
  1. 当无知主宰我们时,决不可能有真正的和平。

    Where ignorance is our master , there is no possibility of real peace .

  2. 印度人民是真正的和平爱好者,迟早他们要制服那些好战者。

    Indian people are real peace lover and will wipe put all the warmongers one day .

  3. 严格说来,这并不是真正的和平,只是没有战争罢了。

    It 's not quite peace in the strictest sense of the word , rather the absence of war .

  4. 因为人类品行我们将不会拥有真正的和平。

    Because of human character we shall not have true peace .

  5. 你说我是一个英雄一个真正的和平缔造�

    You said that I was a hero , a true peacemaker .

  6. 因为真正的和平不仅摆脱恐惧,而且无乏匮之虞。

    For true peace is not just freedom from fear , but freedom from want .

  7. 真正的和平必定由许多国家、许多行动造成的。

    Genuine peace must be the product of many nations , the sum of many acts .

  8. 不同社会制度的国家只有相互尊重、互不干涉,才能实现真正的和平共处、互利共赢。

    Only by mutual respect and non-interference can they reach the true mutual benefit and win-win coexistence .

  9. 许多人非常高兴的加入到行动之中,为了给这个充满问题的世界带来真正的和平。

    Many are pleased to be part of a movement to bring peace to a troubled world .

  10. 雷鹰船宿,马尔代夫-一个真正的和平与安静的地方,但非常令人兴奋的冲浪。

    Eagle Ray Liveaboard , Maldives – A really peaceful & quite place , but very exciting for surfing .

  11. 我认为,在真正的和平当中,我们将放弃先人的部分土地。

    I recognise that in a genuine peace we 'll be required to give up parts of the ancestral Jewish homeland .

  12. 如果我们希望这个世界有真正的和平,每个人都要先找到自己内心的宁静。

    If we are to have true peace in this world , each one of us must find it in ourselves first .

  13. 日本拥有世界上训练最有素的军队之一,并不是、也从来不是真正的和平主义者。

    Not that Japan is truly pacifist , or ever has been -- not with one of the best-trained forces in the word says Michishita .

  14. 具有讽刺意味的是,真正的和平开始于愿意为我们人性中各种复杂面负起责任,而最终我们会将着和平带入到爱的光中。

    Ironically , though , true peace begins with a willingness to take responsibility for our humanity so that we might ultimately transform it in the light of our love .

  15. 但愿我们这些动荡不安的年月能为一个真正的和平时代所取代,到那时,所有的人民和国家都将分享一种相互尊重、亲如兄弟的生活。

    May the turbulence of our age yield to a true time of peace , when men and nations shall share a life that honors the dignity of each , the brotherhood of all .

  16. 这才是真正意义的和平。

    We are the people who love peace .

  17. 因此真正永久的和平同永久的战争一样。

    A peace that was truly permanent would be the same as a permanent war .

  18. 和平并不仅仅意味着没有可见的冲突,只有基于每个人与生俱来的权利和尊严正义的和平才是真正的持久和平。

    For peace is not merely the absence of visible conflict . Only a just peace based on the inherent rights and dignity of every individual can truly be lasting .

  19. 知道真正的持久的和平。

    Know true and lasting peace .

  20. 果能如此的话,我们将对巩固真正与持久的和平的基础有所贡献。

    If this happens , we will have contributed to consolidating the bases of an authentic and lasting peace .

  21. 首先要爬无核化这个坡,核问题是目前的症结所在,只有实现了无核化,半岛才有真正和持久的和平。

    First , we need to climb the slope of denuclearization . The nuclear issue is the crux of the matter . Only with denuclearization can the Korean Peninsula enjoy genuine and lasting peace .

  22. 你也是想要光荣的兄弟,一个真正的英雄,为了和平而战。

    You 're brothers in it for the glory , a real hero , fights for peace .

  23. 但是我们真正的最爱就是和平宁静,还有肥沃的土地。

    But where our hearts truly lie is in peace and quiet and good , tilled earth .

  24. 而实现真正意义上的“和平发展”,首先要实现的是你们地球上的人人平等。

    And achieve real sense of " peaceful development ", the first to realize is that everyone is equal to you on earth .

  25. “要支持真正的奥林匹克精神和和平理想,”她说。“反对暴力。”

    " To support the truth of the Olympic spirit and peace ," she said . " and to say no to the violence . "

  26. 要真正赢得南海地区的和平与稳定,就必须认识到中国的安全寓于整个地区的安全之中;

    To achieve peace and security of the south sea region , it must be realized that China 's security lies in the security of the whole region .

  27. 我们的方针政策不是说给外国人听的,而是我们自己要真正实行的,因为和平发展最符合我们的利益,也最符合世界的利益。

    This policy is not for selling to other countries . Instead , it 's our own action plan that will be followed through . Because peaceful development is in the best interests of China and the world .

  28. 为了发扬这种新的精神,在今天作出新的开端的时候,对美国来说,最崇高和最有雄心的任务就是帮助建立一个真正人道的正义和和平的世界。

    Tapping the new spirit , there can be no nobler nor more ambitious task for America to undertake on this day of a new beginning than to help shape a just and peaceful world that is truly humane .

  29. 我们要用我们所有人的努力去证明他的话不是梦想。他说,真正的兄弟情谊,真正的和平带来的美,要比珠宝、金、银更加珍贵。

    Let the efforts of us all , prove that he was not a mere dreamer when he spoke of the beauty of genuine brotherhood and peace being more precious than diamonds or silver or gold .

  30. 只有真正牢记历史、以史为鉴,才能避免战争悲剧的重演,才能使世界达到真正的持久和平与稳定。

    Only by truly remembering the history and learning from the history , can we avoid a repeat of the tragedy of war and achieve real and lasting peace and stability in the world .