
mù shì bǐ sè fǎ
  • visual colorimetry
  1. SD90762余氯测定仪采用光电子比色检测原理取代传统的目视比色法。

    SD90762 residual chlorine measuring instrument using photoelectron colorimetric detection principle to replace the traditional visual colorimetry .

  2. 野外快速测金&目视比色法

    Rapid analysis of gold in field & visual colorimetry

  3. 纸色谱分离目视比色法测定岩石中微量铀

    Visual-colorimetric Determination of Micro Amounts of Uranium in Rocks by using Paper-chromatography

  4. 主要介绍分光光度法与目视比色法间的比对体会。

    This paper mainly introduces the comparison of spectrophotometric analysis and colorimetry .

  5. 双硫腙目视比色法快速测定白菜中的微量铅

    Rapid Determination of Trace Lead in the Chinese Cabbage by the Visual Colorimetry of Dithizone

  6. 第二部分:采用《水质氟化物的测定&茜素磺酸锆目视比色法》对当地饮用水氟离子浓度进行测定。

    We examined the fluoride concentration of local drinking water based on Water quality – Determination of fluoride Visual colorimetry with zirconium alizarinsulfonate . 3 .

  7. 本文应用环炉法测定分析纯浓盐酸中的微量铁,它与传统的目视比色法相比,具有快速、灵敏、仪器简单、无污染,易于携带等优点。

    Trace Fe in pure HCI is determinated and analyzed with ring ouen . Com-pared with spot analysis this method is faster , easier , more sensitive , etc.

  8. 本法是在联氨光度法的基础上制备的一组适合于目视比色法的稳定标准色阶,以适应现场监测的要求。

    This method , based on photometric analysis for hydrazine , is a set of stabilized color standard slides to meet the requirements of visual colorimetric test in site .

  9. 水样色度的测定目前还无分光光度法国家标准,主要采用铂钴色标目视比色法和稀释倍数法测定。

    There have been no spectrophotometric standard for the determination of the colority of water samples . Eye-measurement colorimetry of platinum-cobalt color-code and dilution multiple determination are mainly used .

  10. 油田水中低浓度铁安瓿目视比色快速测定法的研究

    On rapid ampoule colorimetric determination of low concentration iron in oil-field water

  11. 水中低浓度铁安瓿目视比色快速测定法以邻菲罗啉法为基础。

    In the rapid ampoule determination of low concentration iron in water phenanthroline is used as developing agent .