
  1. 曹嘉泰说,姚明在打造他个人全球品牌方面有其独到的经验,很多公司会发现这一点很有用,如果他能盖大鲨鱼的帽,我相信他也能与固执的CEO们周旋。

    ' He 's got personal experience in building a global brand [ his own ] that many companies will find useful . And if he can dunk over Shaq , I 'm sure he can handle a stubborn CEO , ' said Mr. Tsao .

  2. 建筑工人们在盖大。

    The builders build the buildings .

  3. 如果你不,我们拥有一个复盖大文章解释你是怎么能造福植物。

    If you don 't , we have a great article explaining what mulching is and how it can benefit your plants .

  4. 他们把冰块和饮料保存在一个带盖的大木桶里。

    They kept the ice and drinks in a big covered wooden barrel .

  5. 由高膨体纱织成的织物可以做到重量轻,复盖能力大。

    Great covering power with little weight is possible in fabrics composed of high-bulk yarns .

  6. 我们再盖个大的吧。

    Let 's rebuild it bigger .

  7. 像羚羊、灵活、速度快,可莺莺迅速复盖非常大的私人土地上,他跨越种族。

    Like antelope , flexible , fast and can quickly cover a lot of Yingying private land , he cross-racial .

  8. 要把我的仓房拆了,另盖更大的。在那里好收藏我一切的粮食和财物。

    I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones , and there I will store all my grain and my goods .

  9. 这些反光石的切割有完美的角度,盖在大金字塔上显得光滑而平坦。

    The cuts made in this reflective stone were angled perfectly , so when the Great Pyramid was covered in them , it had a smooth , flat appearance .

  10. 他找到天使,请他把羊收回去,为自己盖一间大房子。

    So he asked the angel to draw the sheep back and built a big house for him .

  11. 其他建筑也是用跟那幢小城堡一样的石头盖的,大而结实。

    The other buildings were large and solidly built , of the same stone as the little castle .

  12. 不像其它国家,我们的宽带规划从来都不是为了一个更快,更便宜,以及履盖范围更大的互联网。

    Unlike in other countries , our Internet plans haven 't been getting faster , cheaper , and more widespread .

  13. 他们并不急于改善自己的生活居住条件,而是源源不断地把钱寄回农村老家,在老家的村子里盖一个大房子。

    Instead of improving their living standard , they send back money home continuously , and build a big house in hometown .

  14. 综合型生储盖组合规模大、分布广泛且稳定,油气源具有多源性、多期性、多成因等特点。

    While the composite type is characterized by its large , wide and stable distribution and hydrocarbon accumulations of multiple sources , multiple stages and multiple geneses .

  15. 在建造拉什莫尔时,它的总建造师博格勒姆想要盖一座大礼堂作为一个大会客厅,用来放置所有美国历史上重要的文件。

    While building Rushmore , its chief architect Gutzon Borglum wanted to create a large hall which would serve as a grand room where all of the important documents in American history would be kept .

  16. 该房屋是由特朗普的父亲弗雷德于1940年兴建,特朗普在此住到4岁,才随全家搬到附近另一栋也是由他父亲盖的更大的住宅。

    The house was built by Trump 's father , Fred , in 1940 and the president lived there until he was about 4 years old . The family then moved to another house Fred Trump built nearby .

  17. 盖层厚度大、渗透性差且饱和高矿化度地层水,使得其排替压力明显小于下伏砂岩,对气层产生了有效的封盖作用。

    The overlaid muddy rocks saturated with high salinity strata water have a large thickness and a low permeability , which leads to a large capillary pressure in contrast with the sandstone and is qualified to act as a good cap .

  18. HX型气缸盖是HX型大功率内燃机车柴油机的核心部件之一,是典型的多面多孔系的箱体类零件,其结构复杂、精度要求高。

    The HX type cylinder head is a key part of the diesel engine used in HX type high power diesel locomotive , which is a typical box structure with multiple faces and holes . Its structure is complex and accuracy requirement is high .

  19. 窗户上有丝质的窗帘,花园里则盖了一座大喷水池。

    There were silk curtains in its windows and a big fountain in its garden .

  20. 老温家里盖了一栋大房子,欠了别人不少钱。

    Old house built a big warm house , a lot of money owed to someone else .

  21. 新的方法包含将房子盖在一个大帐篷下,然后用加热到65摄氏度的空气充满。

    The new method involves covering a house with a huge tent and filling it with air heated to around 65 degrees centigrade .

  22. 盖层具有厚度大、分布较稳定、泥质岩质较纯、塑性较强、突破压力较高的特点,属较优良的盖层。

    These caprocks , better caprocks , are featured by big thickness , relatively stable distribution , pure argillaceous rocks , strong plasticity and high breakthrough pressure .

  23. 如图所示:在湿帘底部设循环水池一座,具体尺寸应根据湿帘设计的面积的需要来定。窗户上有丝质的窗帘,花园里则盖了一座大喷水池。

    As the photo above shows , a circulating cistern is designed on the bottom of the damp curtain . The detailed dimension will depend on the acreage of the curtain . There were silk curtains in its windows and a big fountain in its garden .

  24. 盖草量对迟直播油菜根颈长影响极显著,盖草量越大,油菜根颈长越大,容易形成高脚苗,降低油菜秧苗质量。

    Mulch straw rate amount of very late to live long impact of the rape root collar mulch straw greater the amount of rapeseed root neck length and the greater the easy formation of tall seedlings , reducing the quality of rapeseed . 4 .