
  • 网络Relative evaluation method;relative valuation
  1. 在评价结果的基础上,通过DEA二次相对评价法对所有决策单元进行了排序,并根据输出DEA模型分析了各决策单元的规模收益状况。

    On the basis of evaluation results , all Decision Making Units ( DMU ) have been ranked by using binary relative evaluation . According to output-DEA models , this paper analyzes the return to scale of DMU .

  2. 企业技术创新能力的二次相对评价法

    The binary relative evaluation method for the innovation potential of enterprises

  3. 企业并购绩效的二次相对评价法

    A binary relative evaluation approach on performance of mergers and acquisitions of enterprises

  4. 在此基础上,又用层次分析法确定了指标权重,用相对评价法研制了指标的计算方法。

    On this basis , weights of the index are determined by AHP and index calculation is developed with relative evaluation method .