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  1. 基于Web的柔性看板式工作流的研究与实现

    Flexible Kanban Workflow System based on the Web

  2. 它用一个看板系统来追踪变更请求(ChangeRequest,CRs)。

    It uses a kanban system to pipeline change requests ( CRs ) .

  3. 生产看板(ProductionKanban)&指示上游工序为其下游工序生产零部件。

    Production Kanban-instructs upstream processes to produce parts for its downstream processes .

  4. Q:你是怎么发现看板方法的呢?

    Q : How did you stumble upon Kanban ?

  5. Q:你们团队在最初使用看板方法时遇到了哪些问题?

    Q : What initial issues were encountered when moving to a Kanban-based approach ?

  6. Q:开始使用看板方法时,你有没有接受过一些培训?

    Q : When starting to work with Kanban , did you receive any training ?

  7. 他将生产看板放入“生产板(ProductionBoard)”中&稍后当看板累计到一定的阀值时,它将直观地触发上游生产。

    He puts the production Kanban to the " Production Board ", which will later visually trigger the upstream production when Kanbans stacks to a threshold .

  8. Q:你们用了多长时间让这个看板流程运转起来?

    Q : How long did it take you to get this Kanban process up and going ?

  9. 他们很喜欢这个便携式小型看板系统,并命名为“看板nano”。

    They liked this portable small Kanban system very much and named it " Kanban-nano " .

  10. 网络电子看板(WebDigitalSignage,简称WDS)是一种新型电子看板技术。

    Web Digital Signage ( WDS ) is a kind of new digital signage technology .

  11. Q:你们用什么工具来管理看板?为什么选择它们?

    Q : Which tools are you using for managing your Kanban stuff and why did you choose them ?

  12. 没有看板,JIT是无法进行的。

    No Kanban , JIT can not be carried out .

  13. 看板相对较新,我还不知道有哪个团队真的在看板模型下从事SOA的。

    Kanban is newer , and I 'm not aware of any teams that are really pursuing SOA under a Kanban model .

  14. Q:在Spotify你为什么选择看板方法进行运维管理?

    Q : Why did you choose Kanban for managing operations at Spotify ?

  15. 看板支持:规划工具现在支持看板,包括一个故事版(storyboard)和在制品(WIP)限制。

    Kanban Support : The planning tools now support Kanban including a story board and Work-In-Progress ( WIP ) limits .

  16. Q:你对看板方法有多满意?你是不是认为看板方法值得所有运维人员关注?

    Q : How happy are you with Kanban and do you think it 's worth a look for people in operations ?

  17. Q:从关注于软件开发的看板方法到关注于运维的看板方法,你们对看板方法做了哪些调整?

    Q : What changes had to be made from the software development-focused idea of Kanban to the Operations-focused idea of Kanban ?

  18. 他会见了客户,做人形看板给人拍照,跟他们唠叨自己的f1生涯。

    He met clients , had photos taken and spoke about his career in F1 .

  19. 解释了TPS中的看板,及看板如何作为“拉”处理机制运作。

    Explains Kanban in TPS and how it works as a pull process mechanism .

  20. 最后采用系统仿真的思想,借助Witness物流仿真软件对一实例看板供应链系统进行仿真研究。

    At last , it applied software Witness to simulate a real Kanban supply chain system based on the discrete system simulation .

  21. 最后,本论文列举了一些看板管理的先决条件和JIT的研究趋势。

    Finally , the thesis presents some prerequisites for implementing KANBAN management and JIT research tendency .

  22. Q:你有没有尝试过看板方法之外的敏捷实践,比如scrum或XP等等?

    Q : Did you try any other agile methods than Kanban , like Scrum , XP , * ?

  23. 然后,通过看板观察流程,找出整个工序流中的驻点(stagnationpoint)并调整人力资源,也就是在工序间调动成员。

    Then , by visualizing the flow via Kanbans he found stagnation points in the whole process stream , and adjusted human resources , i.e.shifted members between the processes .

  24. 对应到软件团队上,这可能包括介绍现代软件交付技术,包括Scrum和看板。

    With software teams , this may include introducing modern software delivery techniques such as Scrum or Kanban .

  25. 同时,通过提出的对CS公司看板管理模式的改进策略,希望对其他中小型企业提供一些有价值的应用思考。

    Hope to provide some valuable application thinking to other small and medium enterprises via the proposed improvement strategies for CS Company kanban management .

  26. 读者很容易假定看板是整个TPS的中心,但其实并不是。

    It is easy to assume that Kanban is the center of TPS , but it is not .

  27. JIT又采用了看板管理工具,看板犹如巧妙连接各道工序的神经而发挥着重要作用。

    JIT take use of kanban management tools . Kanban as clever nerve connecting the procedure plays an important role .

  28. 看板(Kanban),逐字来看就是:“看(Kan)”意味着可视化,“板(ban)”意味着卡或者板。

    Kanban translated literally : " Kan " means visual , and " ban " means card or board .

  29. 例如,“按需”的航线“看板”(KANBAN)系统由供应商实施监督并进行必要的库存管理。

    For example , line-side'on demand'Kanban systems are monitored by suppliers who top stocks whenever necessary .

  30. 本文所叙述的电子看板系统是对某汽车公司应用原ERP系统中制造和车间模块的功能补充。

    The electronic display board system described in this thesis is a supplementary function to the manufacturing and workshop modules in the original ERP system applied in an automobile company .