
zhí jiē
  • direct;in person;immediate;straight;smack
直接 [zhí jiē]
  • [direct;immediate] 不经过中间事物的;不通过第三者的

  • 直接谈判

  • 直接帮助

直接[zhí jiē]
  1. 经常性锻炼对于身体健康有直接影响。

    Regular exercise has a direct bearing on fitness and health .

  2. 直接从生产厂家购买,绕过中间商。

    Buy direct from the manufacturer and cut out the middleman .

  3. 他没有拐弯抹角,直接提出了钱的问题。

    Not very subtly , he raised the subject of money .

  4. 给孩子搽点防晒霜以防日光直接照射。

    Protect your child from direct sunlight by using a sunscreen .

  5. 警方应该不受政府的直接控制。

    The police force should be independent of direct government control .

  6. 这是对主席权威的直接质疑。

    It was a direct challenge to the president 's authority .

  7. 我们并未直接受到裁减的影响。

    We have not been directly affected by the cuts .

  8. 给你的付款将直接贷记你方银行账户。

    You 'll be paid by direct credit into your bank account .

  9. 这些靴子可向厂方直接订货。

    These boots can be ordered direct from the manufacturer .

  10. 新的法规将直接或间接地影响我们所有的人。

    The new law will affect us all , directly or indirectly .

  11. 多数男生直接去服兵役了。

    Most of the boys went straight into the services .

  12. 我十点钟到达后直接到一家旅馆办理了住宿手续。

    I got in at ten and booked straight into a hotel .

  13. 他的死是你的行为直接造成的后果。

    His death was a direct result of your action .

  14. 她冷酷地直接告诉他,她不爱他。

    With brutal honesty she told him she did not love him .

  15. 这建议不应当直接就被摒弃。

    The suggestion should not be dismissed out of hand .

  16. 轰炸机直接炸中了那座桥。

    The bomber scored a direct hit on the bridge .

  17. 这些意见与这项调查没有直接联系。

    These comments are not directly relevant to this enquiry .

  18. 那次选举是两大党直接交锋。

    The election was a straight fight between the two main parties .

  19. 他怯于在机场直接面对记者。

    He did not feel up to braving the journalists at the airport .

  20. 请接线员把电话直接接给我本人。

    Ask to be put through to me personally .

  21. 他们与劫机者直接联系。

    They are in direct contact with the hijackers .

  22. 闲话少说,我就直接进入正题。

    I 'll skip the usual preliminaries and come straight to the point .

  23. 到底是谁会从这些变革中直接获益?

    Who exactly stands to benefit from these changes ?

  24. 我们托运行李后直接进入候机室。

    We checked in our luggage and went through to the departure lounge .

  25. 目前正在向惨剧的最直接受害者提供辅导服务。

    Counselling is being given to those most immediately affected by the tragedy .

  26. 技术支持是向个人直接提供的。

    Technical support is offered on a person-to-person basis .

  27. 1972年的法案强制实行了英国中央政府的直接统治。

    The 1972 act imposed direct rule from Westminster .

  28. 写报告的时候他不得不直接与警方联系。

    He had to liaise directly with the police while writing the report .

  29. 公司倒闭的直接原因是经营不善。

    The failure of the company was a direct result of bad management .

  30. 大部分信息都是通过直接观察动物的行为收集到的。

    Most information was collected by direct observation of the animals ' behaviour .