
máng mù
  • blind
盲目 [máng mù]
  • (1) [blind]

  • (2) 双眼失明

  • (3) 比喻无见识、无目的

  • 盲目的选择

  • 盲目的采购

盲目[máng mù]
  1. 他盲目相信医生有妙手回春的能力。

    He has blind faith in doctors ' ability to find a cure .

  2. 伊娃对他的盲目信任让他感到宽慰。

    He found comfort in Eva 's blind faith in him .

  3. 他想自己拿主意,而不是盲目听从他父母的意见。

    He wanted to decide for himself instead of blindly following his parents ' advice .

  4. 她对他们生活的盲目和奢侈很反对。

    She reacted against the mindlessness and luxury of their lives

  5. 因为缺少足够的信息,许多学生都是近乎盲目地选择大学。

    Without adequate information , many students choose a college almost blindly .

  6. 他们对她的喜爱不久就发展到了盲目崇拜的地步。

    Their affection for her soon increased almost to idolatry .

  7. 放贷人指望现有借贷人的盲目忠诚来谋求利益。

    Lenders rely on the misplaced loyalty of existing borrowers to make their profit

  8. 不要盲目信任任何政府官员的诚意。

    Don 't blindly trust in the good faith of any government official .

  9. 盲目的恐惧感在市民中蔓延。

    A wave of superstitious fear spread among the townspeople

  10. 不要盲目听信银行家的话。

    Don 't just blindly follow what the banker says

  11. 不要盲目地或机械地照搬外国的东西。

    Never copy foreign things blindly or mechanically .

  12. 我们必须努力摆脱盲目性,提高我们的政治觉悟。

    We must try to get rid of our blindness and raise the level of our political awareness .

  13. 独立自主不是闭关自守,自力更生不是盲目排外。

    Independence does not mean shutting the door on the world , nor does self-reliance mean blind opposition to everything foreign .

  14. 我们没必要盲目地按外国的办法行事。

    We mustn 't blindly follow in the footsteps of foreign practice .

  15. 他无论什么时候领导,他们都盲目相信。

    They were ready to follow in blind confidence whenever he might lead .

  16. 教条主义是盲目自高自大的全副面目。

    Dogmatism is puppyish coming to its full growth .

  17. 盲目抄袭他国的经验是行不通的。

    Blindly copying other countries'experience is sure to fail .

  18. 她只是个盲目模仿别人的人,什么都跟她姐姐学。

    She is just a copy cat who follows her sister 's lead in everything .

  19. 虽然盲目乐观会造成不良的投资模式,引起房地产行业泡沫的滋生,但是报道的作者对这一潜在发生的状况并不是特别重视,因为这还并未发生。

    While excessive optimism can promote bad investment patterns , resulting in a real - estate " bubble , " the report 's writers downplay that potential outcome in that it has not yet occurred .

  20. 这种等待使等待着既无助又盲目。

    This kind of wait makes the waiter helpless and mindless .

  21. 还有一句谚语说"爱情使人盲目"。

    Another proverb says " Love is blind . "

  22. 由于对舞步一无所知,她只好盲目地模仿着同学的动作。

    As she had no idea about the dance steps , she had to follow her classmates blindly .

  23. 过多的表扬带来的弊端是,孩子们可能会开始关注奖励,而不是他们正在学习的东西。更糟的是,当一个学生的自信来自于盲目的成就感,而不是他或她的实际能力时,失败的结果可能是毁灭性的。

    The disadvantage of too much praise is that kids may start to focus on the reward rather than what they are learning , Worse , when a student fails , whose confidence comes from a blind sense of achievement rather than his or her actual abilities , the result can be devastating .

  24. 像真正的爱恋一样,老板的迷恋也是盲目的。

    Like real love , the boss crush is blind .

  25. 爱是盲目的,友谊则能洞察一切。

    Love is blind , but friendship is clairvoyant .

  26. 脱离实践的理论是空泛的,脱离理论指导的实践是盲目的

    Theories deviating practices are inane , while practices deviating theories are blindfold .

  27. 盲目的顽固是不会让他回心转意的

    A blind streak of stubbornness in him wouldn 't let him back down .

  28. 破除一切盲目崇拜和迷信。

    Do away with all fetishes and superstitions .

  29. 盲目崇拜必须停止。

    Blind worship must be ended .

  30. 盲目的相信一切害了我自己。

    Uncritical trust is my nemesis .