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kàn tou
  • sth. worth seeing or reading;sth.worth seeing or reading
看头 [kàn tou]
  • [sth.worth seeing or reading] 值得观看欣赏的地方或值得阅读的东西

  • 这个展览会没有什么看头

看头[kàn tou]
  1. 冠军赛肯定会很有看头。

    The championship game 's gonna be a lot of fun .

  2. 没错,不过没什么看头。

    Yes , but it 's not much of a view .

  3. 纽奥良大有看头。

    The city of New Orleans has so much to offer .

  4. 去看过的那部电影有看头吗?

    Was that film you went to see any cop ?

  5. 他去北京看头痛玻。

    He has gone to Beijing for the treatment of mental diseases .

  6. 华盛顿的国会会堂是一座很有看头的建筑物。

    The Capitol at washington , d.c. , is an imposing building .

  7. 我说“前突后翘,有看头”

    I said ," excellent butt , great rack . "

  8. 显然,魔法帽子没有兔子就没有看头了。

    Obviously , a magic hat isn 't worth much without a rabbit .

  9. 因此,如果鲍勃停下了,那一定有看头。

    So if Bob was stopping , it was something worth looking at .

  10. 这要比坐轮椅的小子有看头多了。

    It 's so much more promotable than a guy in a wheelchair .

  11. 比赛在下半场变得有看头了。

    The game came alive in the second half .

  12. 俄中友好关系在短期内肯定是有看头的。

    The Russian-Chinese rapprochement is certainly something to watch in the short term .

  13. 接近尾声的竞价很有看头

    Bidding got quite spirited towards the end there .

  14. 我以为那门课很有看头。

    That course wasn 't about what I thought it was gonna be about .

  15. 那可真够看头吧?

    Won 't you be a pretty sight ?

  16. 我的履历表没什么看头。

    My resume isn 't even worth reading .

  17. 去看头上的天空。

    To see the sky above me .

  18. 我认为非常的有看头。

    I think it was pretty phenomenal .

  19. 然而,当选总统周三举行的记者会相当有看头。

    However , the president-elect 's press conference on Wednesday should be quite a spectacle .

  20. 这场比赛一定会将双方的激情都点燃,会大有看头。

    The game will raise the passion on both sides , it won 't be dull !

  21. 每当看到这种情况,我就知道有些看头。

    Whenever I see something like that , I assume that something interesting is going on .

  22. 不管人们怎么称呼这个独特的城市,新奥尔良对每个人而言都有看头。

    No matter what this unique American city is called , New Orleans has something for everyone .

  23. 假如在达尔富尔进行屠杀的刽子手被处以公正裁决,事情就会有些看头。

    It would be wonderful if the perpetrators of the slaughter in Darfur were brought to justice .

  24. 现在我们先看头两项,第三项将于稍后讨论。

    We will look at the first two in this chapter and the third one in the next .

  25. 你也许认为足球比板球有看头,不过,很抱歉,本人不敢苟同。

    You may think that football is better to watch than cricket , but I beg to differ .

  26. 而这还不是最有看头的,这台小东西还能够在高视讯讯号的情况下支持视讯译码。

    This isn 't upscaling & this small thing is capable of decoding video streams with such high bitrates .

  27. 他们很快发现墙角处有个壁橱,好像里面有点看头,可结果是一无所有。

    In one corner they found a closet that promised mystery , but a fraud & there was nothing in it .

  28. 不得不说,位于繁茂丛林中的这一系列瀑布确实架有看头,但如今它们已经变成了上百万游客的“死亡之旅”。

    This admittedly pretty series of waterfalls in a lush forest has been transformed into a death march for millions of visitors .

  29. 你难道没有意识到,整个英国的未来都取决于这场为期16天的赛事吗,即便它展示的是几十项大多没什么看头的体育竞赛?

    Don 't you realise that the entire future of Britain depends on a 16-day event featuring two dozen largely unwatchable sports ?

  30. 通常安排在一段大直道之后,是当代跑车比赛中最有看头的超车段之一。

    A section of the normally arranged in straight after the game is the most contemporary sports car overtaking You Kantou one paragraph .