
  • 网络real war
  1. 真实的战争中指挥官作用体现在哪里?

    Where does the commander effect embody in in true war ?

  2. 充满欺瞒的和平与真实的战争。

    A false peace and a real war .

  3. 《如何讲述真实的战争故事》:后现代主义的不确定性

    Post-modernistic uncertainty : comments on the uncertainty of How to Tell a True War Story

  4. 但这只是在发生真实的战争、伊朗和这个地区的输油管被切断的情况下才会发生。

    But that is only in the event of a real war and a cut-off of Irans and the regions spigots .

  5. 真实生活、战争、苦难、道德终将起而干预。

    Real life and wars and traumas and mortality will interfere eventually .

  6. 电影生动,真实地展现了战争场景。

    It is noted for its graphic and realisticportrayal of war .

  7. 和同时代一些作家的战争文学作品相比,托尔斯泰战争小说打破了对战争浪漫化、英雄化描写的传统模式,以巨大的勇气和无限的真诚真实地反映了战争的本来面目。

    Compared with other contemporary literary works on war , Tolstoy 's war fictions broke with the conventional romantic and heroic mode of writing about war , and were trying to depict war as it is .

  8. 真实的原因;真实的战争;真正的朋友;真正的女人;肉和土豆-我把这叫一顿真正的饭;他是时候有份真正的工作了;那不是份零工-他的确赚钱了。

    The real reason ; real war ; a real friend ; a real woman ; meat and potatoes I call that a real meal ; it 's time he had a real job ; it 's no penny-ante job he 's making real money .