
kàn jian
  • see;sight;spot;behold;catch;catch sight of
看见 [kàn jiàn]
  • [see;sight] 用眼看到;通过看而了解

  • 他睁开双眼看见阳光从窗户射进来

看见[kàn jian]
  1. 父亲没把窗帘拉开害怕我会看见他。4.

    Father didn 't draw the curtains apart for fear that I would catch sight of him .

  2. 你先躲在一边,等看见飞贼再说,伍德这样说,我们不想让你早早地就遭到袭击。

    Keep out of the way until you catch sight of the Snitch , Wood had said . We don 't want you attacked before you have to be .

  3. 把它拿到亮的地方,好让我看见。

    Bring it into the light so I can see it .

  4. 她借着烛光勉强能看见。

    She could just see by the light of the candle .

  5. 他无意中看见地平线上有一条小船。

    His eye lit upon a small boat on the horizon .

  6. 我好像看见阴暗处站着一个人。

    I thought I saw a figure standing in the shadows .

  7. 她看见了我,也认出了我,却不理睬我。

    She saw me , recognized me and cut me dead .

  8. 邻居们反映说在中午时分看见他离开了大楼。

    The neighbours reported seeing him leave the building around noon .

  9. 我看见他领先于我就心里不痛快。

    It annoys me to see him getting ahead of me .

  10. 看见我们在一起,他们表现出掩饰不住的诧异。

    They couldn 't conceal their surprise at seeing us together .

  11. 他看见她时,心猛地一跳。

    His heart gave a sudden leap when he saw her .

  12. 我看见她从房子里出来,大为惊奇。

    I was astounded to see her appear from the house .

  13. 我看见她在马路那头。

    I saw her on the far side of the road .

  14. 她一看见警车,脸色就刷地变白了。

    She paled visibly at the sight of the police car .

  15. 他看见这么多血,吓得目瞪口呆。

    He stood aghast at the sight of so much blood .

  16. 蹲下!一定不要让人看见你。

    Keep down ! You mustn 't let anyone see you .

  17. 我模模糊糊看见门口有个人影。

    I could see a dim shape in the doorway .

  18. 他们有两次被人看见在一起。

    They have been seen together on two separate occasions .

  19. 他们看见了在天空的映衬下那座巨大建筑的轮廓。

    They saw the huge building outlined against the sky .

  20. 嘘!咱们现在趁别人没看见时走吧!

    Psst ! Let 's get out now before they see us !

  21. 我们从屋顶的小洞能看见星星。

    We could see the stars through an opening in the roof .

  22. 我们看见警察来了就顺着马路逃跑了。

    We saw the police coming and legged it down the road .

  23. 珍妮一看见他那张脸,就止住不笑了。

    One look at his face and Jenny stopped laughing .

  24. 他看见她沿着走廊向他疾步走来。

    He spotted her steaming down the corridor towards him .

  25. 快点吧!快!他们会看见我们的!

    Come on ! Quick ! They 'll see us !

  26. 我在这儿看见你纯属巧遇。

    It was a stroke of luck that I found you here .

  27. 我在街上看见她了,但我们没有谈话。

    I saw her in the street but we didn 't speak .

  28. 想起来了,他确实提到看见过你。

    Come to think of it , he did mention seeing you .

  29. 他们看见我们过来,转身就跑。

    They turned and ran when they saw us coming .

  30. 我看见发动机冒烟时,吓得手足无措。

    I panicked when I saw smoke coming out of the engine .