
  1. 支票须连同此表格一并直接交往银联信?有限公司。

    The cheque should be stapled with this Form and sent to BCT directly .

  2. 人民直接交往是加深国与国友谊最有效的方式。

    Direct people-to-people contacts are the most effective way to profound friendship between countries .

  3. 直接交往关系得以突显,间接交往关系进一步延伸;

    The direct contact relations can highlight , and the indirect contact relations obtain further extend .

  4. 它是人们通过直接交往产生的情感积淀,是人与人之间相对稳定的情感纽带。

    It is the emotional heritage through direct contacts , and is relatively stable emotional bond between people .

  5. 接下来的几个月,芭丝谢芭痛苦地注意到,盖伯瑞尔一直尽少与她直接交往,最后只与她书信往来了。

    In the next few months Bathsheba noticed miserably that Gabriel communicated with her as little as possible , and then only by messenger .

  6. 通过经济刺激、社会支援以及民间直接交往,我们还帮助亚洲将数以亿计的人口融入了全球经济圈。

    We have helped integrate billions of people across the region into the global economy by spurring economic productivity , social empowerment , and greater people-to-people links .

  7. 埃及马木路克王朝执行垄断香料贸易的政策,在西亚地区阻断了欧洲商人同东方商人的任何直接交往,形成红海难越、信息割断的态势。

    The reason Was that the monopoly policy of Mamluk Dynasty of Egypt prevented the European traders from any direct contact with their oriental counterparts , leaving the Red Sea impassable and messages intransitable .

  8. 师生双方通过师生关系来维持教与学的存在,促进教与学的发展,并在丰富的教学过程中产生师生间的密切联系和直接交往。

    Both teachers and students maintain the existence of " teaching " and " learning " by the teacher-student relationship , to encourage the development of " teaching " and " learning ", and close contact and direct interaction between teachers and students in the plenty of teaching process .

  9. 语言的交际过程不仅受到外在的交际情景制约,而且直接受交往双方内化于心理中的文化观念和思维习惯的支配。

    The communicative processes of language , in addition to be controlled by the outside communicative conditions , are directly dominated by cultural concepts and thinking customs shaped in the minds of interactive parties .

  10. 祈祷是我们直接与主交往的一种形式。

    Prayer is a way in which we directly communicate with God .

  11. 而人际敏感由于直接影响人际交往的效果,使得弄清权力和人际敏感的关系显得尤为重要。

    As interpersonal sensitivity is close related to the effect of interpersonal interaction , it is of importance to figure out the relation of power and interpersonal sensitivity .