
  • 网络base saturation;base saturation percentage
  1. 当外源镧浓度大于300mg/kg时,土壤盐基饱和度与有效阳离子交换量显著降低,而交换性酸和交换性铝显著增加。

    When the concentration of exogenous La 3 + was higher than 300 mg / kg , base saturation percentage ( BSP ) and effective cations exchange capacity ( ECEC ) decreased significantly , exchangeable acidity and exchangeable aluminum , however , increased significantly compared with the control .

  2. 柚木年材积生长量可以通过叶片中钙、氮浓度高低,或土壤速效磷含量、盐基饱和度高低进行估计。

    The mean annual volume increment of teak can be estimated by N and Ca concentration in leave , or by soil available P concentration and base saturation percentage based on established regression functions .

  3. 与非根际土壤相比,根际土壤pH、交换性Ca、Mg和盐基饱和度明显降低,而交换性K高于非根际土壤。

    Compared to bulk soil , rhizosphere soil showed lower pH , exchangeable Ca , Mg and base saturation but a higher exchangeable K.

  4. 土壤pH与盐基饱和度呈非线性正相关,且主要受占优势的交换性Ca2+制约。

    The soil pH is also significant positive correlation with Base Saturation , which is mainly restricted by Exchangeable Base Ca ~ ( 2 + ) .

  5. 根据江津市柑橘果园土壤71个灰棕紫泥土样的分析资料,应用统计方法,探讨pH和盐基饱和度的关系。

    According to analyzed data of grey brown purple soil samples of Jiangjin orange orchard , We discussed application , Statistic method , and relation between pH and cation saturation .

  6. 结果表明,随模拟酸雨pH值下降,土壤pH值和盐基饱和度明显降低,而交换性酸度明显增加,污染土壤中交换性氢含量比未污染土壤高,而交换性铝含量比未污染土壤低。

    The results showed a decrease of pH and base saturation , and increase content of exchangeable acidity in both uncontaminated and contaminated red soil and yellow red soil within the pH decreasing of simulated acid rain , significantly .

  7. 影响植株粗蛋白含量的因素除有机质、全氮、盐基饱和度、有效磷外,还包括缓效钾含量。

    These factors and available K also affected the crude protein content of the plant .

  8. 施蘑菇肥可增大土壤盐基饱和度,提高冬季草坪质量。

    Mushroom debris enhanced base saturate rate , and made a better quality of winter turf .

  9. 不论施用哪一种氮肥,土壤盐基饱和度都随着施氮量的增加而减小。

    No matter which sorts of nitrogenous fertilizer , the soil base saturation ( BS ) decreased with the increasing amount of nitrogenous fertilizer .

  10. 粘粒的矿物学鉴定和土壤盐基饱和度及腐殖质组分分析等,均证实了野外土壤勘察中对这些土类和亚类划分的确切性。

    Mineralogical study of clay fraction and analysis of humus fraction and base saturation confirmed the precision of the soil classification of these soils in our soil survey .

  11. 淋溶土的主要特性是有粘化层,高岭层或氮化层和盐基饱和度达35%或以上。

    The central concept of Alfisols is that of soils that have an argillic , a kandic , or a nitric horizon and a base saturation of 35 % or greater .

  12. 马尾松林、混交林和阔叶林土壤可交换性阳离子含量在1997年6月份分别为:58.3、84.5和118.7mmolc/kg,盐基饱和度分别为:5.5%、3.2%和4.5%。

    CECe in June 1997 was estimated to be 58.3,84.5 and 118.7 mmolc / kg for the pine , mixed and broadleaf forest , respectively , and corresponding BS was 5.5 % , 3.2 % and 4.5 % , respectively .

  13. 黑色石灰土与贵州的红色石灰土钙、镁、铜、锌含量、盐基饱和度高,基本符合道地金银花的土壤条件,但质地偏粘,需进行改良。

    Terra rossa in Guizhou province and rendzina have high contents of caicium , magnesium , copper and zinc etc , in agreement with those in soil of Flos lonicerae japonicae from traditional planting area , but need to be ameliorated due to sticky quality .

  14. 大多数土壤盐基饱和度50%,2个土壤剖面盐基饱和度30%,而且铝饱和度较高为60%~90%。

    Most of the soils studied are eutrophic with base saturation ( BS ) above 50 % , and two soil profiles have high aluminum saturation ( AS ) from 60 % to 90 % , with the BS lower than 30 % or even 20 % .

  15. 处理4(125.7g/pot)在试验期间能降低土壤EA,提高土壤pH、CEC、交换性盐基总量、盐基饱和度和促进作物生长。

    The treatment 4 ( 125.7g / pot ) can decrease the soil EA , while increase the soil pH 、 CEC 、 TEB 、 S % and promote crop growth in the trial .