
  • 网络Direct seeding rice
  1. 抗倒丸对直播稻的控长效应与施用量、施用时期和灌溉方式等有关。

    Ffect of " Lodging-resistant pellet " on direct seeding rice in controlling plant height is related to application amount and application period of retardant and irrigating mode .

  2. 直播稻的历史研究

    Direct Seeding Rice In Chinese History

  3. 比较转基因直播稻品系与受体亲本农艺性状的差异,发现bar基因对转基因水稻的农艺性状影响较小。

    Through comparing the difference of agronomic characters between transgenic direct seeded rice lines and receptor parents , it was discovered that there is less influence by bar gene in agronomic characters of transgenic rice lines .

  4. 南京市直播稻技术推广应用现状与前景

    The Prospect and Applications on Technique of Direct-Seeding Rice in Nanjing

  5. 直播稻主要特点及栽培技术探讨

    Main Characteristics and Key Measures in Cultivation of Direct Seeding Paddy

  6. 麦茬机械水直播稻品种选择及高产栽培途径的探讨

    Cultural approach to high yielding of mechanical direct seeded flooded rice

  7. 含籼率对连晚直播稻产量的影响

    Effect of Indica Rice Content on the Yield of Direct-Seeded Late Japanica Rice

  8. 密度对直播稻产量及群体质量的调节效应

    Effects of density on Grain Yield and population quality in direct sowing rice

  9. 直播稻主茎分蘖生产力的研究

    Study on the Grain Productivity of the Direct-seeding Rice

  10. 稀土蠕化剂的研究直播稻丸化种衣剂应用效果初报

    Primary Report on Application Effect of Seed Pelleting Agent for Direct Seeding Rice

  11. 沿江地区直播稻生产现状及发展对策

    Current Situation of Direct Sowing Rice Production and Development Strategy for Yangtze Riverside

  12. 稻草还田免耕直播稻技术试验研究

    A Technical Experiment On Straw Returning to Field , Free-Plowing and Direct Sowing Rice

  13. 麦茬免耕直播稻高产栽培实用新技术的初步研究

    Preliminary Studies on Novel Practices for High-Yielding of Direct Seeding Rice under No-Tillage after Wheat

  14. 麦茬机械少(免)耕旱直播稻产量形成特性及高产栽培技术的研究

    Study on the Yield Formation of Dry Direct-seeding Rice and Techniques of its High Yield Cultivation

  15. 生态冗余理论在直播稻生产管理中的应用研究

    Study on the Application of Ecological Redundancy Theory in the Management of Direct - seeded Rice

  16. 油茬田免耕直播稻适宜播期和播量的研究

    Study of seeding times and amount of directed seeding rice under no tillage in rape stubble fields

  17. 免耕对土壤理化性状和直播稻生长及产量形成的影响

    Impact of zero tillage on the soil characters and the growth and yield formation in direct seeding rice

  18. 耕作方式和秸秆还田对直播稻产量及稻田土壤碳固定的影响

    Effects of Tillage Styles and Straw Return on Soil Carbon Sequestration and Crop Yields of Direct Seeding Rice

  19. 直播稻不同的播种期对全苗及产量的影响较大。

    Sowing time of the rice direct seeding has a great effect on the rice germination and the output .

  20. 播期对直播稻生育期及温光的利用有较大的影响。

    Sowing date had great effects on growth stage and utilization of temperature and illumination of direct seeding rice .

  21. 密度和肥料对直播稻产量形成和品质的影响及其原因分析

    The Effects of Planting Density and Fertilizer on Yield and Rice Quality of Direct Seeding Rice and Analysis of Reason

  22. 穗芽克防除连晚直播稻及抛栽中籼稻萌发的研究

    Study on preventing and killing of germination of indica rice in late seedling-casting cultivated rice or direct-seeded rice by application of dormancy agent

  23. 本研究的目的是应用冗余理论,来研究管理直播稻生产,以提高直播稻的产量。

    The purpose of this research is applying ecological redundancy theory to manage direct-seeded rice , and to improve the yield of direct-seeded rice .

  24. 直播稻施用抗倒丸能降低植株高度,不论在水稻植株倒伏与否的情况下,均有利于机械化收割。

    Treating direct seeding rice with " Lodging-resistant pellet " can reduce plant height and so facilitate mechanical harvest whether rice lodging occurs or not .

  25. 条播下的直播稻成穗率较高,结实后期叶面积指数较大,物质生产能力较好。

    In row seeding , the spike rate of rice was high , LAI of later grain-filling stage increased and material production capacity was better .

  26. 由此可知,在适宜穗数的基础上取得相对较大的穗型应该是直播稻获得高产的主攻方向。

    Therefore , to achieve relatively large panicle type in suitable panicle is the main direction of the highest yield in direct seeding rice . 2 .

  27. 因此,以上区间可作为分子辅助选择培育耐多重非生物胁迫的直播稻的潜在的遗传靶定目标。

    Therefore , these regions could be used as potential targets to be genetically manipulated by MAS in rice breeding programs of tolerance to various abiotic stresses .

  28. 结果表明,不同栽培方式水稻产量差异极显著,手栽稻最高,直播稻最低。

    Results showed that rice yields by using different cultivation methods were significantly different , artificial transplanting rice was highest , while direct seeding rice was lowest .

  29. 直播稻具有分蘖时间早,分蘖势强的特点,易造成群体过大,引起倒伏。

    The tiller time of the direct seeding rice is very early and the tiller ability is strong , which may cause a too large colony of rice and lodging .

  30. 虽然如此,在上下努力下,到1965年各地普遍实现插秧稻,不再种植直播稻,并逐步建立稻麦两熟的耕作制度。

    Nonetheless , with the efforts of government and people , those areas basically realized transplanting rice planting in 1965 , no longer live paddy rice , and gradually establish two boiled cropping system .