
  • 网络a coat of arms;arms, coat of;coast-of-arm
  1. 有一扇饰有家族盾形纹章的彩色玻璃窗。

    There was a stained-glass window with the family coat of arms .

  2. 党徽被放到了国家盾形纹章之上。

    The party emblem was superimposed on the state coat of arms .

  3. 一种放在盾形纹章上方的饰物。

    A device placed above the shield on a coat of arms .

  4. 这辆大马车上有王室的盾形纹章。

    The coach bears the royal coat of arms .

  5. 他的盾形纹章包含三棵苹果树。

    His coat of arms incorporates three apple trees .

  6. 黎明踏浪号飘起所有旗帜,挂出盾形纹章,为他们隆重送行。

    The Dawn Trader flew all her flags and hung out her shields to honour their departure .

  7. 他的手颤抖着,把信封翻了个面,然后哈利看见一个紫色的蜡封,上面带有一层盾形纹章。

    Turning the envelope over , his hand trembling , Harry saw a purple wax seal bearing a coat of arms .

  8. 为了庆祝女王登基60周年,英国上下议院的议员们为女王订制了一块彩绘玻璃窗作为献礼,这块绘有女王盾形纹章的玻璃将被镶嵌在有900年悠久历史的威斯敏斯特大厅里。

    To mark her Diamond Jubilee , MPs and peers have paid for a new stained-glasswindow for the 900-year-old hall , comprising her coat of arms .

  9. 走过格拉代茨,途经圣马可教堂,它的彩瓦屋顶上描绘着克罗地亚与萨格勒布的盾形纹章,然后你就来到这个城市最诡异的景点:失恋博物馆。

    Walk across Gradec , past St. Mark 's Church , with its patterned tile roof depicting the Croatian and Zagreb coats of arms , to one of the town 's quirkiest attractions : the Museum of Broken Relationships .

  10. 周围全是刻着家族纹章的碑石;而在这一方简陋的石板上好奇的探索者仍会看见,却不明所以了有着类似盾形纹章的刻痕。

    All around , there were monuments carved with armorial bearings ; and on this simple slab of slate as the curious investigator may still discern , and perplex himself with the purport there appeared the semblance of an engraved escutcheon .

  11. 他的盾上绘制着两只羔羊和一头狮子,这是他们家族传统的盾形纹章。

    Blazoned on his shield were the two lambs and the lion , the traditional coat of arms of his family .