
  • 网络Gatwick Airport;london gatwick airport
  1. 该公司拥有盖特威克机场周边的大片农田。

    The company owns a chunk of farmland near Gatwick Airport .

  2. 他们乘坐意大利政府的包机到达盖特威克机场。

    They arrived at Gatwick airport on board a plane chartered by the Italian government

  3. 长公主殿下从牙买加出发,今天早上抵达盖特威克机场。

    The Princess Royal arrived at Gatwick this morning from Jamaica .

  4. 在盖特威克机场站的站台附近发现了一个无主袋子。

    An unattended bag was spotted near the platform at Gatwick

  5. 套餐里包括在一周中间从盖特威克机场出发的航班机票。

    The package includes midweek flights from Gatwick .

  6. 它很可能会建议在希思罗机场建第三条跑道,或在盖特威克机场(Gatwick)建第二条跑道。

    It will probably recommend a third Heathrow runway or a second at Gatwick .

  7. 孤立来看,对于拥有2400亿美元投资组合,但通常有四分之三以固定收益形式持有,仅有十分之一投资于海外的NPS来说,投资盖特威克机场似乎颇具风险。

    In isolation , the Gatwick investment seems risky for a fund used to holding three-quarters of its $ 240bn portfolio in fixed income and only a 10th abroad .

  8. 现在,韩国国民年金公团(NPS)又宣布,将斥资多至1亿英镑,将所持伦敦盖特威克机场的股份从1.3%提升至12%。

    Now the National Pension Service has said it will spend up to 100m to increase its stake in London 's Gatwick airport to 12 per cent from 1.3 .

  9. 盖特威克机场的6号天桥,盖特威克,英国

    Gatwick pier 6 airbridge , gatwick , uk , 2004

  10. 我们得从盖特威克机场转到希思罗机场好赶上飞往贝尔法斯特的班机

    We have to transfer from Gatwick to Heathrow to catch a plane to Belfast

  11. 英格兰其它地区将接手盖特威克机场,将其作为航空公司飞往东南部的入口。

    The rest of England would inherit Gatwick as the entry point for airlines to the south east .

  12. 近20年以来,从伊拉克飞往英国的首架客机降落在伦敦盖特威克机场。

    The first passenger flight between Iraq and the UK for20 years has landed at London Gatwick airport .

  13. 捷蓝航空计划从9月份开始进一步开通飞往伦敦盖特威克机场的航班,并于明年夏天开通从波士顿飞往伦敦的航班。

    JetBlue plans a further service to London Gatwick starting in September and from Boston to London next summer .

  14. 爱丁堡及盖特威克机场均因风雪而关闭,选择乘火车穿越海峡前往欧洲大陆的旅客同样需面对欧洲之星晚点的无奈。

    Edinburgh and Gatwick airports were closed and those trying to reach the continent by rail faced delays on Eurostar services .

  15. 华盛顿罗纳德里根机场肯尼迪机场盖特威克机场希思罗机场Londer滑铁卢机场卢顿机场斯坦斯特机场伦敦城市机场悉尼班克斯镇机场悉尼水利局机场金斯福德史密斯机场悉尼西机场棕榈滩国家邮政局机场詹达科特机场珀斯国际机场莱斯特皮尔逊多伦多国际机场Buttonvill

    Washington D.C Ronald Reagan National Airport New York John F Kennedy International Airport London : Gatwick Airport Heathrow Airport Stansted Airport London City Airport Sydney : Sydney Bankstown Airport Sydney Water Airport Kingsford Smith Airport Sydney West Airport Palm Beach SPB Airport Toronto : Downsview Airport Metropolitan Area Airport