
  • 网络relativistic plasma
  1. 各向异性、弱相对论性等离子体的一般色散关系的计算

    Numerical study on general dispersion relation of anisotropic and weakly relativistic plasma

  2. 用费米分布代替麦克斯韦分布,得到相对论性等离子体的色散关系。

    4 , getting the dispersion relationship of relativistic plasmas of Fermi distribution .

  3. 对于非相对论性等离子体的色散关系和朗道阻尼,前人已作了非常详细的研究。

    Dispersion law and Landau damping for the non-relativistic case have been well studied .

  4. 在相对论性激光等离子体系统中初始物理参数对激光脉冲的影响

    The influence of initial physical parameters on laser pulse in the relativistic laser_plasma system

  5. 相对论性非磁化等离子体不稳定性的Nyquist分析方法

    The Nyquist Method for Instability Analysis of Relativistic Non - magnetized Plasma

  6. 基于相对论性激光-等离子体动力学理论和PIC方法建立了激光入射等离子弧柱的模型,该模型描述了激光入射等离子弧后粒子的运动,并模拟了弧柱形态的变化。

    A 2D mathematical model was developed to investigate laser-plasma interaction based on the theoretic-of relativistic laser-plasma and PIC approach , presenting the movement of particles when laser enters into plasma arc beam , together with the simulation of diversification-of arc beam shaping .

  7. 这种相对论性快电子分布等离子体的色散关系能为解释星系核、射电星系和类星体电磁辐射方面的问题提供理论参考。其次,本文研究了修正的kappa分布等离子体横振荡的色散关系。

    The dispersion relations of the relativistic plasma with fast electron distribution is significative to study the electromagnetic radiation of the galactic nucleus , the radio galaxy and the quasars . Second , the dispersion relation for electromagnetic oscillation in relativistic plasma with a modified kappa distribution is investigated .

  8. 弱相对论性非热平衡等离子体的电子回旋共振加热

    ECRH in non - thermal equilibrium plasma s in weakly relativistic regime

  9. 相对论性电子束-等离子体装置是一种具有很大潜力的新型高功率微波源。

    Relativistic electron beam-plasma devices have the potential as one of the newest high-power microwave sources .

  10. 主要有两个部分:首先,从等离子体动力论出发,分别研究了各向同性的相对论性快电子分布等离子体中纵波和横波的色散关系。

    The major question consists of the following two parts : First , starting from the kinetic theory , the dispersion relations of electrostatic and electromagnetic waves of an isotropic relativistic plasma with fast electron distribution are presented .