
  • 网络lander;InSight lander
  1. 当“天问一号”在停泊调相轨道上再次到达近火点时,需要再次刹车,进入停泊轨道,并在该轨道上进行多次调整,保证着陆器和巡视器在预先设定的时间、地点着陆火星。

    When the Chinese probe reaches the periareion for the second time , it will brake again to perform an orbital maneuver and make sure the lander and rover of Tianwen-1 can complete the landing on Mars at the scheduled time and place .

  2. 基于ADAMS平台的月球着陆器上限振幅研究

    Upper limit amplitude of lunar lander based on ADAMS software

  3. 以某型号着陆器软着陆机构为研究对象,采用MSC。

    By the modal analysis of lunar lander based on MSC .

  4. 与此同时,ESA还在对月球极地着陆器进行研究,为人类的火星探险做准备。

    At the same time , ESA is studying a lunar polar lander in preparation for human exploration .

  5. 2007年,“X奖”基金会宣布了一项由谷歌资助的2000万美元大奖,将授予第一个能够将机器人着陆器送上月球的私资团队。

    In 2007 , the X Prize Foundation announced a $ 20 million grand prize , bankrolled by Google , that would be awarded to the first private team that could put a robotic lander on the moon .

  6. 在NASA向火星发射的航天器中,只有1976年发射的两艘“维京号”(Viking)着陆器接受过高温烘烤,温度足以杀死地球上的微生物。

    Of the spacecraft NASA has sent to Mars , only the two Viking landers in 1976 were baked to temperatures hot enough to kill Earth microbes .

  7. 欧洲空间局(ESA)缺少资金来执行它雄心勃勃的计划&在2016年把一个火星着陆器和一辆火星车送上火星表面。

    European Space Agency ( ESA ) lack of funds to implement its ambitious plans-in2016 to a Mars lander and a rover to Mars surface .

  8. 这项由德国PTScientists参与的项目,将使用4G网络,将来自月球探测车的高分辨率信息发送至月球着陆器,而后着陆器就能够与地球进行通讯。

    The project with PTScientists in Germany would use a 4G network to send high-definition information from rovers back to a lunar lander , which would then be able to communicate it back to Earth .

  9. 采用压电式加速度传感器及DASP数据采集与分析软件对三支撑月球着陆器原理样机缓冲性能进行了试验测试。

    Testing for buffer characteristics of the prototype of lunar lander with three legs are finished by means of piezoelectricity acceleration transducers and the DASP software which may collect and analyze data .

  10. 220磅重的着陆器“菲莱”(Philae)成功着陆的消息,在德国达姆施塔特本地时间下午5时03分(美国东部时间上午11时03分)到达了那里的“罗塞塔”任务控制中心。

    News of the touchdown of the 220-pound lander , named Philae , arrived at the mission control center in Darmstadt , Germany , at 5:03 p.m. local time ( 11:03 a.m. Eastern time ) .

  11. 基于着陆器帮助的月面巡视探测器定位方法研究

    Research on Lunar Rover Locating Method Based on Lander Stereo Vision

  12. 三支撑月球着陆器缓冲性能试验研究

    Experimental researches on buffer characteristics of lunar lander with three legs

  13. 新型涡流磁阻尼月球着陆器

    A Novel Lunar Lander with Magnetic Damping of Eddy Current

  14. 一种模拟月球着陆器低重力着陆试验方法

    An Experimental Method for Simulating Lunar Lander Low Gravitation Landing

  15. 基于虚拟样机技术的小天体着陆器缓冲器的研究

    Research on Buffer of Small Bodies Lander Based on Virtual Prototype Technology

  16. 月球着陆器软着陆机构着陆稳定性仿真分析

    Touchdown Stability Simulation of Landing Gear System for Lunar Lander

  17. 微小型月球着陆器冲击隔离着陆腿研究

    Design of impact isolating landing legs for microminiature lunar lander

  18. 月球着陆器用阻尼材料冲击性能试验

    Experimental Researches on Impact Characteristics of Damping Materials used in Lunar Lander

  19. 着陆器上可能沾上过几滴这种非现实世界的的水。

    The lander may have been dotted with drops of otherworldly water .

  20. 综合考虑着陆器能容忍的障碍物高度、粗糙度、坡度和着陆器的水平机动距离,根据时间最优设计算法,计算简单、速度快、可靠性高。

    The high of the fraise , roughness and horizontal maneuvering distance are considered .

  21. 月球着陆器软着陆状态跳跃半主动控制

    State-jump Semi-active Control of Lunar Lander Soft Landing

  22. 腿式着陆器缓冲材料缓冲特性及其表征方法研究

    Study on Cushion Properties and Its Characterization Methods of Legged Lander 's Cushion Materials

  23. 月球着陆器铝蜂窝元件缓冲性能实验装置研究

    Research of the Buffering Capability for the Aluminum Honeycomb Component on the Lunar Lander

  24. 腿式着陆器用缓冲器缓冲性能及其评价方法研究

    Research on Cushion Properties and its Evaluation Methods of Legged-type Lander 's Shock Absorber

  25. 小行星着陆器锚定位系统原理样机的研究

    Research of the Asteroid Lander Prototype Anchoring System

  26. 腿式着陆器用泡沫铝和铝蜂窝缓冲器的仿真与试验研究

    The Simulation and Experiment of Aluminum Honeycomb and Foam Energy Absorbers for Legged Lander

  27. 着陆器把这些信息发往轨道飞行器,然后再发回地球。

    The lander would send this information to the orbiter and then back to Earth .

  28. 新的月球着陆器将被同样地加以改进,使用最新的电子仪器设备和原料。

    The new lunar lander will be similarly improved , with updated electronics and materials .

  29. 天问一号着陆器于周六上午着陆。

    The Tianwen-1 lander on Saturday morning .

  30. 通过与某型被动控制的着陆器进行对比分析,研究了半主动控制。

    Compared with a certain type of passive lunar lander , the semiactive control is analyzed .