderate and severe blepharoptosis .

  27. 这些攻击行为背后都伴随着他们血液中的睾丸激素和攻击性激素的升高。

    All showed high levels of testosterone and other aggression-inducing hormones in their blood .

  28. 该报告测量了2005年和2009年这些男性的睾丸激素水平。

    That study measured their testosterone levels in two thousand five and two thousand nine .

  29. 睾丸激素的功能关于整函数的幅角分布

    On Angular Value Distribution of Entire Function

  30. 刚地弓形虫感染对雄性小鼠性激素分泌和睾丸激素受体的影响

    Effect of Toxoplasma gondii on the gonadal hormone secretion and their receptors in male mice