
  • 网络Surveillance Radar;SSR;PSR;SMR
  1. 机载监视雷达地杂波背景中的CFAR检测方法

    Study of CFAR detection for airborne surveillance radar in ground clutters

  2. 以4片数字信号处理器(DSP)和2片现场可编程逻辑阵列器件(FPGA)为核心处理器,设计实现了二次监视雷达SSR(SecondarySurveillanceRadar)实时信号处理机。

    A real-time secondary surveillance radar ( SSR ) signal processing system was designed by using four digital signal processing ( DSP ) and two field programmable gate array ( FPGA ) .

  3. 航管二次监视雷达地面询问编码器的FPGA设计

    Encoder Design of Ground-based Air Traffic Control Secondary Surveillance Radar System Based on FPGA

  4. 介绍了天基雷达的三种类型:第一种交会雷达、第二种遥感卫星上的合成孔径雷达(SAR)成像雷达、第三种天基监视雷达,该雷达目前正在大力开发。

    In this paper , the following three kinds of space-based radar are described : rendezvous radar , SAR on the remote-sensing satellite and the space-based surveillance radar which is being developing vigorously at present .

  5. 二次监视雷达(SSR)和自动相关监视(ADS)系统已经广泛应用于空中交通管理(ATM)系统,特别是终端飞行区。

    The application of Secondary Surveillance Radar ( SSR ) and Automatic Dependent Surveillance ( ADS ) have been applied in Air Traffic Management ( ATM ) system widely , especially in terminal domain .

  6. 地面监视雷达的RGF非相参信号处理技术

    Non-coherent signal processing technique in RGF for ground surveillance radar

  7. ALENIA二次监视雷达面板计算机控制系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Panel-computer Control System for ALENIA Second Surveillance Radar

  8. 介绍了X波段HSR-1128港口监视雷达微波系统实现频率分集、极化分集的方案,对极化分集电路进行了分析,并给出了系统的驻波、损耗、MTBF值及有关实测数据。

    The design of the microwave system of a X-band HSR-1128 VTS radar with frequency and polarization diversity techniques is presented in this paper . Thc polarization diversity circuit is analysed . The total VSWR , insert loss , MTBF and measured data are also given .

  9. JY-21全固态航管一次监视雷达是按中国民航空中交通管制(ATC)需求研制的新一代机场监视雷达(ASR)。

    JY-21 full solid-state ATC primary surveillance radar ( PSR ) is a new generation of airport surveillance radar ( ASR ), which has been developed according to the requirement of CAAC 's air traffic control ( ATC ) .

  10. 单脉冲二次监视雷达偏离角(OBA,Off-BoresightAngle)表的准确性对于测角精度至关重要,为了提高测角精度,文中提出了几种OBA表的估算方法。

    The accuracy of secondary monopulse surveillance radar OBA ( off-boresight angle ) is one of the most important factors affecting radar angle measuring precision . In order to improve radar angle measuring precision , some algorithms of estimating OBA are presented .

  11. 本文针对南京电子技术研究所研制成功的我国第一部航管单脉冲二次监视雷达 ̄〔1〕(MSSR)的高可靠性要求,介绍了一种采用双路工作冗余的方法。

    In order to meet the high reliability needs of the Chinese first MSSR which is developed by Nanjing Research Institute of Electronics Technology , a method of active redundancy used in double-path is introduced .

  12. 北约国家新型机载远程战场监视雷达系统发展概况

    A survey of NATO novel airborne stand-off battlefield surveillance radar systems

  13. 航管一次监视雷达&JY-21

    JY-21 : A Primary Surveillance Radar for Air Traffic Control

  14. 便携式叶簇穿透战场监视雷达若干关键技术

    Several Key Technologies of Man-Portable Foliage Penetration Battlefield Surveillance Radar

  15. GB/T12182-1990空中交通管制二次监视雷达通用技术条件

    General specification of secondary surveillance radar for air traffic control

  16. 空间目标监视雷达探测低轨卫星效能分析

    Analysis of Detection Efficiency of Space Target Surveillance Radar to Low-Orbit Satellite

  17. 舰艇编队监视雷达间的同频干扰分析

    Analysis of Shared-frequency Interference among Surveillance Radars in Ship Formation

  18. 地面监视雷达网抗干扰能力建模研究

    Study on the Modeling of Anti-jamming Ability of Ground Surveillance Radar Net

  19. 第三部分讨论监视雷达网的抗摧毁效能。

    And in part 3 the anti-destroy efficacy of radar net is discussed .

  20. 对空监视雷达探测威力检飞的几个问题

    Some Problems in the Flight Test for Air Surveillance Radar 's Coverage Evaluation

  21. 天基监视雷达的距离游走和距离重叠补偿研究

    Research on Correcting of Range Walking and Range Foldover of Space-Based Surveillance Radar

  22. 首都机场航路监视雷达系统

    Air Route Surveillance Radar System of Beijing Capital Airport

  23. 地面对空监视雷达网体系结构研究

    Research on the system structure of surveillance radar net

  24. 有了监视雷达,警戒雷达,现在军事变的复杂的多。

    Because of surveillance radar equipment , modern military affairs become more complicated .

  25. 航管一次监视雷达中气象通道的设计

    Design of Weather Channel in ATC Primary Surveillance Radar

  26. 系留气球载监视雷达述评

    Reviewing on the tethered balloon-borne surveillance radar systems

  27. 电子篱笆型空间监视雷达测向数据关联算法

    Direction Data Association in NAVSPASUR-type Space Surveillance Radar

  28. 模式S二次监视雷达的发展与计划

    Secondary Surveillance Radar Mode S Developement and Planning

  29. 空间目标监视雷达技术探讨

    Discussion on Technology of Space Target Surveillance Radar

  30. 远距离空中监视雷达

    Long range air surveillance radar