
  • 网络coherent superposition;coherent addition
  1. 一种新定义相干叠加态的压缩特性及量子统计性质

    The Squeezing Effect and Quantum Statistical Properties of One New Coherent Superposition State

  2. 根据Monte-Carlo方法模拟计算了由叶片、茎组成的单簇植被(蓬科草和刺麻)的一阶散射场,单簇植被的总散射场是将单个散射体的散射场进行相干叠加获得的。

    A first-order scattered field of a single cluster of vegetation ( Punco grass and Barbed Ma ) composed of leaves and stems is calculated by Monte-Carlo method . The total scattering field of a single cluster of vegetation is accounted through coherent superposition of single scattering .

  3. Na2中由一对耦合能级相干叠加导致的双光子吸收的干涉增强效应

    Interference enhancement of two-photon absorption caused by a pair of coherent superposition levels in Na_2

  4. 最后讨论了N个等强度照明的独立直线偏振斑纹象非相干叠加时乘法模型的有效性。

    Finally , the validity of the multiplicative model for the incoherent superposition of n independent linearly polarized speckled images formed with identical illumination is treated .

  5. 提出了一个快速制备N个囚禁离子集体运动的量子相干叠加态方案。方案中使用了单个驻波激光场与离子的载波共振。

    A fast procedure is presented to produce the quantum-interference states forthe collective motion of N trapped ions using a single standing-wave field resonant with the ionic carrier frequency .

  6. SU(2)q-奇偶相干叠加态的非经典效应

    The Nonclassical Properties of the Superposed States of SU ( 2 ) of the Odd and Even q-coherent States

  7. SU(2)q-奇偶相干叠加态的高阶压缩效应和高阶反聚束效应

    Higher-order Squeezing Effect and Higher-order Antibunching Effect of the Superposed States of SU ( 2 )′ s Odd and Even q-coherent States

  8. 基于腔QED的任意相干叠加态远程制备方案

    Remote Preparation of an Arbitrary Superposition of Coherent States in Cavity QED

  9. 实验上,可以采用外腔锁相技术对此加以改善,即通过外腔镜耦合使LDA各发光单元的波长一致位相锁定,使光场实现相干叠加,从而达到改善光束质量的目的。

    The method of external cavity can be used to phase lock the LDA and make all the emitters working in the same wavelength . So the LDA 's output quality can be improved .

  10. 第二,多模相干叠加态相比相干态的Wigner函数曲面在某个方向出现了收缩,某个方向出现了扩张,原有对称性受到了破坏。

    Second , compared to the Wigner curved surface of the coherent states , multi-mode coherent state shrinked in some direction , while in another direction , expanded so that the original symmetry was destroyed .

  11. 文章介绍了在量子计算机上进行的Shor量子算法,即利用量子态的相干叠加和纠缠特性以及量子逻辑门实现量子计算的方法;

    In this paper , we discuss the Shor 's quantum algorithm on a quantum computer , which is the algorithm using the coherence and entanglement of quantum states on which the quantum logic gates act .

  12. 光干涉中的非相干叠加问题

    The subject of the incoherent superposition in the interference of light

  13. 基于双路采样非相干叠加的微波信号光量化技术

    Optical Quantization Technique for Microwave Signal Based on Double Channel Sampling

  14. 轴向相干叠加高斯光束的M~2传输因子

    Propagation factor m ~ 2 of axial coherent superposition of Gaussian beams

  15. 二项式叠加态与激发相干叠加态的产生

    Generation of Binomial Superposition States and Excited Coherent Superposition States

  16. 相干叠加偏心高斯光束的传输特性

    Propagation characteristic of beams formed by coherent superposition of two decentered Gaussian beams

  17. 报道了用光声效应产生各种不同频率的声波,并用这些声波相干叠加产生声拍的实验原理、方法和实验结果。

    The sound waves and sound beat with different frequencies are generated using photoacoustic effect .

  18. 多束高斯光束的相干叠加分析

    Analysis of Multi-Gaussian Beams Coherent Superposition

  19. 基模高斯光束轴向相干叠加驻波场的研究

    A Study on Standing-wave Field Formed by Axial Coherent Superposition of Two Fundamental Mode Gaussian Beams

  20. 多个超短脉冲相干叠加构成窄带平顶长脉冲的研究

    Research on the formation of narrow bandwidth long flat-top pulse via coherent addition of ultra-short pulses

  21. 相干叠加脉冲锁模激光器调制特性的研究

    Modulation characteristics of APM laser

  22. 本文从理论上阐述了光干涉现象中的非相干叠加问题;

    This paper expounds the problem of incoherent superposition in the interference of light in terms of theory .

  23. 对由两束相对传输的偏心高斯光束相干叠加而成的光束的传输特性进行了研究。

    It was studied in the paper the propagation characteristics of beams formed by superposition of two decentered Gaussian beams .

  24. 对应于不同的暗态,产生了两个振幅相等、位相差为π的终态子能级的任意相干叠加态。

    Corresponding to the double dark states , two atomic coherent superposition states with equal amplitudes and inverse phases present .

  25. 实现腔场奇偶相干叠加态的隐形传送,在量子信息领域有非常重要的作用。

    Realizing the teleportation of superposition of even and odd coherent states of cavity field is of great importance in quantum information .

  26. 结果表明,这几种方案都能实现相干叠加,进一步分析了各个微孔之间的相位关系。最后我们选取正六边型阵列方案,进行了实验研究。

    The results show that these methods can achieve coherence stack . Finally , we select the hexagonal array to do experiments .

  27. 通过引入π相位差记录互补全息图,利用全息图及其互补全息图的非相干叠加,消除原全息图对晶体折射率的调制,从而实现对未定影全息图的选择性擦除。

    By recording the complementary hologram leading to changes in complementary refractive indices , the process of selective erasure can be realized .

  28. 多光束发射的本质是一种非相干叠加技术,它能够有效地减小接收端的光强起伏效应。

    Multi-beam emission is essentially a non-coherent superposition of technology , which can effectively reduce the receiving end of the light intensity fluctuation effects .

  29. 利用偏心高斯光束相干叠加的方法,建立了柱坐标系下环状光束的新模型。

    By using the treatment of the combination of off-axial Gaussian beams , a new model of the annular beams under the cylindrical coordinate system was given .

  30. 本文在理论上发现了相干叠加脉冲锁模激光器的调制特性,并对其进行了全面的分析和计算。

    The modulation effect in a additive pulse mode-looking ( APM ) laser was discovered for the first time theoretically and was analyzed and calculated in detail .